33 research outputs found

    A Study on the Factors Influencing the Intention of Blog Usage: A Case of UUM Postgraduate Students

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    Nowadays, there has been a dramatic proliferation in the number of blogs and several social networks; however, little is published about what factor (s) motivates universities students to participate in blog activities. The remarkable growth and use of a social networking website such as "Facebook", "Hi5", and "Friendster" among UUM international postgraduate students is more challenging for a researcher to investigate the extent to which a new media channel affects people’s lives, relationships, and wellbeing, how and why it is used, and who is using it. Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), a model was developed relating technology acceptance (TAM) and social influences. a combination of convenience and purposive sampling was used to collect the data from UUM Postgraduate students that used different blogs and Facebook regularly. A survey of 112 of UUM postgraduate students found strong support for the model. One of the major finding of this research illustrated that perceived usefulness, ease of use and social norms were positively related to attitude toward blogging and accounted for a higher variance. On the other hand, perceived enjoyment and attitude toward blogging did not significantly influence UUM postgraduate students’ intention to continue to use Facebook as their favorite blogging site

    Disposition to trust, interpersonal trust and institutional trust of mobile banking in Malaysia

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    Mobile banking refers to the use of smart phones or other mobile devices to perform tasks online banking from your home computer, such as monitoring the account balances, transfer of funds between accounts, pay bills and prepaid top-up. Mobile banking is a new strategy for the bank to enhance their latest technology in a new dynamic marketing environment.The low penetration of mobile banking in Malaysia, especially in terms of adoption patterns is becoming the research interest, especially when compared to the total number of cellular telephone subscriptions. The penetration rate of mobile banking in Malaysia is still in the minority.One of the issues identified by a few researchers is the perception of trust. This article will discuss along the trust issue and its constituents and then after the intention to use of mobile banking services. The bank should enhance their strategy to improve and develop new strategy in order to gain more utilization and adoption on intention to use. This article attempts to discuss on the element of trust to benefit the service provider in Malaysia

    Analysis of the Variables that Affect Frequency of Use and Time Spent on Social Networking

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    This manuscript provides a comprehensive review of the many potential variables associated with the use of technology and tests their applicability to social networking. Variables were included from a variety of well accepted theories including Theory of Reasoned Action, Diffusion of Innovation, Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model and End User Computer Satisfaction. Prior studies have explored variables and factors that influence social networking intention and behavior. This study is an extension of prior studies that separately reviewed emotions associated with social networking behavior and intention as well as applying the TRA model and the Diffusion of Innovation theory model to behavioral intention. This study is unique in that it does not review the intention or usage of the technology but rather explores the frequency of use and the amount of time spent using the technology. In addition, it is a comprehensive look at variables from a number of important behavioral theories as well as emotions. As a result, we can explore a comprehensive review of many variables effect on the relative importance of the technology and its time and frequency penetration on the part of users rather than just a generic variable measuring agreement with an intention to use and actual use

    Stavovi potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama: prediktori i ishodi

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    Purpose – This study explores the impact of perceived trust, search for novelty and perceived usefulness on consumer attitudes towards social network advertising, and the impact of those attitudes on buying intention, buying and word-of-mouth information spread. Design/Methodology/Approach – The research included convenience sample of 265 respondents. Online survey distributed through Facebook and Instagram was used as a research method. The data was analysed using a multiple regression analysis. Findings and implications – The results show that positive attitudes towards social network advertising depend on perceived trust and usefulness. The impact of the search for novelty on consumer attitudes towards social network advertising proved to be insignificant. Furthermore, buying intention, buying and disseminating information by word-of-mouth represent relevant outcomes of consumer attitudes towards social network advertising. This research has implications for companies in terms of a better understanding of the relevant predictors and outcomes of consumer attitudes in on-line advertising context. Managers can also benefit from the findings when creating successful communication strategies. Limitations – A major research limitation is the use of non-probability convenience sample that did not capture the population as a whole. Therefore, this may be regarded as a future research direction. Originality – This study sheds new light on relevant predictors and outcomes of consumer attitudes towards social network advertising, which was not previously researched from the proposed framework perspective.Svrha - Glavna je svrha ovoga rada istražiti utjecaj percipiranoga povjerenja, traženja noviteta i percipirane korisnosti na stavove potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama, kao i utjecaj tih stavova na namjeru kupovine te kupovinu i širenje usmene komunikacije. Metodološki pristup - Uzorak je bio prigodan i obuhvatio je 265 ispitanika. Korištena je metoda online anketiranja provedenog putem društvenih mreža Facebook i Instagram. U analizi prikupljenih podataka korištena je metoda višestruke regresije. Rezultati i implikacije - Rezultati pokazuju da pozitivni stavovi potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama ovise o percipiranom povjerenju i korisnosti. Utjecaj traženja noviteta na stavove potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama nije se pokazao značajnim. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da su namjera kupovine, sama kupovina i usmena komunikacija značajni ishodi pozitivnih stavova potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama. Rezultati istraživanja imaju marketinške implikacije za tvrtke u vidu boljeg razumijevanja relevantnih prediktora i ishoda stavova prema oglašavanju u online kontekstu kao i pri kreiranju uspješnih komunikacijskih strategija. Ograničenja - Ograničenjem se može smatrati korištenje prigodnog uzorka koji nije obuhvatio populaciju u cijelosti, a što se može promatrati i kao smjernica za buduće istraživanje. Doprinos - Ovo istraživanje daje uvid u nova saznanja u pogledu relevantnih prediktora i ishoda stavova potrošača prema oglašavanju na društvenim mrežama, a što do sada nije istraživano na predloženi način

