4 research outputs found

    Modelos de representaci贸n de imprecisi贸n e incertidumbre en fusi贸n de alto nivel

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    Actas de: XVII Congreso Espa帽ol sobre Tecnolog铆as y L贸gica Fuzzy (ESTYLF 2014). Zaragoza, 5-7 de febrero de 2014.Las t茅cnicas de fusi贸n de datos e informaci贸n procedente de redes de sensores necesitan manejar informaci贸n incierta e imprecisa, puesto que es habitual enfrentarse a problemas en los que el conocimiento disponible es vago o insuficiente y/o los aparatos de medici贸n est谩n sujetos a fallos. Con el reciente auge de la denominada "fusi贸n de alto nivel", que tiene como objetivo reconocer la situaci贸n observada e identificar posibles riesgos, este problema se ha acentuado, ya que los formalismos que se utilizan habitualmente para construir un modelo simb贸lico del escenario, como la l贸gica de primer orden y las ontolog铆as, no proporcionan soporte para este tipo de conocimiento. En este trabajo repasamos varias propuestas recientes para representaci贸n y razonamiento con informaci贸n incierta e imprecisa en fusi贸n de alto nivel. Nos centramos en dos tipos: (a) las que incorporan estos mecanismos en los propios modelos de representaci贸n, como las ontolog铆as probabil铆sticas y difusas y las redes l贸gicas de Markov; (b) las que extienden el proceso de fusi贸n con una capa de gesti贸n de incertidumbre adicional, como las basadas en argumentaci贸n probabil铆stica.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Junta de Andaluc铆a (P11-TIC-7460), la Comunidad de Madrid (S2009/TIC- 1485) y el Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad de Espa帽a (TEC2012-37832-C02-01, TEC2011-28626-C02- 02, TIN2012-30939).Publicad

    Fuzzy Description Logics with General Concept Inclusions

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    Description logics (DLs) are used to represent knowledge of an application domain and provide standard reasoning services to infer consequences of this knowledge. However, classical DLs are not suited to represent vagueness in the description of the knowledge. We consider a combination of DLs and Fuzzy Logics to address this task. In particular, we consider the t-norm-based semantics for fuzzy DLs introduced by H谩jek in 2005. Since then, many tableau algorithms have been developed for reasoning in fuzzy DLs. Another popular approach is to reduce fuzzy ontologies to classical ones and use existing highly optimized classical reasoners to deal with them. However, a systematic study of the computational complexity of the different reasoning problems is so far missing from the literature on fuzzy DLs. Recently, some of the developed tableau algorithms have been shown to be incorrect in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms (GCIs). In some fuzzy DLs, reasoning with GCIs has even turned out to be undecidable. This work provides a rigorous analysis of the boundary between decidable and undecidable reasoning problems in t-norm-based fuzzy DLs, in particular for GCIs. Existing undecidability proofs are extended to cover large classes of fuzzy DLs, and decidability is shown for most of the remaining logics considered here. Additionally, the computational complexity of reasoning in fuzzy DLs with semantics based on finite lattices is analyzed. For most decidability results, tight complexity bounds can be derived

    Temporalised Description Logics for Monitoring Partially Observable Events

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    Inevitably, it becomes more and more important to verify that the systems surrounding us have certain properties. This is indeed unavoidable for safety-critical systems such as power plants and intensive-care units. We refer to the term system in a broad sense: it may be man-made (e.g. a computer system) or natural (e.g. a patient in an intensive-care unit). Whereas in Model Checking it is assumed that one has complete knowledge about the functioning of the system, we consider an open-world scenario and assume that we can only observe the behaviour of the actual running system by sensors. Such an abstract sensor could sense e.g. the blood pressure of a patient or the air traffic observed by radar. Then the observed data are preprocessed appropriately and stored in a fact base. Based on the data available in the fact base, situation-awareness tools are supposed to help the user to detect certain situations that require intervention by an expert. Such situations could be that the heart-rate of a patient is rather high while the blood pressure is low, or that a collision of two aeroplanes is about to happen. Moreover, the information in the fact base can be used by monitors to verify that the system has certain properties. It is not realistic, however, to assume that the sensors always yield a complete description of the current state of the observed system. Thus, it makes sense to assume that information that is not present in the fact base is unknown rather than false. Moreover, very often one has some knowledge about the functioning of the system. This background knowledge can be used to draw conclusions about the possible future behaviour of the system. Employing description logics (DLs) is one way to deal with these requirements. In this thesis, we tackle the sketched problem in three different contexts: (i) runtime verification using a temporalised DL, (ii) temporalised query entailment, and (iii) verification in DL-based action formalisms