183,646 research outputs found

    An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia An Efficient Transport Protocol for delivery of Multimedia Content in Wireless Grids

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    A grid computing system is designed for solving complicated scientific and commercial problems effectively,whereas mobile computing is a traditional distributed system having computing capability with mobility and adopting wireless communications. Media and Entertainment fields can take advantage from both paradigms by applying its usage in gaming applications and multimedia data management. Multimedia data has to be stored and retrieved in an efficient and effective manner to put it in use. In this paper, we proposed an application layer protocol for delivery of multimedia data in wireless girds i.e. multimedia grid protocol (MMGP). To make streaming efficient a new video compression algorithm called dWave is designed and embedded in the proposed protocol. This protocol will provide faster, reliable access and render an imperceptible QoS in delivering multimedia in wireless grid environment and tackles the challenging issues such as i) intermittent connectivity, ii) device heterogeneity, iii) weak security and iv) device mobility.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, Peer Reviewed Journa

    Data Management for Dynamic Multimedia Analytics and Retrieval

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    Multimedia data in its various manifestations poses a unique challenge from a data storage and data management perspective, especially if search, analysis and analytics in large data corpora is considered. The inherently unstructured nature of the data itself and the curse of dimensionality that afflicts the representations we typically work with in its stead are cause for a broad range of issues that require sophisticated solutions at different levels. This has given rise to a huge corpus of research that puts focus on techniques that allow for effective and efficient multimedia search and exploration. Many of these contributions have led to an array of purpose-built, multimedia search systems. However, recent progress in multimedia analytics and interactive multimedia retrieval, has demonstrated that several of the assumptions usually made for such multimedia search workloads do not hold once a session has a human user in the loop. Firstly, many of the required query operations cannot be expressed by mere similarity search and since the concrete requirement cannot always be anticipated, one needs a flexible and adaptable data management and query framework. Secondly, the widespread notion of staticity of data collections does not hold if one considers analytics workloads, whose purpose is to produce and store new insights and information. And finally, it is impossible even for an expert user to specify exactly how a data management system should produce and arrive at the desired outcomes of the potentially many different queries. Guided by these shortcomings and motivated by the fact that similar questions have once been answered for structured data in classical database research, this Thesis presents three contributions that seek to mitigate the aforementioned issues. We present a query model that generalises the notion of proximity-based query operations and formalises the connection between those queries and high-dimensional indexing. We complement this by a cost-model that makes the often implicit trade-off between query execution speed and results quality transparent to the system and the user. And we describe a model for the transactional and durable maintenance of high-dimensional index structures. All contributions are implemented in the open-source multimedia database system Cottontail DB, on top of which we present an evaluation that demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed models. We conclude by discussing avenues for future research in the quest for converging the fields of databases on the one hand and (interactive) multimedia retrieval and analytics on the other

    A Secure Cluster-Based Multipath Routing Protocol for WMSNs

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    The new characteristics of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN) and its design issues brought by handling different traffic classes of multimedia content (video streams, audio, and still images) as well as scalar data over the network, make the proposed routing protocols for typical WSNs not directly applicable for WMSNs. Handling real-time multimedia data requires both energy efficiency and QoS assurance in order to ensure efficient utility of different capabilities of sensor resources and correct delivery of collected information. In this paper, we propose a Secure Cluster-based Multipath Routing protocol for WMSNs, SCMR, to satisfy the requirements of delivering different data types and support high data rate multimedia traffic. SCMR exploits the hierarchical structure of powerful cluster heads and the optimized multiple paths to support timeliness and reliable high data rate multimedia communication with minimum energy dissipation. Also, we present a light-weight distributed security mechanism of key management in order to secure the communication between sensor nodes and protect the network against different types of attacks. Performance evaluation from simulation results demonstrates a significant performance improvement comparing with existing protocols (which do not even provide any kind of security feature) in terms of average end-to-end delay, network throughput, packet delivery ratio, and energy consumption

    The Effects of Multimedia Learning Materials Quality on Knowledge Acquisition

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    Different learning environments offer l earners various kinds of multimedia learning materials (MLMs). Although the usage of multimedia has proven to foster meaningful learning, a multimedia resource will not necessarily contribute to the teaching-learning process unless proper attention is paid to its quality. This paper explores issues regarding the assessment of multimedia learning materials (MLMs) quality as well as the relationship between MLM quality and knowledge acquisition. We present a research experiment that involves low-quality and high-quality MLMs implemented in the learning management system (LMS) Moodle of a polytechnic school course. The quality of MLMs was evaluated by means of the LORI assessment tool adapted for the purpose of this research. The analysis of research data shows that MLMs developed according to the principles of multimedia learning and principles for reducing cognitive load were perceived as being of higher quality than those not developed using multimedia principles. Furthermore, students’ usage of high-quality MLMs during treatment resulted in better knowledge acquisition indicated by significantly higher scores in knowledge assessment

    Exploring a Quality of Service (QoS) Mechanism to Enhance Multimedia Database Query Processing in Wireless Mobile Environments.

