48,420 research outputs found

    Innovation Pursuit: A New Approach to Subspace Clustering

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    In subspace clustering, a group of data points belonging to a union of subspaces are assigned membership to their respective subspaces. This paper presents a new approach dubbed Innovation Pursuit (iPursuit) to the problem of subspace clustering using a new geometrical idea whereby subspaces are identified based on their relative novelties. We present two frameworks in which the idea of innovation pursuit is used to distinguish the subspaces. Underlying the first framework is an iterative method that finds the subspaces consecutively by solving a series of simple linear optimization problems, each searching for a direction of innovation in the span of the data potentially orthogonal to all subspaces except for the one to be identified in one step of the algorithm. A detailed mathematical analysis is provided establishing sufficient conditions for iPursuit to correctly cluster the data. The proposed approach can provably yield exact clustering even when the subspaces have significant intersections. It is shown that the complexity of the iterative approach scales only linearly in the number of data points and subspaces, and quadratically in the dimension of the subspaces. The second framework integrates iPursuit with spectral clustering to yield a new variant of spectral-clustering-based algorithms. The numerical simulations with both real and synthetic data demonstrate that iPursuit can often outperform the state-of-the-art subspace clustering algorithms, more so for subspaces with significant intersections, and that it significantly improves the state-of-the-art result for subspace-segmentation-based face clustering

    Well-Pointed Coalgebras

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    For endofunctors of varieties preserving intersections, a new description of the final coalgebra and the initial algebra is presented: the former consists of all well-pointed coalgebras. These are the pointed coalgebras having no proper subobject and no proper quotient. The initial algebra consists of all well-pointed coalgebras that are well-founded in the sense of Osius and Taylor. And initial algebras are precisely the final well-founded coalgebras. Finally, the initial iterative algebra consists of all finite well-pointed coalgebras. Numerous examples are discussed e.g. automata, graphs, and labeled transition systems

    A Coalgebraic View on Reachability

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    Coalgebras for an endofunctor provide a category-theoretic framework for modeling a wide range of state-based systems of various types. We provide an iterative construction of the reachable part of a given pointed coalgebra that is inspired by and resembles the standard breadth-first search procedure to compute the reachable part of a graph. We also study coalgebras in Kleisli categories: for a functor extending a functor on the base category, we show that the reachable part of a given pointed coalgebra can be computed in that base category

    How to estimate the number of self-avoiding walks over 10^100? Use random walks

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    Counting the number of N-step self-avoiding walks (SAWs) on a lattice is one of the most difficult problems of enumerative combinatorics. Once we give up calculating the exact number of them, however, we have a chance to apply powerful computational methods of statistical mechanics to this problem. In this paper, we develop a statistical enumeration method for SAWs using the multicanonical Monte Carlo method. A key part of this method is to expand the configuration space of SAWs to random walks, the exact number of which is known. Using this method, we estimate a number of N-step SAWs on a square lattice, c_N, up to N=256. The value of c_256 is 5.6(1)*10^108 (the number in the parentheses is the statistical error of the last digit) and this is larger than one googol (10^100).Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, to appear in proceedings of YSMSPIP in Senda

    The alternating simultaneous Halpern-Lions-Wittmann-Bauschke algorithm for finding the best approximation pair for two disjoint intersections of convex sets

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    Given two nonempty and disjoint intersections of closed and convex subsets, we look for a best approximation pair relative to them, i.e., a pair of points, one in each intersection, attaining the minimum distance between the disjoint intersections. We propose an iterative process based on projections onto the subsets which generate the intersections. The process is inspired by the Halpern-Lions-Wittmann-Bauschke algorithm and the classical alternating process of Cheney and Goldstein, and its advantage is that there is no need to project onto the intersections themselves, a task which can be rather demanding. We prove that under certain conditions the two interlaced subsequences converge to a best approximation pair. These conditions hold, in particular, when the space is Euclidean and the subsets which generate the intersections are compact and strictly convex. Our result extends the one of Aharoni, Censor and Jiang ["Finding a best approximation pair of points for two polyhedra", Computational Optimization and Applications 71 (2018), 509-523] which considered the case of finite-dimensional polyhedra.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur