148,654 research outputs found

    Investigating e-business practices in tourism :a comparative analysis of three countries

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    This study examined the behaviour of tourist companies in relation to the adoption of e-business technologies and applications. The study aimed to identify groups of companies with homogenous behaviour among three European countries (Greece, Portugal and Norway). Based on data from a European survey, the study employed two-step cluster analysis which revealed 14 clusters of common behaviour (five clusters in Greece, five in Portugal and four in Norway). These clusters were named as: Leaders’ ‘Technology Experts’, ‘Fast Adopters’ ‘Beginners’, ‘Late Adopters’. In Norway, the group ‘Late Adopters’ also included companies characterised as ‘Beginners’ in the other two countries. We suggest further investigation among European countries in order to reveal more groups of similar behaviour toward e-business adoption


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    Prior knowledge of the social aspects of prospective destinations can be very influential in making travel destination decisions, especially in instances where social concerns do exist about specific destinations. In this paper, we describe the implementation of an ontology-enabled Hybrid Destination Recommender System (HDRS) that leverages an ontological description of five specific social attributes of major Nigerian cities, and hybrid architecture of content-based and case-based filtering techniques to generate personalised top-n destination recommendations. An empirical usability test was conducted on the system, which revealed that the dependability of recommendations from Destination Recommender Systems (DRS) could be improved if the semantic representation of social attributes information of destinations is made a factor in the destination recommendation process

    Development of Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Poverty Alleviation of Bangladesh

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    Tourism sector has been considered as the crucial sectors of many different countries of the world. And sustainable tourism brings enormous scope as a rapid growing economic sector on the basis of foreign exchange earnings and generation of employment opportunity and thereby elevating poverty from the country. The central aim of this study is to investigate the role of sustainable tourism in alleviating poverty from developing countries, especially the northern part of Bangladesh. For this purpose, the different tourism sites have been selected that are situated in Rajshahi region like Padma Garden, Varendra Museum and Shaheed Kamruzzaman Zoo. Rajshahi, the major tourist destination region in Bangladesh which is very beautiful and flourished that has a great chance to contribute country’s infrastructure and economic development. This study conducts a survey on 200 respondents in three different places of Rajshahi through the structured questionnaires, observation, interview and literature review. An exploratory research method was employed because the nature of the study was descriptive due to the fact that most of the respondents were illiterate or semi illiterate. Besides IBM SPSS Statistics 20 is being used to analyze the data. Through the factor analysis and other measurements tools this study expatiates the social, cultural, economic, environmental and other factors which touching the sustainability of Rajshahi and also provide recommendations about the required steps that needs to be taken into account to palliate and to manage the drawbacks of tourism to make Rajshahi as a sustainable tourism destination. Besides it reveals the relationship between tourism development and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. The study also suggested few ways by which existing tourism can be promoted and well developed in Bangladesh thereby ensuring sustainable tourism development (STD) and economic growth

    Global innovations in tourism

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    The article is devoted to the increasing role of tourism in the world economy. The dynamics of international tourism indicators is investigated. The main global innovations in the tourism industry are identified: the growth of tourism types; the application of qualitatively new solutions of scientific and methodological and applied character; growing of tourism influence on the society; the existence of synergistic effect in the tourist industry as a result of combination of subjects efforts at all management levels; changing of the role of internal and external factors that encourage innovative tourism development. In the article, the interaction of global processes on tourism innovations is defined. These processes are: intellectualization, informatization, cooperation, formation of the global tourism market, liberalization of the national tourism markets, increased competition and the spread of transnationalization

    Toward Auto-netnography in Consumer Studies

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    The purpose of this paper is to offer an argument for a wider acceptance and adoption of online auto-ethnography - or auto-netnography as an alternative social media research method to online ethnography - or netnography - when undertaking consumer research. As an online research method, netnographies have attracted increasing attention from researchers in various inter-disciplinary studies during recent years but the method is still not considered mainstream. Whilst the proliferation of online communities using various social media platforms is increasingly supporting consumers when making product/service choices, the adoption of netnographies appears to leave room for an extension towards the consideration by consumer researchers of how auto-netnography could highlight these researchers' own personal experiences in online communities. Auto-netnography allows the researcher to capture their own online experiences as a consumer would through social observation, reflexive note taking, and other forms of data. Contemporary technology can also provide a more innovative approach with artificial intelligence offering an alternative dimension. We contend there is a need for consumer researchers - both academic and practitioner - to further reflect on and discuss the deployment of auto-netnography in order to contribute to further exploration of online communities through the qualitative lens

