16 research outputs found

    Towards a Visual SPARQL-DL Query Builder

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    Querying ontologies is an every-day activity that users need. This interaction will improve when the query is more expressive and easier to develop. For this purpose, a visual query language is an ideal mean for users and ontology engineers for creating queries taking advantage of the easy-to-understand and low time and cost characteristics, specially, for users which does not know textual query languages. On the other side, SPARQL-DL is a powerful and expressive textual query language for OWL-DL based ontologies that can combine TBox/ABox/RBox queries. Considering the advantage of both, we present in this work a visual query language that can be interpreted as SPARQL-DL sentences and thus being used for querying ontologies for its structure and/or instance information. Altogether, we use this idea to create a modified version of crowd, a Web modelling tool with reasoning support, that enables to implement and tests the presented graphical language along with the needed SPARQL-DL support for solving queries with the user鈥檚 provided OWL 2 ontologies in any of its linearisations.X Workshop Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de Software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Towards a Visual SPARQL-DL Query Builder

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    Querying ontologies is an every-day activity that users need. This interaction will improve when the query is more expressive and easier to develop. For this purpose, a visual query language is an ideal mean for users and ontology engineers for creating queries taking advantage of the easy-to-understand and low time and cost characteristics, specially, for users which does not know textual query languages. On the other side, SPARQL-DL is a powerful and expressive textual query language for OWL-DL based ontologies that can combine TBox/ABox/RBox queries. Considering the advantage of both, we present in this work a visual query language that can be interpreted as SPARQL-DL sentences and thus being used for querying ontologies for its structure and/or instance information. Altogether, we use this idea to create a modified version of crowd, a Web modelling tool with reasoning support, that enables to implement and tests the presented graphical language along with the needed SPARQL-DL support for solving queries with the user鈥檚 provided OWL 2 ontologies in any of its linearisations.X Workshop Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de Software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Towards Conceptual Modelling Interoperability in a Web Tool for Ontology Engineering

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    The definition of suitable visual paradigms for ontology modelling is still an open issue. Despite obvious differences between the expressiveness of conceptual modelling (CM) languages and ontologies, many proposed tools have been based on UML, EER and ORM. Additionally, all of these tools support only one CM as visual language, reducing even more their modelling capabilities. In previous works, we have presented crowd as a Web architecture for graphical ontology designing in UML and logical reasoning to verify the relevant properties of these models. The aim of this tool is to extend the reasoning capabilities on top of visual representations as much as possible. In this paper, we present an extended crowd architecture and a new prototype focusing on an ontology-driven metamodel to enable different CMs visual languages for ontology modelling. Thus facilitating inter-model assertions across models represented in different languages, converting between modelling languages and reasoning on them. Finally, we detail the new architecture and demonstrate the usage of the prototype with simple examples.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Towards Conceptual Modelling Interoperability in a Web Tool for Ontology Engineering

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    The definition of suitable visual paradigms for ontology modelling is still an open issue. Despite obvious differences between the expressiveness of conceptual modelling (CM) languages and ontologies, many proposed tools have been based on UML, EER and ORM. Additionally, all of these tools support only one CM as visual language, reducing even more their modelling capabilities. In previous works, we have presented crowd as a Web architecture for graphical ontology designing in UML and logical reasoning to verify the relevant properties of these models. The aim of this tool is to extend the reasoning capabilities on top of visual representations as much as possible. In this paper, we present an extended crowd architecture and a new prototype focusing on an ontology-driven metamodel to enable different CMs visual languages for ontology modelling. Thus facilitating inter-model assertions across models represented in different languages, converting between modelling languages and reasoning on them. Finally, we detail the new architecture and demonstrate the usage of the prototype with simple examples

    Towards Conceptual Modelling Interoperability in a Web Tool for Ontology Engineering

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    The definition of suitable visual paradigms for ontology modelling is still an open issue. Despite obvious differences between the expressiveness of conceptual modelling (CM) languages and ontologies, many proposed tools have been based on UML, EER and ORM. Additionally, all of these tools support only one CM as visual language, reducing even more their modelling capabilities. In previous works, we have presented crowd as a Web architecture for graphical ontology designing in UML and logical reasoning to verify the relevant properties of these models. The aim of this tool is to extend the reasoning capabilities on top of visual representations as much as possible. In this paper, we present an extended crowd architecture and a new prototype focusing on an ontology-driven metamodel to enable different CMs visual languages for ontology modelling. Thus facilitating inter-model assertions across models represented in different languages, converting between modelling languages and reasoning on them. Finally, we detail the new architecture and demonstrate the usage of the prototype with simple examples.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO

