53 research outputs found

    Evolution Toward 5G Mobile Networks - A Survey on Enabling Technologies

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    In this paper, an extensive review has been carried out on the trends of existing as well as proposed potential enabling technologies that are expected to shape the fifth generation (5G) mobile wireless networks. Based on the classification of the trends, we develop a 5G network architectural evolution framework that comprises three evolutionary directions, namely, (1) radio access network node and performance enabler, (2) network control programming platform, and (3) backhaul network platform and synchronization. In (1), we discuss node classification including low power nodes in emerging machine-type communications, and network capacity enablers, e.g., millimeter wave communications and massive multiple-input multiple-output. In (2), both logically distributed cell/device-centric platforms, and logically centralized conventional/wireless software defined networking control programming approaches are discussed. In (3), backhaul networks and network synchronization are discussed. A comparative analysis for each direction as well as future evolutionary directions and challenges toward 5G networks are discussed. This survey will be helpful for further research exploitations and network operators for a smooth evolution of their existing networks toward 5G networks

    Multi-Cell Uplink Radio Resource Management. A LTE Case Study

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    Packet Scheduling Algorithms in LTE/LTE-A cellular Networks: Multi-agent Q-learning Approach

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    Spectrum utilization is vital for mobile operators. It ensures an efficient use of spectrum bands, especially when obtaining their license is highly expensive. Long Term Evolution (LTE), and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) spectrum bands license were auctioned by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) to mobile operators with hundreds of millions of dollars. In the first part of this dissertation, we study, analyze, and compare the QoS performance of QoS-aware/Channel-aware packet scheduling algorithms while using CA over LTE, and LTE-A heterogeneous cellular networks. This included a detailed study of the LTE/LTE-A cellular network and its features, and the modification of an open source LTE simulator in order to perform these QoS performance tests. In the second part of this dissertation, we aim to solve spectrum underutilization by proposing, implementing, and testing two novel multi-agent Q-learning-based packet scheduling algorithms for LTE cellular network. The Collaborative Competitive scheduling algorithm, and the Competitive Competitive scheduling algorithm. These algorithms schedule licensed users over the available radio resources and un-licensed users over spectrum holes. In conclusion, our results show that the spectrum band could be utilized by deploying efficient packet scheduling algorithms for licensed users, and can be further utilized by allowing unlicensed users to be scheduled on spectrum holes whenever they occur

    Self-organised multi-objective network clustering for coordinated communications in future wireless networks