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    Among the challenges of multimedia computing and mobile computing, a mechanism for data retrieval in multimedia databases under wireless mobile environments seems to be the most difficult issue. The problem is that sizes of images in a multimedia DBMS queried by mobile clients through wireless networks are different and unpredictable. Current Quality of Service (QoS) framework has no answer for it because all the QoS principles are based on users’ pre-requirements. However, the issue is that in multimedia applications, it is difficult to know the size of targeted retrieval object. There should be new mechanism of QoS to participate in query processing and provide an efficient theme around which mobile multimedia database applications can b practicably realized. In this thesis we focus on extending QoS management in wireless mobile environments to specify a range of acceptable QoS for multimedia query processing rather than trying either to guarantee specific values or to stop the querying. Through the investigation of current research approaches, we conclude that the statistical or empirical resource utilizations in query processing are the dominant methods to solve the problems. All proposals choose stopping query if the required QoS conditions can not meet the related statistical or empirical resources utilizations. To address QoS in mobile multimedia DBMS issues, we explore an approach to execute query processing based on real time QoS conditions all coming from client, network, and server. We propose a QoS-based matrix to support query processing of object-relational multimedia databases in the context of wireless mobile environments. The proposed QoS-based Querying Processing Precision Matrix (QQPPM) is based on (1) real-time QoS conditions in wireless networks; (2) multimedia database’s object properties; and (3) Mobile client-site data processing capability. We study related technologies as the foundations to support multimedia query processing in wireless mobile environments. Moreover, we conduct OPNET simulations, and the results indicate that our assumption is reasonable and practicable

    Slovenian Virtual Gallery on the Internet

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    The Slovenian Virtual Gallery (SVG) is a World Wide Web based multimedia collection of pictures, text, clickable-maps and video clips presenting Slovenian fine art from the gothic period up to the present days. Part of SVG is a virtual gallery space where pictures hang on the walls while another part is devoted to current exhibitions of selected Slovenian art galleries. The first version of this application was developed in the first half of 1995. It was based on a file system for storing all the data and custom developed software for search, automatic generation of HTML documents, scaling of pictures and remote management of the system. Due to the fast development of Web related tools a new version of SVG was developed in 1997 based on object-oriented relational database server technology. Both implementations are presented and compared in this article with issues related to the transion between the two versions. At the end, we will also discuss some extensions to SVG. We will present the GUI (Graphical User Interface) developed specially for presentation of current exhibitions over the Web which is based on GlobalView panoramic navigation extension to developed Internet Video Server (IVS). And since SVG operates with a lot of image data, we will confront with the problem of Image Content Retrieval

    IoT-Enabled Big Data Analytics Architecture for Multimedia Data Communications

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    The present spreading out of the Internet of Things (IoT) originated the realization of millions of IoT devices connected to the Internet. With the increase of allied devices, the gigantic multimedia big data (MMBD) vision is also gaining eminence and has been broadly acknowledged. MMBD management offers computation, exploration, storage, and control to resolve the QoS issues for multimedia data communications. However, it becomes challenging for multimedia systems to tackle the diverse multimedia-enabled IoT settings including healthcare, traffic videos, automation, society parking images, and surveillance that produce a massive amount of big multimedia data to be processed and analyzed efficiently. There are several challenges in the existing structural design of the IoT-enabled data management systems to handle MMBD including high-volume storage and processing of data, data heterogeneity due to various multimedia sources, and intelligent decision-making. In this article, an architecture is proposed to process and store MMBD efficiently in an IoT-enabled environment. The proposed architecture is a layered architecture integrated with a parallel and distributed module to accomplish big data analytics for multimedia data. A preprocessing module is also integrated with the proposed architecture to prepare the MMBD and speed up the processing mechanism. The proposed system is realized and experimentally tested using real-time multimedia big data sets from athentic sources that discloses the effectiveness of the proposed architecture

    Trust Management for Mobile Media Distribution

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    Multimedia content delivery to capable smart phones with high-speed next-generation Internet connectivity is becoming commonplace. However, the openness of delivery demands adaptive and robust management of intellectual property rights. The purpose of this article is to describe a framework to address the central issues in content delivery: a scalable peer-to-peer-based content delivery model. Our method pairs the delivery with a secure access control model that enables data providers to secure a return from making their original content available. Our work resulted in a prototype implementation written in Java that includes a client for the Android mobile platform. Adding robust trust management to scalable peer-to-peer content delivery is the major significance of our work