100,934 research outputs found

    Development of Java based graphical user interface for Diagnosis of Hepatitis UsingI Mixture of Expert

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    Hepatitis is deadly, and the fifth leading cause of death after heart disease, stroke, chest disease and cancer. Worldwide, 1.5 million deaths per year have been estimated. Detection of hepatitis is a big problem for general practitioners. An expert doctor commonly makes decisions by evaluating the current test results of a patient or by comparing the patient with others with the same condition with reference to the previous decisions. Many machine learning and data mining techniques have been designed for the automatic diagnosis of hepatitis. However, no one tool is available to the general population for the diagnosis of Hepatitis. Hence, a graphical user interface-enabled tool needs to be developed, through which medical practitioners can feed patient data easily and find hepatitis diagnoses instantly and accurately. 
Methods: In this study a hepatitis dataset was taken from the UCI machine repository database with a total of 20 attributes of two classes, Affected and Not Affected. 
Results and Conclusion: The models have been generated with a mixture of experts as a classification method for the diagnosis of hepatitis. Very good accuracy has been observed in the generated models. Finally, the model having the least minimum square error was selected. This model was then linked with GUI for the design of tools for hepatitis prediction

    3D Character Modeling in Virtual Reality

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    The paper presents a virtual reality modeling system based on interactive web technologies. The system's goal is to provide a user-friendly virtual environment for the development of 3D characters with an articulated structure. The interface allows the modeling of both the character's joint structure (the hierarchy) and its segment geometry (the skin). The novelty of the system consists of (1) the combination of web technologies used (VRML, Java and EAI) which provides the possibility of online modeling, (2) rules and constraints based operations and thus interface elements, (3) vertices and sets of vertices used as graphics primitives and (4) the possibility to handle and extend hierarchies based on the H-anim structure elements

    Glotaran: A Java-Based Graphical User Interface for the R Package TIMP

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    In this work the software application called Glotaran is introduced as a Java-based graphical user interface to the R package TIMP, a problem solving environment for fitting superposition models to multi-dimensional data. TIMP uses a command-line user interface for the interaction with data, the specification of models and viewing of analysis results. Instead, Glotaran provides a graphical user interface which features interactive and dynamic data inspection, easier -- assisted by the user interface -- model specification and interactive viewing of results. The interactivity component is especially helpful when working with large, multi-dimensional datasets as often result from time-resolved spectroscopy measurements, allowing the user to easily pre-select and manipulate data before analysis and to quickly zoom in to regions of interest in the analysis results. Glotaran has been developed on top of the NetBeans rich client platform and communicates with R through the Java-to-R interface Rserve. The background and the functionality of the application are described here. In addition, the design, development and implementation process of Glotaran is documented in a generic way

    MAGMA: analysis of two-channel microarrays made easy

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    The web application MAGMA provides a simple and intuitive interface to identify differentially expressed genes from two-channel microarray data. While the underlying algorithms are not superior to those of similar web applications, MAGMA is particularly user friendly and can be used without prior training. The user interface guides the novice user through the most typical microarray analysis workflow consisting of data upload, annotation, normalization and statistical analysis. It automatically generates R-scripts that document MAGMA's entire data processing steps, thereby allowing the user to regenerate all results in his local R installation. The implementation of MAGMA follows the model-view-controller design pattern that strictly separates the R-based statistical data processing, the web-representation and the application logic. This modular design makes the application flexible and easily extendible by experts in one of the fields: statistical microarray analysis, web design or software development. State-of-the-art Java Server Faces technology was used to generate the web interface and to perform user input processing. MAGMA's object-oriented modular framework makes it easily extendible and applicable to other fields and demonstrates that modern Java technology is also suitable for rather small and concise academic projects. MAGMA is freely available at www.magma-fgcz.uzh.ch

    JGromacs: A Java Package for Analyzing Protein Simulations

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    UNLABELLED: In this paper, we introduce JGromacs, a Java API (Application Programming Interface) that facilitates the development of cross-platform data analysis applications for Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. The API supports parsing and writing file formats applied by GROMACS (GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations), one of the most widely used MD simulation packages. JGromacs builds on the strengths of object-oriented programming in Java by providing a multilevel object-oriented representation of simulation data to integrate and interconvert sequence, structure, and dynamics information. The easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and easy-to-extend framework is intended to simplify and accelerate the implementation and development of complex data analysis algorithms. Furthermore, a basic analysis toolkit is included in the package. The programmer is also provided with simple tools (e.g., XML-based configuration) to create applications with a user interface resembling the command-line interface of GROMACS applications. AVAILABILITY: JGromacs and detailed documentation is freely available from http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/jgromacs under a GPLv3 license

    Proposal of interactive computer exercises for the programming education

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    Tato práce se věnuje návrhu interaktivního cvičení na základě zpětné vazby od studentů, kteří již programovacím kurzem Počítače a programování 2 v jazyku Java prošli. Hlavní částí práce jsou jednotlivé návrhy vybraných cvičení a vytvoření jejich aplikací. Grafické rozhraní je vytvořeno ve frameworku JavaFxThe aim of this bachelor thesis is to design interactive excercises based on feedback from students who have passed through programming course Počítače a programování 2 in Java language. The main part of this work is comprised of design of selected exercises and their applications development. Graphical user interface is designed in JavaFx framework.

    Digital television applications

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    Studying development of interactive services for digital television is a leading edge area of work as there is minimal research or precedent to guide their design. Published research is limited and therefore this thesis aims at establishing a set of computing methods using Java and XML technology for future set-top box interactive services. The main issues include middleware architecture, a Java user interface for digital television, content representation and return channel communications. The middleware architecture used was made up of an Application Manager, Application Programming Interface (API), a Java Virtual Machine, etc., which were arranged in a layered model to ensure the interoperability. The application manager was designed to control the lifecycle of Xlets; manage set-top box resources and remote control keys and to adapt the graphical device environment. The architecture of both application manager and Xlet forms the basic framework for running multiple interactive services simultaneously in future set-top box designs. User interface development is more complex for this type of platform (when compared to that for a desktop computer) as many constraints are set on the look and feel (e.g., TV-like and limited buttons). Various aspects of Java user interfaces were studied and my research in this area focused on creating a remote control event model and lightweight drawing components using the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Java Media Framework (JMF) together with Extensible Markup Language (XML). Applications were designed aimed at studying the data structure and efficiency of the XML language to define interactive content. Content parsing was designed as a lightweight software module based around two parsers (i.e., SAX parsing and DOM parsing). The still content (i.e., text, images, and graphics) and dynamic content (i.e., hyperlinked text, animations, and forms) can then be modeled and processed efficiently. This thesis also studies interactivity methods using Java APIs via a return channel. Various communication models are also discussed that meet the interactivity requirements for different interactive services. They include URL, Socket, Datagram, and SOAP models which applications can choose to use in order to establish a connection with the service or broadcaster in order to transfer data. This thesis is presented in two parts: The first section gives a general summary of the research and acts as a complement to the second section, which contains a series of related publications.reviewe