482,275 research outputs found

    The frustrated spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg ferromagnet on the square lattice: Exact diagonalization and Coupled-Cluster study

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    We investigate the ground-state magnetic order of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice with ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange J1<0 and frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor exchange J2>0. We use the coupled-cluster method to high orders of approximation and Lanczos exact diagonalization of finite lattices of up to N=40 sites in order to calculate the ground-state energy, the spin-spin correlation functions, and the magnetic order parameter. We find that the transition point at which the ferromagnetic ground state disappears is given by J2^{c1}=0.393|J1| (exact diagonalization) and J2^{c1}=0.394|J1| (coupled-cluster method). We compare our results for ferromagnetic J1 with established results for the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model with antiferromagnetic J1. We find that both models (i.e., ferro- and antiferromagnetic J1) behave similarly for large J2, although significant differences between them are observed for J2/|J1| \lesssim 0.6. Although the semiclassical collinear magnetic long-range order breaks down at J2^{c2} \approx 0.6J1 for antiferromagnetic J1, we do not find a similar breakdown of this kind of long-range order until J2 \sim 0.4|J1| for the model with ferromagnetic J1. Unlike the case for antiferromagnetic J1, if an intermediate disordered phase does occur between the phases exhibiting semiclassical collinear stripe order and ferromagnetic order for ferromagnetic J1 then it is likely to be over a very small range below J2 \sim 0.4|J1|.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 square-lattice J1-J2 model with plaquette structure

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    Using the coupled cluster method for high orders of approximation and Lanczos exact diagonalization we study the ground-state phase diagram of a quantum spin-1/2 J1-J2 model on the square lattice with plaquette structure. We consider antiferromagnetic (J1>0) as well as ferromagnetic (J1<0) nearest-neighbor interactions together with frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interaction J2>0. The strength of inter-plaquette interaction lambda varies between lambda=1 (that corresponds to the uniform J1-J2 model) and lambda=0 (that corresponds to isolated frustrated 4-spin plaquettes). While on the classical level (s \to \infty) both versions of models (i.e., with ferro- and antiferromagnetic J1) exhibit the same ground-state behavior, the ground-state phase diagram differs basically for the quantum case s=1/2. For the antiferromagnetic case (J1 > 0) Neel antiferromagnetic long-range order at small J2/J1 and lambda \gtrsim 0.47 as well as collinear striped antiferromagnetic long-range order at large J2/J1 and lambda \gtrsim 0.30 appear which correspond to their classical counterparts. Both semi-classical magnetic phases are separated by a nonmagnetic quantum paramagnetic phase. The parameter region, where this nonmagnetic phase exists, increases with decreasing of lambda. For the ferromagnetic case (J1 < 0) we have the trivial ferromagnetic ground state at small J2/|J1|. By increasing of J2 this classical phase gives way for a semi-classical plaquette phase, where the plaquette block spins of length s=2 are antiferromagnetically long-range ordered. Further increasing of J2 then yields collinear striped antiferromagnetic long-range order for lambda \gtrsim 0.38, but a nonmagnetic quantum paramagnetic phase lambda \lesssim 0.38.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figure

    Structure and magnetism of Cr2BP3O12: Towards the quantum-classical crossover in a spin-3/2 alternating chain

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    Magnetic properties of the spin-3/2 Heisenberg system Cr2BP3O12 are investigated by magnetic susceptibility chi(T) measurements, electron spin resonance, neutron diffraction, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations, as well as classical and quantum Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. The broad maximum of chi(T) at 85K and the antiferromagnetic Weiss temperature of 139 K indicate low-dimensional magnetic behavior. Below TN = 28 K, Cr2BP3O12 is antiferromagnetically ordered with the k = 0 propagation vector and an ordered moment of 2.5 muB/Cr. DFT calculations, including DFT+U and hybrid functionals, yield a microscopic model of spin chains with alternating nearest-neighbor couplings J1 and J1' . The chains are coupled by two inequivalent interchain exchanges of similar strength (~1-2 K), but different sign (antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic). The resulting spin lattice is quasi-one-dimensional and not frustrated. Quantum MC simulations show excellent agreement with the experimental data for the parameters J1 ~= 50 K and J1'/J1 ~= 0.5. Therefore, Cr2BP3O12 is close to the gapless critical point (J1'/J1 = 0.41) of the spin-3/2 bond-alternating Heisenberg chain. The applicability limits of the classical approximation are addressed by quantum and classical MC simulations. Implications for a wide range of low-dimensional S = 3/2 materials are discussed.Comment: Published version: 13 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables + Supplementary informatio