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    The fifth generation (5G) cellular system is being developed with a vision of 1000 times more capacity than the fourth generation (4G) systems to cope with ever increasing mobile data traffic. Interference mitigation plays an important role in improving the much needed overall capacity especially in highly interference-limited dense deployment scenarios envisioned for 5G. Coordinated multi-point (CoMP) is identified as a promising interference mitigation technique where multiple base stations (BS) can cooperate for joint transmission/reception by exchanging user/control data and perform joint signal processing to mitigate inter-cell interference and even exploit it as a useful signal. CoMP is already a key feature of long term evolution-advanced (LTE-A) and envisioned as an essential function for 5G. However, CoMP cannot be realized for the whole network due to its computational complexity, synchronization requirement between coordinating BSs and high backhaul capacity requirement. BSs need to be clustered into smaller groups and CoMP can be activated within these smaller clusters. This PhD thesis aims to investigate optimum dynamic CoMP clustering solutions in 5G and beyond wireless networks with massive small cell (SC) deployment. Truly self-organised CoMP clustering algorithms are investigated, aiming to improve much needed spectral efficiency and other network objectives especially load balancing in future wireless networks. Low complexity, scalable, stable and efficient CoMP clustering algorithms are designed to jointly optimize spectral efficiency, load balancing and limited backhaul availability. Firstly, we provide a self organizing, load aware, user-centric CoMP clustering algorithm in a control and data plane separation architecture (CDSA) proposed for 5G to maximize spectral efficiency and improve load balancing. We introduce a novel re-clustering algorithm for user equipment (UE) served by highly loaded cells and show that unsatisfied UEs due to high load can be significantly reduced with minimal impact on spectral efficiency. Clustering with load balancing algorithm exploits the capacity gain from increase in cluster size and also the traffic shift from highly loaded cells to lightly loaded neighbours. Secondly, we develop a novel, low complexity, stable, network-centric clustering model to jointly optimize load balancing and spectral efficiency objectives and tackle the complexity and scalability issues of user-centric clustering. We show that our clustering model provide high spectral efficiency in low-load scenario and better load distribution in high-load scenario resulting in lower number of unsatisfied users while keeping spectral efficiency at comparably high levels. Unsatisfied UEs due to high load are reduced by 68.5%68.5\% with our algorithm when compared to greedy clustering model. In this context, the unique contribution of this work that it is the first attempt to fill the gap in literature for multi-objective, network-centric CoMP clustering, jointly optimizing load balancing and spectral efficiency. Thirdly, we design a novel multi-objective CoMP clustering algorithm to include backhaul-load awareness and tackle one of the biggest challenges for the realization of CoMP in future networks i.e. the demand for high backhaul bandwidth and very low latency. We fill the gap in literature as the first attempt to design a clustering algorithm to jointly optimize backhaul/radio access load and spectral efficiency and analyze the trade-off between them. We employ 2 novel coalitional game theoretic clustering methods, 1-a novel merge/split/transfer coalitional game theoretic clustering algorithm to form backhaul and load aware BS clusters where spectral efficiency is still kept at high level, 2-a novel user transfer game model to move users between clusters to improve load balancing further. Stability and complexity analysis is provided and simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed method under different backhaul availability scenarios. We show that average system throughout is increased by 49.9% with our backhaul-load aware model in high load scenario when compared to a greedy model. Finally, we provide an operator's perspective on deployment of CoMP. Firstly, we present the main motivation and benefits of CoMP from an operator's viewpoint. Next, we present operational requirements for CoMP implementation and discuss practical considerations and challenges of such deployment. Possible solutions for these experienced challenges are reviewed. We then present initial results from a UL CoMP trial and discuss changes in key network performance indicators (KPI) during the trial. Additionally, we propose further improvements to the trialed CoMP scheme for better potential gains and give our perspective on how CoMP will fit into the future wireless networks

    Wireless Backhaul Architectures for 5G Networks

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    This thesis investigates innovative wireless backhaul deployment strategies for dense small cells. In particular, the work focuses on improving the resource utilisation, reliability and energy efficiency of future wireless backhaul networks by increasing and exploiting the flexibility of the network. The wireless backhaul configurations and topology management schemes proposed in this thesis consider a dense urban area scenario with static users as well as an ultra-dense outdoor small cell scenario with vehicular traffic (pedestrians, bus users and car users). Moreover, a diverse range of traffic types such as file transfer, ultra-high definition (UHD) on-demand and real-time video streaming are used. In the first part of this thesis, novel dynamic two-tier Software Defined Networking (SDN) architecture is employed in backhaul network to facilitate complex network management tasks including multi-tenancy resource sharing and energy-aware topology management. The results show the proposed architecture can deliver efficient resource utilisation, and QoS guarantee. The second part of the thesis presents wireless backhaul architectures that serve ultra-dense outdoor small cells installed on street-level fixtures. The characteristics of vehicular communications including diverse mobility patterns and unevenly distributed traffic are investigated. The system-level performance of two key technologies for 5G backhaul are compared: massive MIMO backhaul using sub-6GHz band and millimetre (mm)-wave backhaul in the 71 – 76 GHz band. Finally, innovative wireless backhaul architectures delivered from street fibre cabinets for ultra-dense outdoor small cells with vehicular traffic is proposed, which can effectively minimise the need for additional sites, power and fibre infrastructure. Multi-hop backhaul configurations are presented in order to bring in an extra level of flexibility, and thus, improve the coverage of a street cabinet mm-wave backhaul network as well as distribute traffic loads

