1,456 research outputs found

    views of individual researchers and authors

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    The La Follette School takes no stand on policy issues; opinions expressed within these papers reflect th


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    The articles included in this Art and Law symposium highlight a variety of issues, opinions and challenges affecting the arts today. I applaud the Cleveland State Law Review for the publication of these articles as a reflection of the developments in the complex field of arts law

    How to Turn Down Political Heat on Supreme Court and Federal Judges: Stop Signing Opinions

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    Chief Justice John Roberts rightly — albeit in an uncharacteristically direct manner — defended the integrity of the federal judiciary and its members from a direct affront from the president of the United States. Roberts’s defense sent President Donald Trump atwitter in a series of messages that doubled down on his previous ridicule of an “Obama Judge” from the “total disaster” Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. [except

    Review of \u3cem\u3eAdvances in Monetary Economics\u3c/em\u3e by David Currie

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    Capacity Building for Chicago Job Development: An Assessment of Chicago Job Developers' Needs and Emerging Solutions for Today's Tight Labor Market

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    The findings of this study suggest that little focus has been placed on the training and resource needs of the Job Developers themselves -- the men and women on the front lines who are tasked with finding employment for the most difficult-to-employ members of our society. Most Job Developers know about and receive very little training. When training does occur, it is typically a one-shot session sponsored by a particular funding source and limited to only those grantees. Some participants in this study expressed frustration at the lack of depth, quantity, frequency and location of funder-sponsored training and of the topics covered in past trainings. At the same time, Job Developers must possess a wide range of skills and the ability to influence a diverse constituency to be effective

    Multicriteria mapping of stakeholder preferences in regulating nanotechnology

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    In order to facilitate stakeholder discussions on how to regulate nanotechnology, the opensource program multicriteria mapping (MCM) was used to structure 26 interviews with stakeholders in the USA. MCM offers a systematic part quantitative, part qualitative approach to clarify why some regulatory options (bans, moratoriums, voluntary measures, etc.) were deemed to be acceptable/unacceptable by various stakeholders and which criteria stakeholders used to evaluate the different regulatory options. Adopting an incremental approach and implementing a new regulatory framework was evaluated as the best options whereas a complete ban and no additional regulation of nanotechnology were found to be the least favorable. Criteria applied differed substantially among stakeholders and included social, ethical, regulatory, environmental, and health issues. Opinions on future regulation seem far less polarized than expected and it seems that stakeholders would welcome a combination of voluntary measures, an incremental approach and forming of a new regulatory framework

    Doświadczenia w wykładni i stosowaniu klauzuli przeciw unikaniu opodatkowania (GAAR)

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    The article elaborates on the legal and practical aspects of the application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (GAAR). For tax proceedings to be taken over and for a decision regarding tax assessment to be issued by the Head of the National Revenue Administration, it must be examined whether the conditions specified in Article 119a of the Tax Ordinance have been met. It is extremely important to establish the mode of operation and the order of consideration of individual conditions. This applies both to the Head of the National Revenue Administration and the Council for Prevention of Tax Avoidance that issues opinions on the legitimacy of the application of Article 119a in proceedings.Artykuł omawia prawne i praktyczne aspekty stosowania klauzuli przeciwko unikaniu opodatkowania (GAAR). Przejęcie postępowania podatkowego i wydanie decyzji wymiarowej przez Szefa Krajowej Administracji Skarbowej (KAS) wymaga zbadania, czy zachodzą przesłanki określone w art. 119a Ordynacji. Kwestią niezwykle istotną jest ustalenie schematu postępowania i kolejności rozpatrywania poszczególnych przesłanek. Dotyczy to zarówno Szefa KAS, jak i Rady do Spraw Przeciwdziałania Unikaniu Opodatkowania, wydającej opinię co do zasadności zastosowania art. 119a w prowadzonym postępowaniu

    Attitude change in a realistic experiment: the effect of party membership and audience reaction during an interview with a Dutch politician

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    In this realistic experiment, an interview with the leader of the Liberals in the Dutch Parliament was recorded in the presence of a live audience, which reacted in a positive, negative, or neutral way. It was shown to subjects of two opposing political parties, whose attitudes were to be changed by the experimental interview. The main hypothesis, which predicted more attitude change in the positive than in the negative audience condition, could not in general be supported. The alternative audience attraction hypothesis was mainly sustained: With an audience, perceived as attractive, attitude change was greatest when the audience reacted positively and least when it reacted negatively, while for an unattractive audience the opposite effect was demonstrated

    Two politicians in a realistic experiment: attraction, discrepancy, intensity of delivery, and attitude change

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    The leader of the Socialists in the Dutch Parliament and his Liberal opponent participated in this realistic experiment. Identical TV interviews with the two politicians were recorded and shown to subjects of both parties. The intensity of delivery was also varied: emotional versus rational. Our findgins indicated that the experimental interveiw changed the attitude of the subjects. In addition, support was found for a second hypothesis: Attitude change was greater for the attractive source from the same party than for the less attractive source from the opposite party. Furthermore, our expectations were confirmed that attitude change would be greater with high than with low discrepancy. Although the intensity of delivery did have an effect on the credibility of the source–the emotional delivery scored lower–no effect on attitude change was found