    Highest weight state description of the isotropic spin-1 chain

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    We introduce an overcomplete highest weight state basis as a calculational tool for the description of the isotropic spin-1 chain with bilinear exchange coupling J1 and biquadratic coupling J2. The ground state can be expressed exactly at the three special points in the phase diagram where the Hamiltonian corresponds to a sum of nearest neighbor total spin projection operators (J1=0>J2, J1=-J2<0, and J1=-J2/3<0). In particular, at the phase transition point J1=-J2<0 it is possible to exactly compute the ground states, excited states, expectation values, and correlation functions by using the new total spin basis.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, the most recent version can be found at http://www.physik.uni-kl.de/eggert/papers

    Spin correlations and exchange in square lattice frustrated ferromagnets

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    The J1-J2 model on a square lattice exhibits a rich variety of different forms of magnetic order that depend sensitively on the ratio of exchange constants J2/J1. We use bulk magnetometry and polarized neutron scattering to determine J1 and J2 unambiguously for two materials in a new family of vanadium phosphates, Pb2VO(PO4)2 and SrZnVO(PO4)2, and we find that they have ferromagnetic J1. The ordered moment in the collinear antiferromagnetic ground state is reduced, and the diffuse magnetic scattering is enhanced, as the predicted bond-nematic region of the phase diagram is approached.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The splitting of double-component active asteroid P/2016 J1 (PANSTARRS)

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    We present deep imaging observations, orbital dynamics, and dust tail model analyses of the double-component asteroid P/2016 J1 (J1-A and J1-B). The observations were acquired at the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) from mid March to late July, 2016. A statistical analysis of backward-in-time integrations of the orbits of a large sample of clone objects of P/2016 J1-A and J1-B shows that the minimum separation between them occurred most likely ∼\sim2300 days prior to the current perihelion passage, i.e., during the previous orbit near perihelion. This closest approach was probably linked to a fragmentation event of their parent body. Monte Carlo dust tail models show that those two components became active simultaneously ∼\sim250 days before the current perihelion, with comparable maximum loss rates of ∼\sim0.7 kg s−1^{-1} and ∼\sim0.5 kg s−1^{-1}, and total ejected masses of 8×\times106^{6} kg and 6×\times106^{6} kg for fragments J1-A and J1-B, respectively. In consequence, the fragmentation event and the present dust activity are unrelated. The simultaneous activation times of the two components and the fact that the activity lasted 6 to 9 months or longer, strongly indicate ice sublimation as the most likely mechanism involved in the dust emission process.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, Feb. 17, 201

    Spin-1/2 J1-J2 model on the body-centered cubic lattice

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    Using exact diagonalization (ED) and linear spin wave theory (LSWT) we study the influence of frustration and quantum fluctuations on the magnetic ordering in the ground state of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet (J1-J2 model) on the body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice. Contrary to the J1-J2 model on the square lattice, we find for the bcc lattice that frustration and quantum fluctuations do not lead to a quantum disordered phase for strong frustration. The results of both approaches (ED, LSWT) suggest a first order transition at J2/J1 ≈\approx 0.7 from the two-sublattice Neel phase at low J2 to a collinear phase at large J2.Comment: 6.1 pages 7 figure

    Thermodynamics of the one-dimensional frustrated Heisenberg ferromagnet with arbitrary spin

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    The thermodynamic quantities (spin-spin correlation functions <{\bf S}_0{\bf S}_n>, correlation length {\xi}, spin susceptibility {\chi}, and specific heat C_V) of the frustrated one-dimensional J1-J2 Heisenberg ferromagnet with arbitrary spin quantum number S below the quantum critical point, i.e. for J2< |J1|/4, are calculated using a rotation-invariant Green-function formalism and full diagonalization as well as a finite-temperature Lanczos technique for finite chains of up to N=18 sites. The low-temperature behavior of the susceptibility {\chi} and the correlation length {\xi} is well described by \chi = (2/3)S^4 (|J1|-4J2) T^{-2} + A S^{5/2} (|J1|-4J2)^{1/2} T^{-3/2} and \xi = S^2 (|J1|-4J2) T^{-1} + B S^{1/2} (|J1|-4J2)^{1/2} T^{-1/2} with A \approx 1.1 ... 1.2 and B \approx 0.84 ... 0.89. The vanishing of the factors in front of the temperature at J2=|J1|/4 indicates a change of the critical behavior of {\chi} and {\xi} at T \to 0. The specific heat may exhibit an additional frustration-induced low-temperature maximum when approaching the quantum critical point. This maximum appears for S=1/2 and S=1, but was not found for S>1.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
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