1 research outputs found

    Interval colorings of graphs—Coordinated and unstable no‐wait schedules

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    A proper edge‐coloring of a graph is an interval coloring if the labels on the edges incident to any vertex form an interval, that is, form a set of consecutive integers. The interval coloring thickness θ(G)θ (G) of a graph GG is the smallest number of interval colorable graphs edge‐decomposing GG . We prove that θ(G)=o(n)θ (G) = o (n) for any graph GG on n vertices. This improves the previously known bound of 2[n/5]2 [n/5], see Asratian, Casselgren, and Petrosyan. While we do not have a single example of a graph with an interval coloring thickness strictly greater than 2, we construct bipartite graphs whose interval coloring spectrum has arbitrarily many arbitrarily large gaps. Here, an interval coloring spectrum of a graph is the set of all integers tt such that the graph has an interval coloring using tt colors. Interval colorings of bipartite graphs naturally correspond to no‐wait schedules, say for parent–teacher conferences, where a conversation between any teacher and any parent lasts the same amount of time. Our results imply that any such conference with nn participants can be coordinated in o(n)o (n) no‐wait periods. In addition, we show that for any integers tt and T,t<TT,t <T , there is a set of pairs of parents and teachers wanting to talk to each other, such that any no‐wait schedules are unstable—they could last tt hours and could last TT hours, but there is no possible no‐wait schedule lasting xx hours if t<x<Tt<x<T