6 research outputs found

    Reachability Analysis of Asynchronous Dynamic Pushdown Networks Based on Tree Semantics Approach

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    ADPN (Asynchronous Dynamic Pushdown Networks) are an abstract model for concurrent programs with recursive procedures and dynamic thread creation. Usually, asynchronous dynamic pushdown networks are described with interleaving semantics, in which the backward analysis is not effective. In order to improve interleaving semantics, tree semantics approach was introduced. This paper extends the tree semantics to ADPN. Because the reachability problem of ADPN is also undecidable, we address the context-bounded reachability problem and provide an algorithm for backward reachability analysis with tree-based semantics Approach

    CARET analysis of multithreaded programs

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    Dynamic Pushdown Networks (DPNs) are a natural model for multithreaded programs with (recursive) procedure calls and thread creation. On the other hand, CARET is a temporal logic that allows to write linear temporal formulas while taking into account the matching between calls and returns. We consider in this paper the model-checking problem of DPNs against CARET formulas. We show that this problem can be effectively solved by a reduction to the emptiness problem of B\"uchi Dynamic Pushdown Systems. We then show that CARET model checking is also decidable for DPNs communicating with locks. Our results can, in particular, be used for the detection of concurrent malware.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854

    Join-Lock-Sensitive Forward Reachability Analysis for Concurrent Programs with Dynamic Process Creation

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    Dynamic Pushdown Networks (DPNs) are a model for parallel programs with (recursive) procedures and dynamic process creation. Constraints on the sequences of spawned processes allow to extend the basic model with joining of created processes [2]. Orthogonally DPNs can be extended with nested locking [9]. Reachability of a regular set R of configurations in presence of stable constraints as well as reachability without constraints but with nested locking are based on computing the set of predecessors pre ∗ (R). In the present paper, we present a forward-propagating algorithm for deciding reachability for DPNs. We represent sets of executions by sets of execution trees and show that the set of all execution trees resulting in configurations from R which either allow a lock-sensitive execution or a join-sensitive execution, is regular. Here, we rely on basic results about macro tree transducers. As a second contribution, we show that reachability is decidable also for DPNs with both nested locking and joins

    Lock Removal for Concurrent Trace Programs

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    Abstract. We propose a trace-based concurrent program analysis to soundly remove redundant synchronizations such as locks while preserving the behaviors of the concurrent computation. Our new method is computationally efficient in that it involves only thread-local computation and therefore avoids interleaving explosion, which is known as the main hurdle for scalable concurrency analysis. Our method builds on the partial-order theory and a unified analysis framework; therefore, it is more generally applicable than existing methods based on simple syntactic rules and ad hoc heuristics. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed method in the context of runtime verification of multithreaded Java and C programs. Our experimental results show that lock removal can significantly speed up symbolic predictive analysis for detecting concurrency bugs. Besides runtime verification, our new method will also be useful in applications such as debugging, performance optimization, program understanding, and maintenance.

    Probabilistic Noninterference Based on Program Dependence Graphs

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