57 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Spectral-Spatial Feature Selection and Extraction for Hyperspectral Images

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    In hyperspectral remote sensing data mining, it is important to take into account of both spectral and spatial information, such as the spectral signature, texture feature and morphological property, to improve the performances, e.g., the image classification accuracy. In a feature representation point of view, a nature approach to handle this situation is to concatenate the spectral and spatial features into a single but high dimensional vector and then apply a certain dimension reduction technique directly on that concatenated vector before feed it into the subsequent classifier. However, multiple features from various domains definitely have different physical meanings and statistical properties, and thus such concatenation hasn't efficiently explore the complementary properties among different features, which should benefit for boost the feature discriminability. Furthermore, it is also difficult to interpret the transformed results of the concatenated vector. Consequently, finding a physically meaningful consensus low dimensional feature representation of original multiple features is still a challenging task. In order to address the these issues, we propose a novel feature learning framework, i.e., the simultaneous spectral-spatial feature selection and extraction algorithm, for hyperspectral images spectral-spatial feature representation and classification. Specifically, the proposed method learns a latent low dimensional subspace by projecting the spectral-spatial feature into a common feature space, where the complementary information has been effectively exploited, and simultaneously, only the most significant original features have been transformed. Encouraging experimental results on three public available hyperspectral remote sensing datasets confirm that our proposed method is effective and efficient

    Interpretable Hyperspectral AI: When Non-Convex Modeling meets Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    Hyperspectral imaging, also known as image spectrometry, is a landmark technique in geoscience and remote sensing (RS). In the past decade, enormous efforts have been made to process and analyze these hyperspectral (HS) products mainly by means of seasoned experts. However, with the ever-growing volume of data, the bulk of costs in manpower and material resources poses new challenges on reducing the burden of manual labor and improving efficiency. For this reason, it is, therefore, urgent to develop more intelligent and automatic approaches for various HS RS applications. Machine learning (ML) tools with convex optimization have successfully undertaken the tasks of numerous artificial intelligence (AI)-related applications. However, their ability in handling complex practical problems remains limited, particularly for HS data, due to the effects of various spectral variabilities in the process of HS imaging and the complexity and redundancy of higher dimensional HS signals. Compared to the convex models, non-convex modeling, which is capable of characterizing more complex real scenes and providing the model interpretability technically and theoretically, has been proven to be a feasible solution to reduce the gap between challenging HS vision tasks and currently advanced intelligent data processing models

    Learning to Propagate Labels on Graphs: An Iterative Multitask Regression Framework for Semi-supervised Hyperspectral Dimensionality Reduction

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    Hyperspectral dimensionality reduction (HDR), an important preprocessing step prior to high-level data analysis, has been garnering growing attention in the remote sensing community. Although a variety of methods, both unsupervised and supervised models, have been proposed for this task, yet the discriminative ability in feature representation still remains limited due to the lack of a powerful tool that effectively exploits the labeled and unlabeled data in the HDR process. A semi-supervised HDR approach, called iterative multitask regression (IMR), is proposed in this paper to address this need. IMR aims at learning a low-dimensional subspace by jointly considering the labeled and unlabeled data, and also bridging the learned subspace with two regression tasks: labels and pseudo-labels initialized by a given classifier. More significantly, IMR dynamically propagates the labels on a learnable graph and progressively refines pseudo-labels, yielding a well-conditioned feedback system. Experiments conducted on three widely-used hyperspectral image datasets demonstrate that the dimension-reduced features learned by the proposed IMR framework with respect to classification or recognition accuracy are superior to those of related state-of-the-art HDR approaches

    KCRC-LCD: Discriminative Kernel Collaborative Representation with Locality Constrained Dictionary for Visual Categorization