    Toward a User Acceptance Model of Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous driving is becoming the next big digital disruption in the automotive industry. However, the possibility of integrating autonomous driving vehicles into current transportation systems not only involves technological issues but also requires the acceptance and adoption of users. Therefore, this paper develops a conceptual model for user acceptance of autonomous driving vehicles. The corresponding model is tested through a standardized survey of 470 respondents in Germany. Finally, the findings are discussed in relation to the current developments in the automotive industry, and recommendations for further research are given

    Rethinking the Design of Low-Cost Point-of-Care Diagnostic Devices

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    Reducing the global diseases burden requires effective diagnosis and treatment. In the developing world, accurate diagnosis can be the most expensive and time-consuming aspect of health care. Healthcare cost can, however, be reduced by use of affordable rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). In the developed world, low-cost RDTs are being developed in many research laboratories; however, they are not being equally adopted in the developing countries. This disconnect points to a gap in the design philosophy, where parameterization of design variables ignores the most critical component of the system, the point-of-use stakeholders (e.g., doctors, nurses and patients). Herein, we demonstrated that a general focus on reducing cost (i.e., “low-cost”), rather than efficiency and reliability is misguided by the assumption that poverty reduces the value individuals place on their well-being. A case study of clinicians in Kenya showed that “zero-cost” is a low-weight parameter for point-of-use stakeholders, while reliability and standardization are crucial. We therefore argue that a user-driven, value-addition systems-engineering approach is needed for the design of RDTs to enhance adoption and translation into the field

    Using Modified Technology Acceptance Model to Evaluate the Adoption of a Proposed IoT-Based Indoor Disaster Management Software Tool by Rescue Workers

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    Advancements in IoT technology have been instrumental in the design and implementation of various ubiquitous services. One such design activity was carried out by the authors of this paper, who proposed a novel cloud-centric IoT-based disaster management framework and developed a multimedia-based prototype that employed real-time geographical maps. The multimediabased system can provide vital information on maps that can improve the planning and execution of evacuation tasks. This study was intended to explore the acceptance of the proposed technology by the specific set of users that could potentially lead to its adoption by rescue agencies for carrying out indoor rescue and evacuation operations. The novelty of this study lies in the concept that the acceptability of the proposed system was ascertained before the complete implementation of the system, which prevented potential losses of time and other resources. Based on the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), we proposed a model included factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude, and behavioural intention. Other factors include trust in the proposed system, job relevance, and information requirement characteristics. Online survey data collected from the respondents were analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) revealed that although perceived ease of use and job relevance had significant impacts on perceived usefulness, trust had a somewhat milder impact on the same. The model also demonstrated a statistically moderate impact of trust and perceived ease of use on behavioural intention. All other relationships were statistically strong. Overall, all proposed relationships were supported, with the research model providing a better understanding of the perceptions of users towards the adoption of the proposed technology. This would be particularly useful while making decisions regarding the inclusion of various features during the industrial production of the proposed system

    Bending the Automation Bias Curve: A Study of Human and AI-based Decision Making in National Security Contexts

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    Uses of artificial intelligence (AI), especially those powered by machine learning approaches, are growing in sectors and societies around the world. How will AI adoption proceed, especially in the international security realm? Research on automation bias suggests that humans can often be overconfident in AI, whereas research on algorithm aversion shows that, as the stakes of a decision rise, humans become more cautious about trusting algorithms. We theorize about the relationship between background knowledge about AI, trust in AI, and how these interact with other factors to influence the probability of automation bias in the international security context. We test these in a preregistered task identification experiment across a representative sample of 9000 adults in 9 countries with varying levels of AI industries. The results strongly support the theory, especially concerning AI background knowledge. A version of the Dunning Kruger effect appears to be at play, whereby those with the lowest level of experience with AI are slightly more likely to be algorithm-averse, then automation bias occurs at lower levels of knowledge before leveling off as a respondent's AI background reaches the highest levels. Additional results show effects from the task's difficulty, overall AI trust, and whether a human or AI decision aid is described as highly competent or less competent