    Cooperative Uplink Inter-Cell Interference (ICI) Mitigation in 5G Networks

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    In order to support the new paradigm shift in fifth generation (5G) mobile communication, radically different network architectures, associated technologies and network operation algorithms, need to be developed compared to existing fourth generation (4G) cellular solutions. The evolution toward 5G mobile networks will be characterized by an increasing number of wireless devices, increasing device and service complexity, and the requirement to access mobile services ubiquitously. To realise the dramatic increase in data rates in particular, research is focused on improving the capacity of current, Long Term Evolution (LTE)-based, 4G network standards, before radical changes are exploited which could include acquiring additional spectrum. The LTE network has a reuse factor of one; hence neighbouring cells/sectors use the same spectrum, therefore making the cell-edge users vulnerable to heavy inter cell interference in addition to the other factors such as fading and path-loss. In this direction, this thesis focuses on improving the performance of cell-edge users in LTE and LTE-Advanced networks by initially implementing a new Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) technique to support future 5G networks using smart antennas to mitigate cell-edge user interference in uplink. Successively a novel cooperative uplink inter-cell interference mitigation algorithm based on joint reception at the base station using receiver adaptive beamforming is investigated. Subsequently interference mitigation in a heterogeneous environment for inter Device-to-Device (D2D) communication underlaying cellular network is investigated as the enabling technology for maximising resource block (RB) utilisation in emerging 5G networks. The proximity of users in a network, achieving higher data rates with maximum RB utilisation (as the technology reuses the cellular RB simultaneously), while taking some load off the evolved Node B (eNodeB) i.e. by direct communication between User Equipment (UE), has been explored. Simulation results show that the proximity and transmission power of D2D transmission yields high performance gains for D2D receivers, which was demonstrated to be better than that of cellular UEs with better channel conditions or in close proximity to the eNodeB in the network. It is finally demonstrated that the application, as an extension to the above, of a novel receiver beamforming technique to reduce interference from D2D users, can further enhance network performance. To be able to develop the aforementioned technologies and evaluate the performance of new algorithms in emerging network scenarios, a beyond the-state-of-the-art LTE system-level-simulator (SLS) was implemented. The new simulator includes Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna functionalities, comprehensive channel models (such as Wireless World initiative New Radio II i.e. WINNER II) and adaptive modulation and coding schemes to accurately emulate the LTE and LTE-A network standards

    Resource Allocation in Multi-user MIMO Networks: Interference Management and Cooperative Communications

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    Nowadays, wireless communications are becoming so tightly integrated in our daily lives, especially with the global spread of laptops, tablets and smartphones. This has paved the way to dramatically increasing wireless network dimensions in terms of subscribers and amount of flowing data. Therefore, the two important fundamental requirements for the future 5G wireless networks are abilities to support high data traffic and exceedingly low latency. A likely candidate to fulfill these requirements is multicell multi-user multi-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO); also termed as coordinated multi-point (CoMP) transmission and reception. To achieve the highest possible performance in MU-MIMO networks, a properly designed resource allocation algorithm is needed. Moreover, with the rapidly growing data traffic, interference has become a major limitation in wireless networks. Interference alignment (IA) has been shown to significantly manage the interference and improve the network performance. However, how practically use IA to mitigate interference in a downlink MU-MIMO network still remains an open problem. In this dissertation, we improve the performance of MU-MIMO networks in terms of spectral efficiency, by designing and developing new beamforming algorithms that can efficiently mitigate the interference and allocate the resources. Then we mathematically analyze the performance improvement of MUMIMO networks employing proposed techniques. Fundamental relationships between network parameters and the network performance is revealed, which provide guidance on the wireless networks design. Finally, system level simulations are conducted to investigate the performance of the proposed strategies

    Altruistic Transmit Beamforming for Cross-layer Interference Mitigation in Heterogeneous Networks

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    The emergence of heterogeneous networks, with low-power nodes operating under the umbrella of high-power macro cells, simplifies planning procedures for operators, but introduces the problem of cross-layer interference between the overlapping cells. An effective technique for combating interference is transmit beam-forming (TBF), a transmitter-side technique which utilizes partial knowledge of the channel and presence of multiple antennas at the transmitter to enhance the signal reception quality at a receiver. When applied to the base station associated with the receiver, TBF boosts the desired signal. On the other hand, when applied to the interfering base station, TBF reduces the effect of the interference signal. The former technique is commonly referred to as egoistic TBF, while the latter is known as altruistic TBF. In this thesis, we provide theoretical evaluation of the performance gains that altruistic TBF is able to offer to a heavily interfered user in a heterogeneous setting, when channel state information is conveyed from the receiver to the transmitter through a limited feedback channel. We show that the application of altruistic TBF to specifically defined clusters of interferers is able to drastically improve performance for the victim user. Furthermore, we prove the exact upper bound for the performance of the victim user, when only phase feedback is used for altruistic TBF and the source of interference is a single dominant interferer. Finally, we investigate and propose new techniques that can be applied to multi-antenna heterogeneous network scenarios for interference mitigation purposes