5 research outputs found

    AQUA:An Efficient Solver for the User Authorization Query Problem

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    We present AQUA, a solver for the User Authorization Query (UAQ) problem in Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). The UAQ problem amounts to determining a set of roles granting a given set of permissions, satisfying a collection of authorisation constraints (most notably Dynamic Mutually-Exclusive Roles, DMER) and achieving some optimization objective, i.e. seeking min/max/any number of roles to activate and/or permissions to grant. AQUA supports the enforcement of a wide class of DMER constraints as well as several types of optimization objectives (namely, min/max/any number of roles to activate, min/max/any number of permissions to grant, and a combinations thereof). In this paper, we demonstrate the use of AQUA∼over a running example while providing certain implementation details including the architecture

    Author's personal copy Roles in information security e A survey and classification of the research area

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    Motivation The growing diffusion of information technologies within all areas of human society has increased their importance as a critical success factor in the modern world. However, information processing systems are vulnerable to many different kinds of threats that can lead to various types of damage resulting in significant economic losses. Consequently, the importance of Information Security has grown and evolved in a similar manner. In its most basic definition, Information Security means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. The aim of Information Security is to minimize risks related to the three main security goals confidentiality, integrity, and availability e usually referred to as "CIA" c o m p u t e r s & s e c u r i t y 3 0 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 7 4 8 e7 6 9 0167-4048/$ e see front matter

    Rollenontwerp bij RBAC: Onderzoek naar factoren, die de complexiteit bepalen bij procesmatig rollenontwerp in Role Based Access Control

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    in deze scriptie wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek naar het aspect vertrouwelijkheid in het kader van informatiebeveiliging. Daarbij wordt mn gekeken naar de rollen die bepaalde personen spelen in het totale proces

    Mathematical Modelling of Delegation in Role Based Access Control

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    One of the most widespread access control model that assigns permissions to a user is Role Based Access Control (RBAC). The basic idea is to limit the access to resources by using the indirection of roles, which are associated both to users and permissions. There has been research conducted with respect to clarifying RBAC and its components, as well as in creating mathematical models describing different aspects of its administrative issues in RBAC. But, till date no work has been done in terms of formalization (Mathematical Modelling) of delegation and revocation of roles in RBAC. Which provides most important extensions of the policy and provides flexibility in the user to user delegation of roles, especially in the environment where roles are organized in a hierarchy. The process allows a user with a role that is higher in the hierarchy to assign a part of the role to someone who is lower in the hierarchy or at the same level. This can be done for a limited time or permanently. The reverse process is called revocation and it consists of ending different types of delegations. This thesis has found the answer to the following research question i.e. how different mathematical Modelling for delegation and revocation of Roles in RBAC can be performed? This thesis presents different types of delegation and techniques for revocation with a comprehensive mathematical Modelling of both processes. As this can be clearly visible that this thesis objective is to derive a mathematical models for delegation and revocation of roles in RBAC policy, for deriving mathematical models formal method is applied. The mathematical models developed include grant and transfer delegation with and without role hierarchy, time based revocation, user based revocation and cascading revocation. The case scenario of an organization using RBAC is used to illustrate and clarify the mathematical models. The mathematical models presented here can serve as a starting point for developing, implementations of delegation and revocation on top of existing authorization modules based on the RBAC model