9,887 research outputs found

    Convolutional Networks for Object Category and 3D Pose Estimation from 2D Images

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    Current CNN-based algorithms for recovering the 3D pose of an object in an image assume knowledge about both the object category and its 2D localization in the image. In this paper, we relax one of these constraints and propose to solve the task of joint object category and 3D pose estimation from an image assuming known 2D localization. We design a new architecture for this task composed of a feature network that is shared between subtasks, an object categorization network built on top of the feature network, and a collection of category dependent pose regression networks. We also introduce suitable loss functions and a training method for the new architecture. Experiments on the challenging PASCAL3D+ dataset show state-of-the-art performance in the joint categorization and pose estimation task. Moreover, our performance on the joint task is comparable to the performance of state-of-the-art methods on the simpler 3D pose estimation with known object category task

    Skeleton based action recognition using translation-scale invariant image mapping and multi-scale deep cnn

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    This paper presents an image classification based approach for skeleton-based video action recognition problem. Firstly, A dataset independent translation-scale invariant image mapping method is proposed, which transformes the skeleton videos to colour images, named skeleton-images. Secondly, A multi-scale deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is proposed which could be built and fine-tuned on the powerful pre-trained CNNs, e.g., AlexNet, VGGNet, ResNet etal.. Even though the skeleton-images are very different from natural images, the fine-tune strategy still works well. At last, we prove that our method could also work well on 2D skeleton video data. We achieve the state-of-the-art results on the popular benchmard datasets e.g. NTU RGB+D, UTD-MHAD, MSRC-12, and G3D. Especially on the largest and challenge NTU RGB+D, UTD-MHAD, and MSRC-12 dataset, our method outperforms other methods by a large margion, which proves the efficacy of the proposed method

    CNN Based Posture-Free Hand Detection

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    Although many studies suggest high performance hand detection methods, those methods are likely to be overfitting. Fortunately, the Convolution Neural Network (CNN) based approach provides a better way that is less sensitive to translation and hand poses. However the CNN approach is complex and can increase computational time, which at the end reduce its effectiveness on a system where the speed is essential.In this study we propose a shallow CNN network which is fast, and insensitive to translation and hand poses. It is tested on two different domains of hand datasets, and performs in relatively comparable performance and faster than the other state-of-the-art hand CNN-based hand detection method. Our evaluation shows that the proposed shallow CNN network performs at 93.9% accuracy and reaches much faster speed than its competitors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, in The 10th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 2018, ISBN: 978-1-5386-4739-

    GANerated Hands for Real-time 3D Hand Tracking from Monocular RGB

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    We address the highly challenging problem of real-time 3D hand tracking based on a monocular RGB-only sequence. Our tracking method combines a convolutional neural network with a kinematic 3D hand model, such that it generalizes well to unseen data, is robust to occlusions and varying camera viewpoints, and leads to anatomically plausible as well as temporally smooth hand motions. For training our CNN we propose a novel approach for the synthetic generation of training data that is based on a geometrically consistent image-to-image translation network. To be more specific, we use a neural network that translates synthetic images to "real" images, such that the so-generated images follow the same statistical distribution as real-world hand images. For training this translation network we combine an adversarial loss and a cycle-consistency loss with a geometric consistency loss in order to preserve geometric properties (such as hand pose) during translation. We demonstrate that our hand tracking system outperforms the current state-of-the-art on challenging RGB-only footage
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