6 research outputs found

    Application of coding theory to interconnection networks

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    AbstractWe give a few examples of applications of techniques and results borrowed from error-correcting codes to problems in graphs and interconnection networks. The degree and diameter of Cayley graphs with vertex set (Z2Z)r are investigated. The asymptotic case is dealt with in Section 2. The robustness, or fault tolerance, of the n-cube interconnection network is studied in Section 3

    Exhaustive testing of combinatorial circuits

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    We present a method for the construction of s-surjective arrays, which allows exhaustive testing of any set of s inputs in a combinatorial device . The method is based upon the use of linear codes, which implies simplicity of implementation. The size (number of tests) of the obtained arrays is close to the minimum f (n, s) for values of th e parameters n (total number of inputs) and s useful in practice .Nous présentons une méthode de construction de tableaux dits s-surjectifs qui permettent de tester exhaustivement tout ensemble de s entrées d'un circuit combinatoire . La méthode est basée sur l'emploi de codes linéaires, c e qui assure la simplicité de sa mise en œuvre. La taille (nombre de tests) des tableaux obtenus se rapproche d u minimum f(n, s) pour certaines valeurs des paramètres n (nombre total d'entrées du circuit) et s utiles en pratique


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    Предлагается метод построения почти псевдоисчерпывающих вероятностных тестов, характеризующихся большей полнотой покрытия в сравнении с вероятностными и детерминированными тестами при такой же их временной сложности. Данные тесты позволяют генерировать всевозможные двоичные комбинации на любых k из N входов тестируемого цифрового устройства. Показывается их эффективность для малых значений k и небольшого числа итераций. Приводятся экспериментальные исследования для случая тестирования ОЗУ

    A Survey of Binary Covering Arrays

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    Binary covering arrays of strength t are 0–1 matrices having the property that for each t columns and each of the possible 2[superscript t] sequences of t 0's and 1's, there exists a row having that sequence in that set of t columns. Covering arrays are an important tool in certain applications, for example, in software testing. In these applications, the number of columns of the matrix is dictated by the application, and it is desirable to have a covering array with a small number of rows. Here we survey some of what is known about the existence of binary covering arrays and methods of producing them, including both explicit constructions and search techniques

    Iterative Exhaustive Pattern Generation for Logic Testing

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