487 research outputs found

    The Perception-Distortion Tradeoff

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    Image restoration algorithms are typically evaluated by some distortion measure (e.g. PSNR, SSIM, IFC, VIF) or by human opinion scores that quantify perceived perceptual quality. In this paper, we prove mathematically that distortion and perceptual quality are at odds with each other. Specifically, we study the optimal probability for correctly discriminating the outputs of an image restoration algorithm from real images. We show that as the mean distortion decreases, this probability must increase (indicating worse perceptual quality). As opposed to the common belief, this result holds true for any distortion measure, and is not only a problem of the PSNR or SSIM criteria. We also show that generative-adversarial-nets (GANs) provide a principled way to approach the perception-distortion bound. This constitutes theoretical support to their observed success in low-level vision tasks. Based on our analysis, we propose a new methodology for evaluating image restoration methods, and use it to perform an extensive comparison between recent super-resolution algorithms.Comment: CVPR 2018 (long oral presentation), see talk at: https://youtu.be/_aXbGqdEkjk?t=39m43

    DiAMoNDBack: Diffusion-denoising Autoregressive Model for Non-Deterministic Backmapping of C{\alpha} Protein Traces

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    Coarse-grained molecular models of proteins permit access to length and time scales unattainable by all-atom models and the simulation of processes that occur on long-time scales such as aggregation and folding. The reduced resolution realizes computational accelerations but an atomistic representation can be vital for a complete understanding of mechanistic details. Backmapping is the process of restoring all-atom resolution to coarse-grained molecular models. In this work, we report DiAMoNDBack (Diffusion-denoising Autoregressive Model for Non-Deterministic Backmapping) as an autoregressive denoising diffusion probability model to restore all-atom details to coarse-grained protein representations retaining only C{\alpha} coordinates. The autoregressive generation process proceeds from the protein N-terminus to C-terminus in a residue-by-residue fashion conditioned on the C{\alpha} trace and previously backmapped backbone and side chain atoms within the local neighborhood. The local and autoregressive nature of our model makes it transferable between proteins. The stochastic nature of the denoising diffusion process means that the model generates a realistic ensemble of backbone and side chain all-atom configurations consistent with the coarse-grained C{\alpha} trace. We train DiAMoNDBack over 65k+ structures from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and validate it in applications to a hold-out PDB test set, intrinsically-disordered protein structures from the Protein Ensemble Database (PED), molecular dynamics simulations of fast-folding mini-proteins from DE Shaw Research, and coarse-grained simulation data. We achieve state-of-the-art reconstruction performance in terms of correct bond formation, avoidance of side chain clashes, and diversity of the generated side chain configurational states. We make DiAMoNDBack model publicly available as a free and open source Python package

    Autoencoder-based cleaning in probabilistic databases

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    In the field of data integration, data quality problems are often encountered when extracting, combining, and merging data. The probabilistic data integration approach represents information about such problems as uncertainties in a probabilistic database. In this paper, we propose a data-cleaning autoencoder capable of near-automatic data quality improvement. It learns the structure and dependencies in the data to identify and correct doubtful values. A theoretical framework is provided, and experiments show that it can remove significant amounts of noise from categorical and numeric probabilistic data. Our method does not require clean data. We do, however, show that manually cleaning a small fraction of the data significantly improves performance.Comment: Submitted to ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality, Special Issue on Deep Learning for Data Qualit

    Domain-Specific Fusion Of Objective Video Quality Metrics

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    Video processing algorithms like video upscaling, denoising, and compression are now increasingly optimized for perceptual quality metrics instead of signal distortion. This means that they may score well for metrics like video multi-method assessment fusion (VMAF), but this may be because of metric overfitting. This imposes the need for costly subjective quality assessments that cannot scale to large datasets and large parameter explorations. We propose a methodology that fuses multiple quality metrics based on small scale subjective testing in order to unlock their use at scale for specific application domains of interest. This is achieved by employing pseudo-random sampling of the resolution, quality range and test video content available, which is initially guided by quality metrics in order to cover the quality range useful to each application. The selected samples then undergo a subjective test, such as ITU-T P.910 absolute categorical rating, with the results of the test postprocessed and used as the means to derive the best combination of multiple objective metrics using support vector regression. We showcase the benefits of this approach in two applications: video encoding with and without perceptual preprocessing, and deep video denoising & upscaling of compressed content. For both applications, the derived fusion of metrics allows for a more robust alignment to mean opinion scores than a perceptually-uninformed combination of the original metrics themselves. The dataset and code is available at https://github.com/isize-tech/VideoQualityFusion

    A survey of generative adversarial networks for synthesizing structured electronic health records

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    Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are a valuable asset to facilitate clinical research and point of care applications; however, many challenges such as data privacy concerns impede its optimal utilization. Deep generative models, particularly, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) show great promise in generating synthetic EHR data by learning underlying data distributions while achieving excellent performance and addressing these challenges. This work aims to survey the major developments in various applications of GANs for EHRs and provides an overview of the proposed methodologies. For this purpose, we combine perspectives from healthcare applications and machine learning techniques in terms of source datasets and the fidelity and privacy evaluation of the generated synthetic datasets. We also compile a list of the metrics and datasets used by the reviewed works, which can be utilized as benchmarks for future research in the field. We conclude by discussing challenges in GANs for EHRs development and proposing recommended practices. We hope that this work motivates novel research development directions in the intersection of healthcare and machine learning

    DOT: A flexible multi-objective optimization framework for transferring features across single-cell and spatial omics

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    Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) and spatially-resolved imaging/sequencing technologies have revolutionized biomedical research. On one hand, scRNA-seq provides information about a large portion of the transcriptome for individual cells, but lacks the spatial context. On the other hand, spatially-resolved measurements come with a trade-off between resolution and gene coverage. Combining scRNA-seq with different spatially-resolved technologies can thus provide a more complete map of tissues with enhanced cellular resolution and gene coverage. Here, we propose DOT, a novel multi-objective optimization framework for transferring cellular features across these data modalities. DOT is flexible and can be used to infer categorical (cell type or cell state) or continuous features (gene expression) in different types of spatial omics. Our optimization model combines practical aspects related to tissue composition, technical effects, and integration of prior knowledge, thereby providing flexibility to combine scRNA-seq and both low- and high-resolution spatial data. Our fast implementation based on the Frank-Wolfe algorithm achieves state-of-the-art or improved performance in localizing cell features in high- and low-resolution spatial data and estimating the expression of unmeasured genes in low-coverage spatial data across different tissues. DOT is freely available and can be deployed efficiently without large computational resources; typical cases-studies can be run on a laptop, facilitating its use.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure
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