12,285 research outputs found

    DNN adaptation by automatic quality estimation of ASR hypotheses

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    In this paper we propose to exploit the automatic Quality Estimation (QE) of ASR hypotheses to perform the unsupervised adaptation of a deep neural network modeling acoustic probabilities. Our hypothesis is that significant improvements can be achieved by: i)automatically transcribing the evaluation data we are currently trying to recognise, and ii) selecting from it a subset of "good quality" instances based on the word error rate (WER) scores predicted by a QE component. To validate this hypothesis, we run several experiments on the evaluation data sets released for the CHiME-3 challenge. First, we operate in oracle conditions in which manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are available, thus allowing us to compute the "true" sentence WER. In this scenario, we perform the adaptation with variable amounts of data, which are characterised by different levels of quality. Then, we move to realistic conditions in which the manual transcriptions of the evaluation data are not available. In this case, the adaptation is performed on data selected according to the WER scores "predicted" by a QE component. Our results indicate that: i) QE predictions allow us to closely approximate the adaptation results obtained in oracle conditions, and ii) the overall ASR performance based on the proposed QE-driven adaptation method is significantly better than the strong, most recent, CHiME-3 baseline.Comment: Computer Speech & Language December 201

    A robust sequential hypothesis testing method for brake squeal localisation

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    This contribution deals with the in situ detection and localisation of brake squeal in an automobile. As brake squeal is emitted from regions known a priori, i.e., near the wheels, the localisation is treated as a hypothesis testing problem. Distributed microphone arrays, situated under the automobile, are used to capture the directional properties of the sound field generated by a squealing brake. The spatial characteristics of the sampled sound field is then used to formulate the hypothesis tests. However, in contrast to standard hypothesis testing approaches of this kind, the propagation environment is complex and time-varying. Coupled with inaccuracies in the knowledge of the sensor and source positions as well as sensor gain mismatches, modelling the sound field is difficult and standard approaches fail in this case. A previously proposed approach implicitly tried to account for such incomplete system knowledge and was based on ad hoc likelihood formulations. The current paper builds upon this approach and proposes a second approach, based on more solid theoretical foundations, that can systematically account for the model uncertainties. Results from tests in a real setting show that the proposed approach is more consistent than the prior state-of-the-art. In both approaches, the tasks of detection and localisation are decoupled for complexity reasons. The localisation (hypothesis testing) is subject to a prior detection of brake squeal and identification of the squeal frequencies. The approaches used for the detection and identification of squeal frequencies are also presented. The paper, further, briefly addresses some practical issues related to array design and placement. (C) 2019 Author(s)

    Deep Learning for Environmentally Robust Speech Recognition: An Overview of Recent Developments

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    Eliminating the negative effect of non-stationary environmental noise is a long-standing research topic for automatic speech recognition that stills remains an important challenge. Data-driven supervised approaches, including ones based on deep neural networks, have recently emerged as potential alternatives to traditional unsupervised approaches and with sufficient training, can alleviate the shortcomings of the unsupervised methods in various real-life acoustic environments. In this light, we review recently developed, representative deep learning approaches for tackling non-stationary additive and convolutional degradation of speech with the aim of providing guidelines for those involved in the development of environmentally robust speech recognition systems. We separately discuss single- and multi-channel techniques developed for the front-end and back-end of speech recognition systems, as well as joint front-end and back-end training frameworks

    Detection of dirt impairments from archived film sequences : survey and evaluations

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    Film dirt is the most commonly encountered artifact in archive restoration applications. Since dirt usually appears as a temporally impulsive event, motion-compensated interframe processing is widely applied for its detection. However, motion-compensated prediction requires a high degree of complexity and can be unreliable when motion estimation fails. Consequently, many techniques using spatial or spatiotemporal filtering without motion were also been proposed as alternatives. A comprehensive survey and evaluation of existing methods is presented, in which both qualitative and quantitative performances are compared in terms of accuracy, robustness, and complexity. After analyzing these algorithms and identifying their limitations, we conclude with guidance in choosing from these algorithms and promising directions for future research
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