3 research outputs found

    Asset integrity case development for normally unattended offshore installations: Bayesian network modelling

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    This research proposes the initial stages of the application of Bayesian Networks in conducting quantitative risk assessment of the integrity of an offshore system. The main focus is the construction of a Bayesian network model that demonstrates the interactions of multiple offshore safety critical elements to analyse asset integrity. A NUI (Normally Unattended Installation) - Integrity Case will enable the user to determine the impact of deficiencies in asset integrity and demonstrate that integrity is being managed to ensure safe operations in situations whereby physical human to machine interaction is not occurring. The Integrity Case can be said to be dynamic as it shall be continually updated for an installation as the Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) data is recorded. This allows for the integrity of the various systems and components of an offshore installation to be continually monitored. The Bayesian network allows cause-effect relationships to be modelled through clear graphical representation. The model accommodates for continual updating of failure data

    A customer retention framework for the port of Ngqura container commodity

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    The maritime sector plays an important role in economies across the globe. Ports in particular are the backbone of the economy of countries endowed with shorelines as they facilitate foreign trade through the importation and exportation of goods to and from their domestic markets. South Africa’s latest addition to its complimentary ports system, the Port of Ngqura, is positioned as a container transshipment hub and a gateway port to Africa with its world-class infrastructure and deep-water container berths at 18 metres, the deepest on the African continent. Ports, whose main mandate is the container commodity, struggle to retain customers as the container industry is a fickle one. As a result, the retention of transshipment container cargo customers remain a challenge for ports. In recent years, ports have to compete more aggressively for their participation in major logistics networks and these days, the ports of the same region are increasingly competing with each other. There are clusters of ports with the same type of supply located within a region competing with other clusters of ports in other regions. The main objective of this study was to propose a customer retention framework for the Port of Ngqura to be used as part of the marketing strategy to possibly retain customers, grow market share and to increase profits. The study focused on the effect of components such as value proposition, customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer relationship management and customer loyalty on customer retention. After the exercise of testing statistical reliability, the researcher established that the measuring instrument for the component of value proposition was deemed unreliable and therefore, does not necessarily lead to customer retention for the Port of Ngqura. Nunnally (1978) recommends that instruments used in basic research have reliability of 0.70 or higher. The Cronbach Alpha score for the value proposition measuring scale was 0.41, which is below the recommended 0.70. The measuring instruments of the remaining four components of customer service quality, customer satisfaction, customer relationship management and customer loyalty as influencers of customer retention proved to be reliable due to the Cronbach Alpha score being above the recommended 0.70 for all four measuring instruments. In conclusion, this study showed the importance of customer retention and more importantly, how the mentioned reliable four components affect customer retention at the Port of Ngqura. Recommendations were presented by the author on how to integrate the components of customer retention into a retention framework that can contribute to the profitability of the port. The findings of this study led to the recommendation of the need for the Port of Ngqura to firstly, incorporate customer retention into overall marketing strategy and to thus be aggressive as customer relationship building is crucial in retaining customers and growing market share in today’s competitive port environment. Secondly, the port needs to segment its target customers, it is recommended that the target market be well defined, understood and segmented based on industry (shipping line, clearing and forwarding agency, fruit, automotive or wool) and amount of volumes and revenue brought to the Port of Ngqura. Thirdly, leadership involvement as at the strategic level of Transnet Group and Transnet National Ports Authority, executive leaders need to be involved in the implementation of customer retention for marketing of the port as they are the ones that have a high delegation of authority when it comes to decision making. It is also recommended that the measurement of success be clearly defined and linked to the objectives for the implementation of customer retention. The marketers and the Port of Ngqura, using customer relationship strategies, should devise ways of measuring loyalty to the port and the brand, the reputation of the port, service quality and customer satisfaction. Employee training is the most critical recommendation as they must be well trained and equipped to execute their duties, they must be knowledgeable about the maritime industry as well as the business of their customers, fully understand their customers’ needs and have customer empathy. Ports can also improve service quality by focusing on port and terminal efficiency by conducting benchmark studies with high ranked ports like the Port of Singapore as they are known for high levels of efficiency in the market. By improving service quality, the port will improve customer satisfaction and achieve customer loyalty and ultimately, retention

    Asset integrity case development for normally unattended offshore installations

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    This thesis proposes the initial stages of the development of a NUI – Asset Integrity Case (Normally Unattended Installation). An NUI – Asset Integrity Case will enable the user to determine the impact of deficiencies in asset integrity and demonstrate that integrity is being managed. A key driver for improved asset integrity monitoring is centred on the level of accurate reporting of incidents. This stems from incidents to key offshore systems and areas. For example, gas turbine driven generators where 22% of fuel gas leaks were undetected with 60% of these 22% having been found to have ignited. Accordingly, there is a need for dynamic risk assessment and improved asset integrity monitoring. The immediate objective of this research is to investigate how a dynamic risk model can be developed for an offshore system. Subsequently, two dynamic risk assessment models were developed for an offshore gas turbine driven electrical power generation system. Bayesian Networks provided the base theory and algorithms to develop the models. The first model focuses on the consequences of one component failure. While the second model focuses on the consequences of a fuel gas release with escalated fire and explosion, based upon several initiating failures. This research also provides a Multiple Attribute Decision Analysis (MADA) to determine the most suitable Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) configuration for asset integrity monitoring. The WSN is applied to the same gas turbine system as in the dynamic risk assessment models. In the future, this work can be expanded to other systems and industries by applying the developed Asset Integrity Case framework and methodology. The framework outlines the steps to develop a dynamic risk assessment model along with MADA for the most suitable remote sensing and detection methods