89 research outputs found

    Investigation on iterative multiuser detection physical layer network coding in two-way relay free-space optical links with turbulences and pointing errors

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    Physical layer network coding (PNC) improves the throughput in wireless networks by enabling two nodes to exchange information using a minimum number of time slots. The PNC technique is proposed for two-way relay channel free space optical (TWR-FSO) communications with the aim of maximizing the utilization of network resources. The multipair TWR-FSO is considered in this paper, where a single antenna on each pair seeks to communicate via a common receiver aperture at the relay. Therefore, chip interleaving is adopted as a technique to separate the different transmitted signals at the relay node to perform PNC mapping. Accordingly, this scheme relies on the iterative multiuser technique for detection of users at the receiver. The bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed system is examined under the combined influences of atmospheric loss, turbulence-induced channel fading, and pointing errors (PEs). By adopting the joint PNC mapping with interleaving and multiuser detection techniques, the BER results show that the proposed scheme can achieve a significant performance improvement against the degrading effects of turbulences and PEs. It is also demonstrated that a larger number of simultaneous users can be supported with this new scheme in establishing a communication link between multiple pairs of nodes in two time slots, thereby improving the channel capacity

    Tactical communication systems based on civil standards: Modeling in the MiXiM framework

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    In this paper, new work is presented belonging to an ongoing study, which evaluates civil communication standards as potential candidates for the future military Wide Band Waveforms (WBWFs). After an evaluation process of possible candidates presented in [2], the selection process in [1] showed that the IEEE 802.11n OFDM could be a possible military WBWF candidate, but it should be further investigated first in order to enhance or even replace critical modules. According to this, some critical modules of the physical layer has been further analyzed in [3] regarding the susceptibility of the OFDM signal under jammer influences. However, the critical modules of the MAC layer (e.g., probabilistic medium access CSMA/CA) have not been analysed. In fact, it was only suggested in [2] to replace this medium access by the better suited Unified Slot Allocation Protocol - Multiple Access (USAP-MA) [4]. In this regard, the present contribution describes the design paradigms of the new MAC layer and explains how the proposed WBWF candidate has been modelled within the MiXiM Framework of the OMNeT++ simulator.Comment: Published in: A. F\"orster, C. Sommer, T. Steinbach, M. W\"ahlisch (Eds.), Proc. of 1st OMNeT++ Community Summit, Hamburg, Germany, September 2, 2014, arXiv:1409.0093, 201

    Robust QUIC: integrating practical coding in a low latency transport protocol

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    We introduce rQUIC, an integration of the QUIC protocol and a coding module. rQUIC has been designed to feature different coding/decoding schemes and is implemented in go language. We conducted an extensive measurement campaign to provide a thorough characterization of the proposed solution. We compared the performance of rQUIC with that of the original QUIC protocol for different underlying network conditions as well as different traffic patterns. Our results show that rQUIC not only yields a relevant performance gain (shorter delays), especially when network conditions worsen, but also ensures a more predictable behavior. For bulk transfer (long flows), the delay reduction almost reached 70% when the frame error rate was 5%, while under similar conditions, the gain for short flows (web navigation) was approximately 55%. In the case of video streaming, the QoE gain (p1203 metric) was, approximately, 50%.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government through the Elkartek Program under the Hodei-x Project under Agreement KK-2021/00049; in part by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs (FIERCE) under Grant RTI2018-093475-AI00; and in part by the Industrial Doctorates Program of the University of Cantabria under Grant Call 2019

    Resource Allocation and Path Selection Strategies for Cognitive Radio Multihop Networks

