3 research outputs found

    Is Network Coding Always Good for Cooperative Communications

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    Abstract—Network coding (NC) is a promising approach to reduce time-slot overhead for cooperative communications (CC) in a multi-session environment. Most of the existing works take advantage of the benefits of NC in CC but do not fully recognize its potential adverse effect. In this paper, we show that employing NC may not always benefit CC. We substantiate this important finding in the context of analog network coding (ANC) and amplify-and-forward (AF) CC. This paper, for the first time, introduces an important concept of network coding noise (NC noise). Specifically, we analyze the signal aggregation at a relay node and signal extraction at a destination node. We then use the analysis to derive a closed-form expression for NC noise at each destination node in a multi-session environment. We show that NC noise can diminish the advantage of NC in CC. Our results formalizes an important concept on using NC in CC. I

    Exploiting spatial modulation and analog network coding for the design of energy-efficient wireless networks

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    As the data rate demands of the cellular users increase, together with their number, it is expected that unprecedented capacity demands should be met in wireless networks in the forthcoming years. However, the energy consumption to meet these rates is expected to increase exponentially, according to trends. This can become a serious issue for both the environment, due to CO2 emissions, and the operators, which will have to pay more for electricity. Hence, several energy-efficient solutions have been proposed, such as multiple antenna systems, dynamic spectrum allocation, heterogeneous networks, and Network Coding, to name a few. Based on the above, the aim of this thesis to propose low-complexity and energy-efficient physical layer-based solutions compared to the already existing approaches, without sacrificing the quality of performance. More specifically, the focus is on the technologies of Spatial Modulation and Analog Network Coding. Both schemes offer the so-called multiplexing gain, which means that multiple streams can be transmitted without sacrificing resources, such as bandwidth. As far as Spatial Modulation is concerned, Spatial Modulation-based schemes are proposed that are more energy efficient than state-of-the-art technologies. Regarding Analog Network Coding, we study its implementation in relay-based scenarios and how it compares in terms of energy efficiency with conventional protocols, such as the time-division multiple access protocol. From the obtained results, the conclusion that can be drawn is that depending on the scenario both Spatial Modulation and Analog Network Coding can provide significant energy gains compared to existing technologies without sacrificing performance.A medida que las demandas de velocidad de datos de los usuarios de redes celulares aumentan, así como su número, se espera que las demandas de capacidad sin precedentes se deban cumplir en las redes inalámbricas en los próximos años. Sin embargo, se espera que aumente de forma exponencial el consumo de energía para satisfacer estas tasas, de acuerdo a las tendencias. Esto puede convertirse en un grave problema ambos para el medio ambiente, debido a las emisiones de CO2, y los operadores, que tendrán que pagar más por la electricidad. Por lo tanto, se han propuesto varias soluciones de eficiencia energética, tales como sistemas de múltiples antenas, la asignación de espectro dinámico, redes heterogéneas, y Network Coding, para nombrar unos pocos. Con base en lo anterior, el objetivo de esta tesis es proponer soluciones de baja complejidad y de eficiencia energética basadas en la capa física, en comparación con los enfoques ya existentes, sin sacrificar la calidad del funcionamiento. Más específicamente, la atención se centra en las tecnologías de Spatial Modulation y Analog Network Coding. Ambos esquemas ofrecen la llamada ganancia de multiplexación, lo que significa que múltiples flujos pueden ser transmitidos sin sacrificar recursos, tales como el ancho de banda. En lo que se refiere a Spatial Modulation, se proponen esquemas basados en Spatial Modulation que son más energéticamente que tecnologías ya existentes. En cuanto a Analog Network Coding, se estudia su aplicación en escenarios inalámbricos basados en relays y cómo se compara en términos de eficiencia energética con los protocolos convencionales, tales como el protocolo de acceso mútiple por división de tiempo. De los resultados obtenidos, la conclusión que se puede extraer es que dependiendo del escenario, ambos Spatial Modulation y Analog Network Coding pueden proporcionar beneficios significativos de energía en comparación con las tecnologías existentes sin sacrificar el funcionamiento