9 research outputs found

    Journey towards tiny perceptual super-resolution

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    Recent works in single-image perceptual super-resolution (SR) have demonstrated unprecedented performance in generating realistic textures by means of deep convolutional networks. However, these convolutional models are excessively large and expensive, hindering their effective deployment to end devices. In this work, we propose a neural architecture search (NAS) approach that integrates NAS and generative adversarial networks (GANs) with recent advances in perceptual SR and pushes the efficiency of small perceptual SR models to facilitate on-device execution. Specifically, we search over the architectures of both the generator and the discriminator sequentially, highlighting the unique challenges and key observations of searching for an SR-optimized discriminator and comparing them with existing discriminator architectures in the literature. Our tiny perceptual SR (TPSR) models outperform SRGAN and EnhanceNet on both full-reference perceptual metric (LPIPS) and distortion metric (PSNR) while being up to 26.4 × more memory efficient and 33.6 × more compute efficient respectively

    Kernelized Back-Projection Networks for Blind Super Resolution

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    Since non-blind Super Resolution (SR) fails to super-resolve Low-Resolution (LR) images degraded by arbitrary degradations, SR with the degradation model is required. However, this paper reveals that non-blind SR that is trained simply with various blur kernels exhibits comparable performance as those with the degradation model for blind SR. This result motivates us to revisit high-performance non-blind SR and extend it to blind SR with blur kernels. This paper proposes two SR networks by integrating kernel estimation and SR branches in an iterative end-to-end manner. In the first model, which is called the Kernel Conditioned Back-Projection Network (KCBPN), the low-dimensional kernel representations are estimated for conditioning the SR branch. In our second model, the Kernelized BackProjection Network (KBPN), a raw kernel is estimated and directly employed for modeling the image degradation. The estimated kernel is employed not only for back-propagating its residual but also for forward-propagating the residual to iterative stages. This forward-propagation encourages these stages to learn a variety of different features in different stages by focusing on pixels with large residuals in each stage. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed networks for kernel estimation and SR. We will release the code for this work.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Achieving on-Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture and Pruning Search

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    Though recent years have witnessed remarkable progress in single image super-resolution (SISR) tasks with the prosperous development of deep neural networks (DNNs), the deep learning methods are confronted with the computation and memory consumption issues in practice, especially for resource-limited platforms such as mobile devices. To overcome the challenge and facilitate the real-time deployment of SISR tasks on mobile, we combine neural architecture search with pruning search and propose an automatic search framework that derives sparse super-resolution (SR) models with high image quality while satisfying the real-time inference requirement. To decrease the search cost, we leverage the weight sharing strategy by introducing a supernet and decouple the search problem into three stages, including supernet construction, compiler-aware architecture and pruning search, and compiler-aware pruning ratio search. With the proposed framework, we are the first to achieve real-time SR inference (with only tens of milliseconds per frame) for implementing 720p resolution with competitive image quality (in terms of PSNR and SSIM) on mobile platforms (Samsung Galaxy S20)

    Zero-Cost Proxies Meet Differentiable Architecture Search

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    Differentiable neural architecture search (NAS) has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its ability to quickly discover promising architectures of deep neural networks even in very large search spaces. Despite its success, DARTS lacks robustness in certain cases, e.g. it may degenerate to trivial architectures with excessive parametric-free operations such as skip connection or random noise, leading to inferior performance. In particular, operation selection based on the magnitude of architectural parameters was recently proven to be fundamentally wrong showcasing the need to rethink this aspect. On the other hand, zero-cost proxies have been recently studied in the context of sample-based NAS showing promising results -- speeding up the search process drastically in some cases but also failing on some of the large search spaces typical for differentiable NAS. In this work we propose a novel operation selection paradigm in the context of differentiable NAS which utilises zero-cost proxies. Our perturbation-based zero-cost operation selection (Zero-Cost-PT) improves searching time and, in many cases, accuracy compared to the best available differentiable architecture search, regardless of the search space size. Specifically, we are able to find comparable architectures to DARTS-PT on the DARTS CNN search space while being over 40x faster (total searching time 25 minutes on a single GPU)

    Hitchhiker's Guide to Super-Resolution: Introduction and Recent Advances

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    With the advent of Deep Learning (DL), Super-Resolution (SR) has also become a thriving research area. However, despite promising results, the field still faces challenges that require further research e.g., allowing flexible upsampling, more effective loss functions, and better evaluation metrics. We review the domain of SR in light of recent advances, and examine state-of-the-art models such as diffusion (DDPM) and transformer-based SR models. We present a critical discussion on contemporary strategies used in SR, and identify promising yet unexplored research directions. We complement previous surveys by incorporating the latest developments in the field such as uncertainty-driven losses, wavelet networks, neural architecture search, novel normalization methods, and the latests evaluation techniques. We also include several visualizations for the models and methods throughout each chapter in order to facilitate a global understanding of the trends in the field. This review is ultimately aimed at helping researchers to push the boundaries of DL applied to SR.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 202