27 research outputs found

    From Paternalistic to User-Centred Security: Putting Users First with Value-Sensitive Design

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    Usable security research to date has focused on making users more secure, by identifying and addressing usability issues that lead users to making mistakes, or by persuading users to pay attention to security and make secure choices. However, security goals were set by security experts, who were unaware that users often have other priorities and value security differently. In this paper, we present examples of circumventions and non-adoption of secure systems designed under this paternalistic mindset. We argue that security experts need to identify user values and deliver on them. To do that, we need a methodological framework that can conceptualise values and identify those that impact user engagement with security. We show that (a) engagement with, and adherence to security, are mediated by user values, and that (b) it is necessary to model those values to understand the nature of security’s failures and to design viable alternatives

    Dead on Arrival: Recovering from Fatal Flaws in Email Encryption Tools

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    Background. Since Whitten and Tygar’s seminal study of PGP 5.0 in 1999, there have been continuing efforts to produce email encryption tools for adoption by a wider user base, where these efforts vary in how well they consider the usability and utility needs of prospective users. Aim. We conducted a study aiming to assess the user experience of two open-source encryption software tools – Enigmail and Mailvelope. Method. We carried out a three-part user study (installation, home use, and debrief) with two groups of users using either Enigmail or Mailvelope. Users had access to help during installation (installation guide and experimenter with domain-specific knowledge), and were set a primary task of organising a mock flash mob using encrypted emails in the course of a week. Results. Participants struggled to install the tools – they would not have been able to complete installation without help. Even with help, setup time was around 40 minutes. Participants using Mailvelope failed to encrypt their initial emails due to usability problems. Participants said they were unlikely to continue using the tools after the study, indicating that their creators must also consider utility. Conclusions. Through our mixed study approach, we conclude that Mailvelope and Enigmail had too many software quality and usability issues to be adopted by mainstream users. Methodologically, the study made us rethink the role of the experimenter as that of a helper assisting novice users with setting up a demanding technology

    User-visible cryptography in email and web scenarios

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    Purpose– This paper aims to classify different types of “user-visible cryptography” and evaluate the value of user-visible cryptographic mechanisms in typical email and web scenarios for non-expert IT users.Design/methodology/approach– The authors review the existing literature, and then identify user stories typical to their users of interest. They analyse the risks, mitigations of risks and the limits of those mitigations in the user stories.Findings– The scenarios identified suggest that background, opportunistic encryption has value, but more explicit, user-visible cryptographic mechanisms do not provide any further mitigation. Other mechanisms beyond technological mitigations provide the required mitigation for the users.Research limitations/implications– Further work should be carried out on the trust issues with trusted third parties, as they are intrinsic to global, automated cryptographic mechanisms. The authors suggest that deployed systems should rely on automation rather than explicit user involvement; further work on how best to involve users effectively remains valuable.Practical implications– Deployed systems should rely on automation rather than explicit user dialogues. This follows from recognised aspects of user behaviour, such as ignoring dialogues and unconsciously making a holistic assessment of risk that is mostly mitigated by social factors.Social implications– The user populations concerned rely significantly on the existing legal and social infrastructure to mitigate some risks, such as those associated with e-commerce. Guarantees from third parties and the existence of fallback procedures improve user confidence.Originality/value– This work uses user stories as a basis for a holistic review of the issues surrounding the use of cryptography. The authors concentrate on a relatively large population (non-expert IT users) carrying out typical tasks (web and email).</jats:sec


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    Abstrak Pada era digital saat ini sistem keamanan e-mail memiliki peranan vital dalam menjaga keaslian dan kerahasiaan dari pesan yang dikirimkan. Akan tetapi sampai saat ini masih belum banyak individu maupun perusahaan yang menggunakannya, sehingga membuka jalan bagi berlangsungnya serangan-serangan cybercrime yang melibatkan e-mail seperti spoofing, phishing dan penyadapan pesan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya tingkat penggunaan fitur enkripsi dan tanda tangan digital pada e-mail, untuk kemudian memberikan sejumlah rekomendasi yang dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan penggunaan fitur-fitur tersebut. Dalam hal proses survey dan analisis dibatasi pada kalangan mahasiswa, profesional dan pengguna TI di Indonesia yang sudah terbiasa menggunakan e-mail dalam aktivitas sehari-hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan survey research yang dilakukan secara eksploratif, dimana peneliti melakukan studi literatur untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang akan diteliti, untuk kemudian melakukan survey dan analisis statistik dalam rangka menyelidiki lebih lanjut pengaruh dari faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap rendahnya tingkat penggunaan sistem keamanan e-mail. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan penggunaan fitur-fitur keamanan yang terdapat pada sistem keamanan e-mail, meningkatkan kepercayaan terhadap keamanan komunikasi lewat e-mail dan sebagai referensi bagi penelitian/perancangan selanjutnya di masa yang akan datang, secara umum dalam bidang keamanan Teknologi Informasi dan secara khusus dalam analisa dan perancangan sistem keamanan e-mail yang dapat digunakan secara efektif oleh para pengguna e-mail. Kata kunci: Enkripsi, sistem keamanan e-mail, sosialisasi, survey, tanda tangan digital, tingkat penggunaan sistem, usabilit