298 research outputs found

    Applications of artificial intelligence in powerline communications in terms of noise detection and reduction : a review

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    Abstract: The technology which utilizes the power line as a medium for transferring information known as powerline communication (PLC) has been in existence for over a hundred years. It is beneficial because it avoids new installation since it uses the present installation for electrical power to transmit data. However, transmission of data signals through a power line channel usually experience some challenges which include impulsive noise, frequency selectivity, high channel attenuation, low line impedance etc. The impulsive noise exhibits a power spectral density within the range of 10-15 dB higher than the background noise, which could cause a severe problem in a communication system. For better outcome of the PLC system, these noises must be detected and suppressed. This paper reviews various techniques used in detecting and mitigating the impulsive noise in PLC and suggests the application of machine learning algorithms for the detection and removal of impulsive noise in power line communication systems

    Fifty Years of Noise Modeling and Mitigation in Power-Line Communications.

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    Building on the ubiquity of electric power infrastructure, power line communications (PLC) has been successfully used in diverse application scenarios, including the smart grid and in-home broadband communications systems as well as industrial and home automation. However, the power line channel exhibits deleterious properties, one of which is its hostile noise environment. This article aims for providing a review of noise modeling and mitigation techniques in PLC. Specifically, a comprehensive review of representative noise models developed over the past fifty years is presented, including both the empirical models based on measurement campaigns and simplified mathematical models. Following this, we provide an extensive survey of the suite of noise mitigation schemes, categorizing them into mitigation at the transmitter as well as parametric and non-parametric techniques employed at the receiver. Furthermore, since the accuracy of channel estimation in PLC is affected by noise, we review the literature of joint noise mitigation and channel estimation solutions. Finally, a number of directions are outlined for future research on both noise modeling and mitigation in PLC

    Advanced Coding And Modulation For Ultra-wideband And Impulsive Noises

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    The ever-growing demand for higher quality and faster multimedia content delivery over short distances in home environments drives the quest for higher data rates in wireless personal area networks (WPANs). One of the candidate IEEE 802.15.3a WPAN proposals support data rates up to 480 Mbps by using punctured convolutional codes with quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation for a multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MB-OFDM) system over ultra wideband (UWB) channels. In the first part of this dissertation, we combine more powerful near-Shannon-limit turbo codes with bandwidth efficient trellis coded modulation, i.e., turbo trellis coded modulation (TTCM), to further improve the data rates up to 1.2 Gbps. A modified iterative decoder for this TTCM coded MB-OFDM system is proposed and its bit error rate performance under various impulsive noises over both Gaussian and UWB channel is extensively investigated, especially in mismatched scenarios. A robust decoder which is immune to noise mismatch is provided based on comparison of impulsive noises in time domain and frequency domain. The accurate estimation of the dynamic noise model could be very difficult or impossible at the receiver, thus a significant performance degradation may occur due to noise mismatch. In the second part of this dissertation, we prove that the minimax decoder in \cite, which instead of minimizing the average bit error probability aims at minimizing the worst bit error probability, is optimal and robust to certain noise model with unknown prior probabilities in two and higher dimensions. Besides turbo codes, another kind of error correcting codes which approach the Shannon capacity is low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. In the last part of this dissertation, we extend the density evolution method for sum-product decoding using mismatched noises. We will prove that as long as the true noise type and the estimated noise type used in the decoder are both binary-input memoryless output symmetric channels, the output from mismatched log-likelihood ratio (LLR) computation is also symmetric. We will show the Shannon capacity can be evaluated for mismatched LLR computation and it can be reduced if the mismatched LLR computation is not an one-to-one mapping function. We will derive the Shannon capacity, threshold and stable condition of LDPC codes for mismatched BIAWGN and BIL noise types. The results show that the noise variance estimation errors will not affect the Shannon capacity and stable condition, but the errors do reduce the threshold. The mismatch in noise type will only reduce Shannon capacity when LLR computation is based on BIL