    Hacia un lenguaje gr谩fico para SPARQL-DL

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    Esta l铆nea de investigaci贸n se desarrolla en forma colaborativa entre docentes-investigadores de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, en el marco de proyectos de investigaci贸n financiados por las universidades antes mencionadas. El objetivo general de este trabajo es el desarrollo de metodolog铆as que integren consultas textuales y gr谩ficas con razonamiento autom谩tico, en ambientes de modelado conceptual y ontol贸gico. As铆 como el uso de razonamiento para la identificaci贸n de errores en la ingenier铆a ontol贸gica es vital y tiene consecuencias evidentes, es esencial que sea tambi茅n considerado en la generaci贸n de consultas, junto con el soporte gr谩fico para la interacci贸n de los usuarios con los modelos

    Interoperabilidad entre lenguajes de modelado conceptual en crowd

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    Esta l铆nea de investigaci贸n se desarrolla en forma colaborativa entre docentesinvestigadores de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur, en el marco de proyectos de investigaci贸n financiados por las universidades antes mencionadas. El objetivo general del trabajo de investigaci贸n es desarrollar una nueva versi贸n de la herramienta Web crowd, que permita la interoperabilidad de los lenguajes de modelado conceptual UML, EER y ORM, a partir de un metamodelo de unificaci贸n. Se pretende trabajar tambi茅n en el soporte gr谩fico para sendos lenguajes, favoreciendo la comunicaci贸n entre usuarios mediante el uso de lenguajes comunes entre ellos. Como trabajo futuro, planeamos extender la codificaci贸n actual de la herramienta, basada en L贸gicas Descriptivas, para una validaci贸n intra- e inter-lenguajes.Eje: Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de Software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Herramienta web para interoperabilidad conceptual entre UML, EER y ORM 2

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    La presente investigaci贸n se desarrolla mediante el trabajo colaborativo de docentes investigadores de la Universidad Nacional del Comahue (UNCo) y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), en el contexto de proyectos de investigaci贸n financiados por las universidades indicadas. El objetivo general de esta l铆nea de investigaci贸n y desarrollo es el dise帽o e implementaci贸n de una herramienta Web que permita facilitar la interoperabilidad entre los lenguajes de modelado UML, EER y ORM 2. Para esto, se considera un metamodelo integrador, llamado KF, el cual formaliza las bases de los distintos lenguajes, permitiendo as铆, identificar las similitudes entre los lenguajes previamente mencionados. El resultado de esta implementaci贸n ser谩 integrado a crowd, la cual es una herramienta para modelado visual ontol贸gico utilizando lenguajes de modelado conceptual, desarrollada por nuestros grupos de investigaci贸n.Eje: Innovaci贸n en sistemas de software.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic

    Towards a Visual SPARQL-DL Query Builder

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    Querying ontologies is an every-day activity that users need. This interaction will improve when the query is more expressive and easier to develop. For this purpose, a visual query language is an ideal mean for users and ontology engineers for creating queries taking advantage of the easy-to-understand and low time and cost characteristics, specially, for users which does not know textual query languages. On the other side, SPARQL-DL is a powerful and expressive textual query language for OWL-DL based ontologies that can combine TBox/ABox/RBox queries. Considering the advantage of both, we present in this work a visual query language that can be interpreted as SPARQL-DL sentences and thus being used for querying ontologies for its structure and/or instance information. Altogether, we use this idea to create a modified version of crowd, a Web modelling tool with reasoning support, that enables to implement and tests the presented graphical language along with the needed SPARQL-DL support for solving queries with the user鈥檚 provided OWL 2 ontologies in any of its linearisations.X Workshop Innovaci贸n en Sistemas de Software (WISS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Towards Conceptual Modelling Interoperability in a Web Tool for Ontology Engineering

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    The definition of suitable visual paradigms for ontology modelling is still an open issue. Despite obvious differences between the expressiveness of conceptual modelling (CM) languages and ontologies, many proposed tools have been based on UML, EER and ORM. Additionally, all of these tools support only one CM as visual language, reducing even more their modelling capabilities. In previous works, we have presented crowd as a Web architecture for graphical ontology designing in UML and logical reasoning to verify the relevant properties of these models. The aim of this tool is to extend the reasoning capabilities on top of visual representations as much as possible. In this paper, we present an extended crowd architecture and a new prototype focusing on an ontology-driven metamodel to enable different CMs visual languages for ontology modelling. Thus facilitating inter-model assertions across models represented in different languages, converting between modelling languages and reasoning on them. Finally, we detail the new architecture and demonstrate the usage of the prototype with simple examples.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativa (SADIO