5 research outputs found

    Is Your OpenFlow Application Correct?

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    OpenFlow enables third-party programs to dynamically reconfigure the network by installing, modifying and deleting packet processing rules as well as collecting statistics from individual switches. But how can we know if such programs are correct? While the abstraction of a logically-centralized network controller can ease their development, this abstraction does not remove the complexity of the underlying distributed system. For instance, small differences in packet header fields or packet orderings can “tickle” subtle bugs. We argue for the need of thorough, automatic testing of OpenFlow applications. In this paper, we describe our preliminary experiences with taking two state-of-the-art model checkers (SPIN and Java PathFinder) and applying them “as is” for checking an example of OpenFlow program: a MAC-learning switch application. Overall, the preliminary results we report suggest that these tools taken out-of-the-box have difficulties to cope with the state-space explosion that arises in model checking OpenFlow networks

    Monitoring and verifying network behavior using data-plane state

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    Modern computer networks are complex, incorporating hundreds or thousands of network devices from multiple vendors performing diverse functions such as routing, switching, and access control across physical and virtual networks (VPNs and VLANs). As in any complex computer system, these networks are prone to a wide range of errors such as misconfigurations, software bugs, or unexpected interactions across protocols. Previous tools to assist operators in debugging network anomalies primarily focus on analyzing control plane configuration. Configuration analysis is limited in that it cannot find bugs in router software, and is harder to generalize across protocols since it must model complex configuration languages and dynamic protocol behavior. This thesis studies an alternate approach: diagnosing problems through static analysis of a network's data-plane state. We call it data-plane verification. This approach can catch bugs that are invisible at the level of configuration files, and simplifies unified analysis of a network across many protocols and implementations. To prove the applicability and usefulness of data-plane verification, we designed and implemented two tools to rigorously check important network invariants, such as absence of routing loops, routing consistency of replicated devices, and other reachability properties. Our first tool, called Anteater, translates a network's data-plane state and invariants into boolean satisfiability problems, and checks them using a SAT solver. Our second tool, called VeriFlow, creates a device independent graph model of the network state, and uses standard graph traversal algorithms to detect invariant violations. We tested our tools with real world network data-plane traces, and with large emulated networks. Both of our tools were able to detect real bugs that went unnoticed to network operators for more than a month. Our tools helped them to narrow down the faulty configurations, and resolve those quickly. Results from emulated larger networks showed that the running time performance of our tools, especially that of VeriFlow, is good enough to detect bugs quickly before they can be exploited by outside attackers. Due to the fast response time of VeriFlow, it can be used in the emerging Software-Defined Networking (SDN) setting as a proactive tool to detect and filter out faulty configurations before they reach network devices

    OpenCache:a content delivery platform for the modern internet

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    Since its inception, the World Wide Web has revolutionised the way we share information, keep in touch with each other and consume content. In the latter case, it is now used by thousands of simultaneous users to consume video, surpassing physical media as the primary means of distribution. With the rise of on-demand services and more recently, high-definition media, this popularity has not waned. To support this consumption, the underlying infrastructure has been forced to evolve at a rapid pace. This includes the technology and mechanisms to facilitate the transmission of video, which are now offered at varying levels of quality and resolution. Content delivery networks are often deployed in order to scale the distribution provision. These vary in nature and design; from third-party providers running entirely as a service to others, to in-house solutions owned by the content service providers themselves. However, recent innovations in networking and virtualisation, namely Software Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualisation, have paved the way for new content delivery infrastructure designs. In this thesis, we discuss the motivation behind OpenCache, a next-generation content delivery platform. We examine how we can leverage these emerging technologies to provide a more flexible and scalable solution to content delivery. This includes analysing the feasibility of novel redirection techniques, and how these compare to existing means. We also investigate the creation of a unified interface from which a platform can be precisely controlled, allowing new applications to be created that operate in harmony with the infrastructure provision. Developments in distributed virtualisation platforms also enables functionality to be spread throughout a network, influencing the design of OpenCache. Through a prototype implementation, we evaluate each of these facets in a number of different scenarios, made possible through deployment on large-scale testbeds

    Is Your OpenFlow Application Correct

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    OpenFlow enables third-party programs to dynamically reconfigure the network by installing, modifying and deleting packet processing rules as well as collecting statistics from individual switches. But how can we know if such programs are correct? While the abstraction of a logicallycentralized network controller can ease their development, this abstraction does not remove the complexity of the underlying distributed system. For instance, small differences in packet header fields or packet orderings can “tickle ” subtle bugs [1]. We argue for the need of thorough, automatic testingofOpenFlowapplications. Inthispaper,wedescribe our preliminary experiences with taking two state-of-the-art model checkers (SPIN and Java PathFinder) and applying them“asis”forcheckinganexampleofOpenFlowprogram

    Is your OpenFlow application correct ?

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    OpenFlow enables third-party programs to dynamically reconfigure the network by installing, modifying and deleting packet processing rules as well as collecting statistics from individual switches. But how can we know if such programs are correct? While the abstraction of a logically-centralized network controller can ease their development, this abstraction does not remove the complexity of the underlying distributed system. For instance, small differences in packet header fields or packet orderings can "tickle" subtle bugs [1]. We argue for the need of thorough, automatic testing of OpenFlow applications. In this paper, we describe our preliminary experiences with taking two state-of-the-art model checkers (SPIN and Java PathFinder) and applying them "as is" for checking an example of OpenFlow program: a MAC-learning switch application. Overall, the preliminary results we report suggest that these tools taken out-of-the-box have difficulties to cope with the state-space explosion that arises in model checking OpenFlow networks