16 research outputs found

    Segmentation by transduction

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the problem of segmenting an image into regions consistent with user-supplied seeds (e.g., a sparse set of broad brush strokes). We view this task as a statistical transductive inference, in which some pixels are already associated with given zones and the remaining ones need to be classified. Our method relies on the Laplacian graph regularizer, a powerful manifold learning tool that is based on the estimation of variants of the Laplace-Beltrami operator and is tightly related to diffusion processes. Segmentation is modeled as the task of finding matting coefficients for unclassified pixels given known matting coefficients for seed pixels. The proposed algorithm essentially relies on a high margin assumption in the space of pixel characteristics. It is simple, fast, and accurate, as demonstrated by qualitative results on natural images and a quantitative comparison with state-of-the-art methods on the Microsoft GrabCut segmentation database

    Context-Aware Image Matting for Simultaneous Foreground and Alpha Estimation

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    Natural image matting is an important problem in computer vision and graphics. It is an ill-posed problem when only an input image is available without any external information. While the recent deep learning approaches have shown promising results, they only estimate the alpha matte. This paper presents a context-aware natural image matting method for simultaneous foreground and alpha matte estimation. Our method employs two encoder networks to extract essential information for matting. Particularly, we use a matting encoder to learn local features and a context encoder to obtain more global context information. We concatenate the outputs from these two encoders and feed them into decoder networks to simultaneously estimate the foreground and alpha matte. To train this whole deep neural network, we employ both the standard Laplacian loss and the feature loss: the former helps to achieve high numerical performance while the latter leads to more perceptually plausible results. We also report several data augmentation strategies that greatly improve the network's generalization performance. Our qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method enables high-quality matting for a single natural image. Our inference codes and models have been made publicly available at https://github.com/hqqxyy/Context-Aware-Matting.Comment: This is the camera ready version of ICCV2019 pape

    Efficient Poisson Image Editing

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    Image composition refers to the process of composing two or more images to create a natural output image. It is one of the important techniques in image processing. In this paper, two efficient methods for composing color images are proposed. In the proposed methods, the Poisson equation is solved using image pyramid and divide-and-conquer methods. The proposed methods are more efficient than other existing image composition methods. They reduce the time taken in the composition process while achieving almost identical results using the previous image composition methods. In the proposed methods, the Poisson equation is solved after converting it to a linear system using different methods. The results show that the time for composing color images is decreased using the proposed methods

    Efficient Poisson Image Editing

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    Image composition refers to the process of composing two or more images to create an acceptable output image. It is one of the important techniques of image processing. In this paper, two efficient methods for composing color images are proposed. In the proposed methods, the Poisson equation is solved using image pyramid, and divide-and-conquer methods. The proposed methods are more efficient than other existing image composition methods. They reduce the time taken in the composition process while achieving almost identical results using the previous image composition methods. In the proposed methods, the Poisson equation is solved after converting it to a linear system using different methods. The results show that the time for composing color images is decreased using the proposed methods

    A discrete graph Laplacian for signal processing

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    In this thesis we exploit diffusion processes on graphs to effect two fundamental problems of image processing: denoising and segmentation. We treat these two low-level vision problems on the pixel-wise level under a unified framework: a graph embedding. Using this framework opens us up to the possibilities of exploiting recently introduced algorithms from the semi-supervised machine learning literature. We contribute two novel edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to the literature. Furthermore we apply these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms to some computational photography tasks. Many recent computational photography tasks require the decomposition of an image into a smooth base layer containing large scale intensity variations and a residual layer capturing fine details. Edge-preserving smoothing is the main computational mechanism in producing these multi-scale image representations. We, in effect, introduce a new approach to edge-preserving multi-scale image decompositions. Where as prior approaches such as the Bilateral filter and weighted-least squares methods require multiple parameters to tune the response of the filters our method only requires one. This parameter can be interpreted as a scale parameter. We demonstrate the utility of our approach by applying the method to computational photography tasks that utilise multi-scale image decompositions. With minimal modification to these edge-preserving smoothing algorithms we show that we can extend them to produce interactive image segmentation. As a result the operations of segmentation and denoising are conducted under a unified framework. Moreover we discuss how our method is related to region based active contours. We benchmark our proposed interactive segmentation algorithms against those based upon energy-minimisation, specifically graph-cut methods. We demonstrate that we achieve competitive performance