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    The next-generation cellular wireless networks will support high data rates and provide quality of service (QoS) for multimedia applications with increased network capacity. Under limited frequency resources, the conventional approach to increase network capacity is to install more base stations (BSs) to exploit spatial reuse. This solution is not very efficient because the cost of the BS transceiver is quite high. An alterna- tive approach is to employ relay stations (RSs) as intermediate nodes to establish multihop communication paths between mobile hosts and their corresponding BSs. Multihop cellular networks (MCN) can potentially enhance coverage, data rates, QoS performance in terms of call block- ing probability, bit error rate, as well as QoS fairness for different users. A number of different architectures, protocols, and analytical models for MCNs have been proposed in the literature where different system aspects were investigated. This thesis aims to present strategies of re- source allocation (RA) and path selection (PS) for cognitive radio (CR) multi-hop communications over a packet-oriented and bit-interleaved- coded OFDM transmission, employing practical modulation and coding schemes. As a promising technology, cognitive radio can be leveraged by the cellular network to increase the overall spectral efciency by allowing additional users in an already crowded spectrum. Here, we assume that a secondary transmitter (ST) adapt his parameters for transmitting to a secondary receiver (SR) or to a relay, over sections of spectrum owned by licensed or primary users (PUs), without harming the quality of service of the latter. This approach is known as underlay. The performance of the system are evaluated in terms of goodput (GP), which is defined as the number of information bits delivered in error free packets per unit of time. It is able to quantify the trade-off between data rate and link reliability, and it is a more suitable metric to quantify the actual perfor- mance of packet-oriented systems, employing practical modulation and coding schemes, respect to the capacity for example. A generic trans- mitter of the network is able to optimize the GP by a proper selection of the transmission parameters, if the channel state information (CSI) are perfect. In most wireless networks, because of channel estimation errors and channel feedback delay, this CSI will not be perfect there- fore any transmitting node only has outdated and imperfect CSI and the channel prediction and as a consequence, a predicted GP (PGP), will be optimized. GP depends on PER that is not easy to calculate for a multi-carrier system and so will be use kESM technique. From here a Local-RA (L-RA) technique and a Sub-Optimal PS (Sub-PS) strategies are formulated for non-cooperative CR multi-hop communications, ex- ploiting xed decode-and-forward (DF) relay nodes (RNs). With these strategies we are able to reduce the signaling over the feedback channel and the computational complexity, compared to the Optimal-RA with Optimal-PS method, paying a very little reduction of GP. Finally we will evaluate whether the increase of the number of relays corresponds to a performance increase

    The SoftPHY Abstraction: from Packets to Symbols in Wireless Network Design

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    At ever-increasing rates, we are using wireless systems to communicatewith others and retrieve content of interest to us. Current wirelesstechnologies such as WiFi or Zigbee use forward error correction todrive bit error rates down when there are few interferingtransmissions. However, as more of us use wireless networks toretrieve increasingly rich content, interference increases inunpredictable ways. This results in errored bits, degradedthroughput, and eventually, an unusable network. We observe that thisis the result of higher layers working at the packet granularity,whereas they would benefit from a shift in perspective from wholepackets to individual symbols.From real-world experiments on a 31-node testbed of Zigbee andsoftware-defined radios, we find that often, not all of the bitsin corrupted packets share fate. Thus, today's wireless protocolsretransmit packets where only a small number of the constituent bitsin a packet are in error, wasting network resources. In thisdissertation, we will describe a physical layer that passesinformation about its confidence in each decoded symbol up to higherlayers. These SoftPHY hints have many applications, one ofwhich, more efficient link-layer retransmissions, we will describe indetail. PP-ARQ is a link-layer reliable retransmission protocolthat allows a receiver to compactly encode a request forretransmission of only the bits in a packet that are likely in error.Our experimental results show that PP-ARQ increases aggregate networkthroughput by a factor of approximately 2x under variousconditions. Finally, we will place our contributions in the contextof related work and discuss other uses of SoftPHY throughout thewireless networking stack

    Distributed Turbo Product Coding Techniques Over Cooperative Communication Systems

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    In this dissertation, we propose a coded cooperative communications framework based on Distributed Turbo Product Code (DTPC). The system uses linear block Extended Bose-Chaudhuri-Hochquenghem (EBCH) codes as component codes. The source broadcasts the EBCH coded frames to the destination and nearby relays. Each relay constructs a product code by arranging the corrected bit sequences in rows and re-encoding them vertically using EBCH as component codes to obtain an Incremental Redundancy (IR) for source\u27s data. Under this frame, we have investigated a number of interesting and important issues. First, to obtain, independent vertical parities from each relay in the same code space, we propose circular interleaving of the decoded EBCH rows before reencoding vertically. We propose and derive a novel soft information relay for the DTPC over cooperative network based on EBCH component codes. The relay generates Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) values for the decoded rows are used to construct a product code by re-encoding the matrix along the columns using a novel soft block encoding technique to obtain soft parity bits with different reliabilities that can be used as soft IR for source\u27s data which is forwarded to the destination. To minimize the overall decoding errors, we propose a power allocation method for the distributed encoded system when the channel attenuations for the direct and relay channels are known. We compare the performance of our proposed power allocation method with the fixed power assignments for DTPC system. We also develop a power optimization algorithm to check the validity of our proposed power allocation algorithm. Results for the power allocation and the power optimization prove on the potency of our proposed power allocation criterion and show the maximum possible attainable performance from the DTPC cooperative system. Finally, we propose new joint distributed Space-Time Block Code (STBC)-DTPC by generating the vertical parity on the relay and transmitting it to the destination using STBC on the source and relay. We tested our proposed system in a fast fading environment on the three channels connecting the three nodes in the cooperative network