913,620 research outputs found

    Is That Your Final Decision? Multi-Stage Profiling, Selective Effects, and Article 22 of the GDPR

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    Provisions in many data protection laws require a legal basis, or at the very least safeguards, for significant, solely automated decisions; Article 22 of the GDPR is the most notable. - Little attention has been paid to Article 22 in light of decision-making processes with multiple stages, potentially both manual and automated, and which together might impact upon decision subjects in different ways. - Using stylised examples grounded in real-world systems, we raise five distinct complications relating to interpreting Article 22 in the context of such multi-stage profiling systems. - These are: the potential for selective automation on subsets of data subjects despite generally adequate human input; the ambiguity around where to locate the decision itself; whether 'significance' should be interpreted in terms of any potential effects or only selectively in terms of realised effects; the potential for upstream automation processes to foreclose downstream outcomes despite human input; and that a focus on the final step may distract from the status and importance of upstream processes. - We argue that the nature of these challenges will make it difficult for courts or regulators to distil a set of clear, fair and consistent interpretations for many realistic contexts

    Getting on Track for a Sustainable Retirement: A Reality Check on Savings and Work

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    The aim of traditional retirement planning is to set a wealth accumulation target for your retirement date so that your desired expenditures can be obtained using a “safe” withdrawal rate. But it is quite difficult to know if you are making progress toward this target. Volatility over short periods of time strongly limits the usefulness of using your current wealth accumulation at ten or even five years before retirement to predict your final retirement wealth. Fortunately, it is not necessary to focus on a retirement wealth accumulation target. The accumulation and retirement phases should not be treated separately in this way. This paper outlines a framework for considering if someone in mid-career is on track for a sustainable retirement. It investigates what combinations of savings rates and years of continued work would have allowed someone to have always accumulated enough by retirement to afford one’s desired retirement expenditures in all of the rolling periods from the historical data. A strategy is “safe” if it worked in the worst-case offered thus far by history. I consider a 55 year old as a case study to show what savings rate will be needed to retire 10 years later, or how much longer one should work with a variety of other savings rates. Results are shown for a wide variety of situations. These findings can potentially serve as a reality check about the sustainability of one’s retirement plans.retirement planning; lifetime perspective; safe savings rate; safe retirement age; wealth accumulation targets; retirement spending goals; safe withdrawal rates

    Optimal Expected Values for Cribbage Hands

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    The game of Cribbage has a complex way of counting points in the hands that are dealt to each player. Each player has a choice of what cards to keep and what cards to throw into an extra hand, called the crib, that one of the players gets to count towards his score. Ideally, you could try to keep the most points possible in your hand and your crib, or, conversely, the most points in your hand with the fewest points in your opponent’s crib. To add to the fun, a final card is randomly chosen that all three hands share. This thesis deals with finding optimal expected values for each player’s hand and the crib. Unfortunately, finding the exact optimal values is very difficult. However, I have managed to get bounds on the optimal values

    History in images / history in words : reflections on the possibility of really putting history on film (or what a historian begins to think about when people start turning his books into movies)

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    This was supposed to be easy. A chance to bring together all my thoughts on film and history. To make my inchoate notions coherent. To force myself to see what it is I have been thinking. But it has not been easy--more like attempting to pick up water and hold it in your hand. The ideas will not cohere. They change between the thinking and the writing of them. They slip away. They refuse to blend into a whole. Is it me? Is it the subject? I won't even bother with that one. The point is to say only what I can. Which means refusing to make artificial sense of ideas that will not make sense. Which means refusing to bridge the gaps in my knowledge. Which means refusing to make connections where connections do not yet (in my mind) exist. Which means abandoning the idea of an essay and doing no more than sharing some of my reflections and the ideas I have wrestled with during the months I have been attempting to write this piece. Which means there will be no linear development, no attempt at closure, no final answers to the questions posed by the elusive problem of can we represent history on film

    Working Session to Align Learning Outcomes, Class Assignments, and Final Assessments

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    Ready to improve course assignments you’ve already created? Join us for a two-hour working session where you will evaluate and revise your existing course assignments using your course learning outcomes and best practices provided by the session facilitators. This session is structured to have plenty of time for discussion and feedback. You’ll leave this session with revised assignments that are better aligned with your course-level outcomes and assessment best practices. To maximize the effectiveness of this working session, please bring: 1) a summative assignment (for example, a final exam or term project); 2) a formative assignment (for example, a homework assignment or in-class exercise) related to the summative assignment you brought; and 3) the learning outcomes that these assignments address. The more participants we have, the more valuable the experience will be for all involved, so if you’re unsure of whether or not you should attend – please do

    Greeley Health Club, Inc. Accounting Systems Analysis and Design Continuous and Final Project

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    The following case was developed and used in an undergraduate Accounting Information Systems course at the University of Northern Colorado.  It is a continuous case because it is introduced as the topics and software are scheduled in class during the semester.  It is a final project because several components are not required to be handed in until the final week of the course.Teaching notes and portions of the course outline are provided.  The project uses transaction processing, word processing, flowcharting, spreadsheet, database, and web authoring software.  The software used by the author was AccPac Simply Accounting Pro Version 8.5, Microsoft Word, RFFlow Professional Flowcharting, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft FrontPage.Permission to use the material for your individual classroom use and to modify it to conform to your choice of software is hereby granted assuming proper references are provided.  You will find that some detailed changes are required to adapt the project to other software. The project text in Word format and suggested solutions using the software indicated in the paper can be downloaded by accessing the following web addresses:http://mcb.unco.edu/accounting/readme.doc  and  http://mcb.unco.edu/accounting/aiscaseghc.zip

    Prospectus, December 8, 2010

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    THE UNITED STATES DRAFT AND YOU; Looking out for college students; Spirituality finds a home at college; Chuck Shepherd\u27s News of the Weird; Eminem gets 10 Grammy nominations; Remember, its the thought that counts; Parkland Theatre presents: Nuncrackers: Bringing a whole lotta\u27 Nunsense to the community; Decoding Your Final Exam; America\u27s young scientists at risk; 5 ways to avoid family during the holidays; How to survive the winter; Prospectus Pick: Halford III: Winter Songs; Harry Potter\u27s magic brings full house to local theaters; Ask MNN: Is it better to idle or turn your car off?; Gadgets: Headphones, gear to haul your gadgets, a do-it-all printer and a book on best apps; A guide to events over holiday break; Starting teens on plastic can be costly; Cobra Men\u27s winning streak hits 5 with pair of wins; Cobra athletics food drive; #10 Parkland Women surprise #6 Lake Land; Access Success: Meteorologist Jennifer Ketchmark; A dying trend: Holiday movieshttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_2010/1032/thumbnail.jp
