4 research outputs found

    Abordagens multivariadas para seleção de variáveis com vistas à classificação e predição de propriedades de amostras

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    A seleção de variáveis é uma etapa importante para a análise de dados, visto que identifica os subconjuntos de variáveis mais informativas para a construção de modelos precisos de classificação e predição. Além disso, a seleção de variáveis facilita a interpretação e análise dos modelos obtidos, potencialmente reduzindo o tempo computacional de geração dos modelos e o custo/tempo para obtenção das amostras. Neste contexto, a presente tese apresenta proposições inovadoras de abordagens com vistas à seleção de variáveis para classificação e predição de propriedades de amostras de produtos diversos. Tais abordagens são abordadas em três artigos apresentados nesta tese, com intuito de melhorar a precisão dos modelos de classificação e predição em diferentes áreas. No primeiro artigo, integram-se índices de importância de variáveis a sistemáticas de classificação hierárquica para categorizar amostras de espumantes de acordo com seu país de origem. No segundo artigo, para selecionar as variáveis mais informativas para a predição de amostras via PLS, propõe-se um índice de importância de variáveis baseado na Lei de Lambert-Beer combinado a um processo iterativo de seleção do tipo forward. Por fim, o terceiro artigo utilizou cluster de variáveis espectrais e índice de importância para selecionar as variáveis que produzem modelos de predição mais consistentes. Em todos os artigos dessa tese, os resultados obtidos pelos métodos propostos foram superiores quando comparados a outros métodos tradicionais da literatura voltados à identificação das variáveis mais informativas.Variable selection is an important step in data analysis, since it identifies the most informative subsets of variables for build accurate classification and prediction models. In addition, variable selection improves the interpretation and analysis of obtained models, reduces the computational time to build models and reduces the obtained samples costs. In this context, this thesis presents propositions for a variable selection method aiming to classifying and predicting sample properties. Such methods are presented in three papers in this thesis, in order to improve the classification and prediction accuracy in different areas. In first paper, we applied variable importance index coupled with a hierarchical classification technique to identify the country of origin of sparkling wines. In second paper, to select the most informative variables for prediction, a variable improtance index was built based on Lambert-Beer law and an iterative forward process was performed. Finally, in third paper was used clustering of variables and variable importance index to select the variables that produce more consistent prediction models. In all papers of this thesis, when conpared to other traditional methods, our proposition obtained better results

    Denoising Autoencoders and LSTM-Based Artificial Neural Networks Data Processing for Its Application to Internal Model Control in Industrial Environments-The Wastewater Treatment Plant Control Case

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    Altres ajuts: Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca del Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Fons Social Europeu (2020 FI_B2 000)The evolution of industry towards the Industry 4.0 paradigm has become a reality where different data-driven methods are adopted to support industrial processes. One of them corresponds to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which are able to model highly complex and non-linear processes. This motivates their adoption as part of new data-driven based control strategies. The ANN-based Internal Model Controller (ANN-based IMC) is an example which takes advantage of the ANNs characteristics by modelling the direct and inverse relationships of the process under control with them. This approach has been implemented in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), where results show a significant improvement on control performance metrics with respect to (w.r.t.) the WWTP default control strategy. However, this structure is very sensible to non-desired effects in the measurements-when a real scenario showing noise-corrupted data is considered, the control performance drops. To solve this, a new ANN-based IMC approach is designed with a two-fold objective, improve the control performance and denoise the noise-corrupted measurements to reduce the performance degradation. Results show that the proposed structure improves the control metrics, (the Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) and the Integrated Squared Error (ISE)), around a 21.25% and a 54.64%, respectively

    Monitoring data streams

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    Stream monitoring is concerned with analyzing data that is represented in the form of infinite streams. This field has gained prominence in recent years, as streaming data is generated in increasing volume and dimension in a variety of areas. It finds application in connection with monitoring industrial sensors, "smart" technology like smart houses and smart cars, wearable devices used for medical and physiological monitoring, but also in environmental surveillance or finance. However, stream monitoring is a challenging task due to the diverse and changing nature of the streaming data, its high volume and high dimensionality with thousands of sensors producing streams with millions of measurements over short time spans. Automated, scalable and efficient analysis of these streams can help to keep track of important events, highlight relevant aspects and provide better insights into the monitored system. In this thesis, we propose techniques adapted to these tasks in supervised and unsupervised settings, in particular Stream Classification and Stream Dependency Monitoring. After a motivating introduction, we introduce concepts related to streaming data and discuss technological frameworks that have emerged to deal with streaming data in the second chapter of this thesis. We introduce the notion of information theoretical entropy as a useful basis for data monitoring in the third chapter. In the second part of the thesis, we present Probabilistic Hoeffding Trees, a novel approach towards stream classification. We will show how probabilistic learning greatly improves the flexibility of decision trees and their ability to adapt to changes in data streams. The general technique is applicable to a variety of classification models and fast to compute without significantly greater memory cost compared to regular Hoeffding Trees. We show that our technique achieves better or on-par results to current state-of-the-art tree classification models on a variety of large, synthetic and real life data sets. In the third part of the thesis, we concentrate on unsupervised monitoring of data streams. We will use mutual information as entropic measure to identify the most important relationships in a monitored system. By using the powerful concept of mutual information we can, first, capture relevant aspects in a great variety of data sources with different underlying concepts and possible relationships and, second, analyze theoretical and computational complexity. We present the MID and DIMID algorithms. They perform extremely efficient on high dimensional data streams and provide accurate results, outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms for dependency monitoring. In the fourth part of this thesis, we introduce delayed relationships as a further feature in the dependency analysis. In reality, the phenomena monitored by e.g. some type of sensor might depend on another, but measurable effects can be delayed. This delay might be due to technical reasons, i.e. different stream processing speeds, or because the effects actually appear delayed over time. We present Loglag, the first algorithm that monitors dependency with respect to an optimal delay. It utilizes several approximation techniques to achieve competitive resource requirements. We demonstrate its scalability and accuracy on real world data, and also give theoretical guarantees to its accuracy