27 research outputs found

    Outer Independent Double Italian Domination of Some Graph Products

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    An outer independent double Italian dominating function on a graph GG is a function f:V(G)β†’{0,1,2,3}f:V(G)\rightarrow\{0,1,2,3\} for which each vertex x∈V(G)x\in V(G) with f(x)∈{0,1}\color{red}{f(x)\in \{0,1\}} then βˆ‘y∈N[x]f(y)β©Ύ3\sum_{y\in N[x]}f(y)\geqslant 3 and vertices assigned 00 under ff are independent. The outer independent double Italian domination number Ξ³oidI(G)\gamma_{oidI}(G) is the minimum weight of an outer independent double Italian dominating function of graph GG. In this work, we present some contributions to the study of outer independent double Italian domination of three graph products. We characterize the Cartesian product, lexicographic product and direct product of custom graphs in terms of this parameter. We also provide the best possible upper and lower bounds for these three products for arbitrary graphs

    Edge Italian Domination in some wheel related graphs

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    A function f:E(G) β†’{0,1,2} is an edge Italian dominating function (EIDF) if it satisfies the rule that every edge with weight 0 is either adjacent to an edge with weight 2 or adjacent to at least two edges with weight 1 each. The weight of an EIDF is βˆ‘_(e∈E(G))β–’γ€–f(e)γ€—. The minimum βˆ‘_(e∈E(G))β–’γ€–f(e)γ€—is the edge Italian domination number (EIDN). The symbol (Ξ³_I ) ́ (G) is used to denote the EIDN. In this paper, we obtain the EIDN of some wheel related graphs like gear graph, helm graph, flower graph, web graph etc

    The Italian domination numbers of some products of directed cycles

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    An Italian dominating function on a digraph DD with vertex set V(D)V(D) is defined as a function f:V(D)β†’{0,1,2}f : V(D) \rightarrow \{0, 1, 2\} such that every vertex v∈V(D)v \in V(D) with f(v)=0f(v) = 0 has at least two in-neighbors assigned 11 under ff or one in-neighbor ww with f(w)=2f(w) = 2. In this paper, we determine the exact values of the Italian domination numbers of some products of directed cycles