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    We consider the image classification problem via kernel collaborative representation classification with locality constrained dictionary (KCRC-LCD). Specifically, we propose a kernel collaborative representation classification (KCRC) approach in which kernel method is used to improve the discrimination ability of collaborative representation classification (CRC). We then measure the similarities between the query and atoms in the global dictionary in order to construct a locality constrained dictionary (LCD) for KCRC. In addition, we discuss several similarity measure approaches in LCD and further present a simple yet effective unified similarity measure whose superiority is validated in experiments. There are several appealing aspects associated with LCD. First, LCD can be nicely incorporated under the framework of KCRC. The LCD similarity measure can be kernelized under KCRC, which theoretically links CRC and LCD under the kernel method. Second, KCRC-LCD becomes more scalable to both the training set size and the feature dimension. Example shows that KCRC is able to perfectly classify data with certain distribution, while conventional CRC fails completely. Comprehensive experiments on many public datasets also show that KCRC-LCD is a robust discriminative classifier with both excellent performance and good scalability, being comparable or outperforming many other state-of-the-art approaches

    Blind Hyperspectral Unmixing Using Autoencoders

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    The subject of this thesis is blind hyperspectral unmixing using deep learning based autoencoders. Two methods based on autoencoders are proposed and analyzed. Both methods seek to exploit the spatial correlations in the hyperspectral images to improve the performance. One by using multitask learning to simultaneously unmix a neighbourhood of pixels while the other by using a convolutional neural network autoencoder. This increases the consistency and robustness of the methods. In addition, a review of the various autoencoder methods in the literature is given along with a detailed discussion of different types of autoencoders. The thesis concludes by a critical comparison of eleven different autoencoder based methods. Ablation experiments are performed to answer the question of why autoencoders are so effective in blind hyperspectral unmixing, and an opinion is given on what the future in autoencoder unmixing holds.Efni þessarar ritgerðar er aðgreining fjölrásamynda (e. blind hyperspectral unmixing) með sjálfkóðurum (e. autoencoders) byggðum á djúpum lærdómi (e. deep learning). Tvær aðferðir byggðar á sjálfkóðurum eru kynntar og rannsakaðar. Báðar aðferðirnar leitast við að nýta sér rúmfræðilega fylgni rófa í fjölrásamyndum til að bæta árangur aðgreiningar. Ein aðferð með að nýta sér fjölbeitingarlærdóm (e. multitask learning) og hin með að nota sjálfkóðara útfærðan með földunartaugnaneti (e. convolutional neural network). Hvortveggja bætir samkvæmni og hæfni fjölrásagreiningarinnar. Ennfremur inniheldur ritgerðin yfirgripsmikið yfirlit yfir þær sjálfkóðaraaðferðir sem hafa verið birtar ásamt greinargóðri umræðu um mismunandi gerðir sjálfkóðara og útfærslur á þeim. í lok ritgerðarinnar er svo að finna gagnrýninn samanburð á 11 mismunandi aðferðum byggðum á sjálfkóðurum. Brottnáms (e. ablation) tilraunir eru gerðar til að svara spurningunni hvers vegna sjálfkóðarar eru svo árangursríkir í fjölrásagreiningu og stuttlega rætt um hvað framtíðin ber í skauti sér varðandi aðgreiningu fjölrásamynda með sjálfkóðurum. Megin framlag ritgerðarinnar er eftirfarandi: - Ný sjálfkóðaraaðferð, MTLAEU, sem nýtir á beinan hátt rúmfræðilega fylgni rófa í fjölrásamyndum til að bæta árangur aðgreiningar. Aðferðin notar fjölbeitingarlærdóm til að aðgreina grennd af rófum í einu. - Ný aðferð, CNNAEU, sem notar 2D földunartaugnanet fyrir bæði kóðara og afkóðara og er fyrsta birta aðferðin til að gera það. Aðferðin er þjálfuð á myndbútum (e.patches) og því er rúmfræðileg bygging myndarinnar sem greina á varðveitt í gegnum aðferðina. - Yfirgripsmikil og ítarlegt fræðilegt yfirlit yfir birtar sjálfkóðaraaðferðir fyrir fjölrásagreiningu. Gefinn er inngangur að sjálfkóðurum og elstu tegundir sjálfkóðara eru kynntar. Gefið er greinargott yfirlit yfir helstu birtar aðferðir fyrir fjölrásagreiningu sem byggja á sjálfkóðurum og gerður er gangrýninn samburður á 11 mismunandi sjálfkóðaraaðferðum.The Icelandic Research Fund under Grants 174075-05 and 207233-05

    Robust graph learning from noisy data

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