    Building Capacities for Tourism Development and Poverty Reduction1

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    This paper advocates the application of building capacities for tourism development and poverty reduction in the locales of Elmina and Cape Coast in the Sub-Saharan country of Ghana in Africa. The two towns are home to three World Heritage Sites: the Elmina Castle or St George’s Castle and Fort St Jago (Elmina), and Cape Coast Castle (Cape Coast). Tourism was introduced in 1989 by the Ghanaian government with the assistance of donor agencies in an effort to bring economic and cultural sustainability to the area. Research up to now has indicated that tourism can be used as a tool of development, and poverty reduction, in developing countries, however, the social and economic benefits in the towns of Elmina and Cape Coast, are distributed unequally. It could be argued that one of the reasons is the emphasis placed on higher gross returns in foreign exchange earnings, or greater visitor numbers with little attention to maximizing net benefits to the poor communities, and without a clear strategy of how tourism growth, will contribute to poverty reduction

    Gazing at Haw Par villa: Cultural Tourism in Singapore

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    Tourism is an important and growing industry in Singapore. Studies on Singapore cultural tourism have generally focused on three major sites: Chinatown, Little India and the Malay Village. The Haw Par Villa tourist site has not been examined in recent years. The case study of Haw Par Villa offered here demonstrates how changing times in Singapore have affected the popularity of tourist sites in an island nation. This article discusses the decline and potential rebirth of Singapore’s Haw Par Villa theme park in the context of cultural tourism, placing a special emphasis on Urry’s concept of the ‘tourist gaze’. Multiple methods were used in gathering data for this study: a survey conducted in Singapore of both local residents and foreign tourists; participant observations of Haw Par Villa; and a thematic content analysis of tour guide books and online documents pertaining to the site. Our analyses suggest that Haw Par Villa represents a treasured past of Singapore, although one in danger of fading away with the changing interests of newer generations of tourists

    Land and Water Carrying Capacity in Tourism Area of Nusa Penida, Bali

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    Environmental resources are very important in supporting tourism activities. As a developing tourism area Nusa Penida needs sufficient land and water resources. Increasing population of residents and tourists triggers new activities that affect the patterns of land use and available water, which in turn has a negative impact on the availability of land and water. The carrying capacity of the environment is disrupted due to the utilization of environmental resources that exceed its capacity. This study aims to calculate the availability, needs and status of the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area. The methodology of this study is to calculate the availability of land and water, calculate land and water needs for residents and tourists and calculate the carrying capacity of land and water. This study predicts the availability of land and water, land and water needs and the carrying capacity of land and water in the Nusa Penida Tourism Area until 2023. From the results of data analysis shows that the availability of land in Nusa Penida amounted to 5,350 hectares. Projected land needs until the year 2028 of 24,640 hectares, the carrying capacity of the land in Nusa Penida deficit. The results of the calculation of land requirements based on the ecological footprint amounted to 17,724.283 hectares, while the availability of land in Nusa Penida was 5,350 hectares. This shows that the carrying capacity of the land in Nusa Penida has a deficit of 12,374,283 hectares. Availability of water based on rainfall and springs in Nusa Penida is 95,443,402.56 m3 /year. The results of data analysis show that in 2028 water needs for residents and tourists are estimated at 83,398,400 m3 /year. Projection of the carrying capacity of water in Nusa Penida based on rainfall surplus of 901,002.56 m3 /year. Projection of the carrying capacity of water in Nusa Penida based 10% utilization of springs Penida and Guyangan in 2028 surplus of 2,433,865,856.44 m3 /year Projection of the carrying capacity of water in Nusa Penida based on rainfall + 10% utilization of springs Penida and Guyangan in 2023 surplus of 2,529,309,259 m3 /year. Projection of the carrying capacity of water in Nusa Penida based on rainfall + all springs water potencyin Nusa Penida in 2028 surplus of 34,958,390,240 m3 /yea