    LPTV-Aware Bit Loading and Channel Estimation in Broadband PLC for Smart Grid

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    Power line communication (PLC) has received steady interest over recent decades because of its economic use of existing power lines, and is one of the communication technologies envisaged for Smart Grid (SG) infrastructure. However, power lines are not designed for data communication, and this brings unique challenges for data communication over power lines. In particular for broadband (BB) PLC, the channel exhibits linear periodically time varying (LPTV) behavior synchronous to the AC mains cycle. This is due to the time varying impedances of electrical devices that are connected to the power grid. Another challenge is the impulsive noise in addition to power line background noise, which is due to switching events in the power line network. In this work, we focus on two major aspects of an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system for BB PLC LPTV channels; bit and power allocation, and channel estimation (CE). First, we investigate the problem of optimal bit and power allocation, in order to increase bit rates and improve energy efficiency. We present that the application of a power constraint that is averaged over many microslots can be exploited for further performance improvements through bit loading. Due to the matroid structure of the optimization problem, greedy-type algorithms are proven to be optimal for the new LPTV-aware bit and power loading. Significant gains are attained especially for poor (i.e. high attenuation) channel conditions, and at reduced transmit-power levels, where the energy per bit-transmission is also low. Next, two mechanisms are utilized to reduce the complexity of the optimal LPTV-aware bit loading and peak microslot power levels: (i) employing representative values from microslot transfer functions, and (ii) power clipping. The ideas of LPTV-aware bit loading, complexity reduction mechanism, and power clipping are also applicable to non-optimal bit loading schemes. We apply these ideas to two additional sub-optimal bit loading algorithms that are based on even-like power distribution for a portion of the available spectrum, and demonstrate that similar gains in bit rates are achieved. Second, we tackle the problem of CE for BB PLC LPTV channels. We first investigate pilot based CE with different pilot geometry in order to reduce interpolation error. Block-type, comb-type, and incline type pilot arrangements are considered and a performance comparison has been made. Next we develop a robust CE scheme with low overhead that addresses the drawbacks of block-type pilot arrangement and decision directed CE schemes such as large estimation overhead for block-type pilot geometry, and difficulty in channel tracking in the case of sudden changes in the channel for decision directed approaches. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we develop a transform domain (TD) analysis approach to determine the cause of changes in the channel estimates, which are due to changes in the channel response or the presence of impulsive noise. We then propose a robust CE scheme with low estimation overhead, which utilizes pilot symbols placed widely apart and exploits the information obtained from TD analysis as a basis for switching between various CE schemes. The overhead of the proposed scheme for CE is low, and sudden changes in the channel are tracked affectively. Therefore, the effects of the LPTV channel and the impulsive noise on CE are mitigated. Our results indicate that for bit and power allocation, the proposed reduced complexity LPTV-aware bit loading with power clipping algorithm performs very close to the optimal LPTV-aware bit loading, and is an attractive solution to bit loading in a practical setting. Finally, for the CE problem, the proposed CE scheme based on TD analysis has low estimation overhead, performs well compared to block-type pilot arrangement and decision directed CE schemes, and is robust to changes in the channel and the presence of impulsive noise. Therefore, it is a good alternative for CE in BB PLC

    Applying Spatial Diversity to Mitigate Partial Band Interference in Undersea Networks

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    Many acoustic channels suffer from interference which is neither narrowband nor impulsive. This relatively long duration partial band interference can be particularly detrimental to system performance. We survey recent work in interference mitigation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as background motivation to develop a spatial diversity receiver for use in underwater networks. The network consists of multiple distributed cabled hydrophones that receive data transmitted over a time-varying multipath channel in the presence of partial band interference produced by interfering active sonar signals as well as marine mammal vocalizations. In operational networks, many “dropped” messages are lost due to partial band interference which corrupts different portions of the received signal depending on the relative position of the interferers, information source and receivers due to the slow speed of propagation

    Resource allocation technique for powerline network using a modified shuffled frog-leaping algorithm

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    Resource allocation (RA) techniques should be made efficient and optimized in order to enhance the QoS (power & bit, capacity, scalability) of high-speed networking data applications. This research attempts to further increase the efficiency towards near-optimal performance. RA’s problem involves assignment of subcarriers, power and bit amounts for each user efficiently. Several studies conducted by the Federal Communication Commission have proven that conventional RA approaches are becoming insufficient for rapid demand in networking resulted in spectrum underutilization, low capacity and convergence, also low performance of bit error rate, delay of channel feedback, weak scalability as well as computational complexity make real-time solutions intractable. Mainly due to sophisticated, restrictive constraints, multi-objectives, unfairness, channel noise, also unrealistic when assume perfect channel state is available. The main goal of this work is to develop a conceptual framework and mathematical model for resource allocation using Shuffled Frog-Leap Algorithm (SFLA). Thus, a modified SFLA is introduced and integrated in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) system. Then SFLA generated random population of solutions (power, bit), the fitness of each solution is calculated and improved for each subcarrier and user. The solution is numerically validated and verified by simulation-based powerline channel. The system performance was compared to similar research works in terms of the system’s capacity, scalability, allocated rate/power, and convergence. The resources allocated are constantly optimized and the capacity obtained is constantly higher as compared to Root-finding, Linear, and Hybrid evolutionary algorithms. The proposed algorithm managed to offer fastest convergence given that the number of iterations required to get to the 0.001% error of the global optimum is 75 compared to 92 in the conventional techniques. Finally, joint allocation models for selection of optima resource values are introduced; adaptive power and bit allocators in OFDM system-based Powerline and using modified SFLA-based TLBO and PSO are propose

    Investigation of non-binary trellis codes designed for impulsive noise environments

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    PhD ThesisIt is well known that binary codes with iterative decoders can achieve near Shannon limit performance on the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, but their performance on more realistic wired or wireless channels can become degraded due to the presence of burst errors or impulsive noise. In such extreme environments, error correction alone cannot combat the serious e ect of the channel and must be combined with the signal processing techniques such as channel estimation, channel equalisation and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). However, even after the received signal has been processed, it can still contain burst errors, or the noise present in the signal maybe non Gaussian. In these cases, popular binary coding schemes such as Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) or turbo codes may not perform optimally, resulting in the degradation of performance. Nevertheless, there is still scope for the design of new non-binary codes that are more suitable for these environments, allowing us to achieve further gains in performance. In this thesis, an investigation into good non-binary trellis error-correcting codes and advanced noise reduction techniques has been carried out with the aim of enhancing the performance of wired and wireless communication networks in di erent extreme environments. These environments include, urban, indoor, pedestrian, underwater, and powerline communication (PLC). This work includes an examination of the performance of non-binary trellis codes in harsh scenarios such as underwater communications when the noise channel is additive S S noise. Similar work was also conducted for single input single output (SISO) power line communication systems for single carrier (SC) and multi carrier (MC) over realistic multi-path frequency selective channels. A further examination of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wired and wireless systems on Middleton class A noise channel was carried out. The main focus of the project was non-binary coding schemes as it is well-known that they outperform their binary counterparts when the channel is bursty. However, few studies have investigated non-binary codes for other environments. The major novelty of this work is the comparison of the performance of non-binary trellis codes with binary trellis codes in various scenarios, leading to the conclusion that non-binary codes are, in most cases, superior in performance to binary codes. Furthermore, the theoretical bounds of SISO and MIMO binary and non-binary convolutional coded OFDM-PLC systems have been investigated for the rst time. In order to validate our results, the implementation of simulated and theoretical results have been obtained for di erent values of noise parameters and on di erent PLC channels. The results show a strong agreement between the simulated and theoretical analysis for all cases.University of Thi-Qar for choosing me for their PhD scholarship and the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scienti c Research (MOHESR) for granting me the funds to study in UK. In addition, there was ample support towards my stay in the UK from the Iraqi Cultural Attach e in Londo
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