543 research outputs found

    A Brief History of Updates of Answer-Set Programs

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank José Alferes, Martin Baláz, Federico Banti, Antonio Brogi, Martin Homola, Luís Moniz Pereira, Halina Przymusinska, Teodor C. Przymusinski, and Theresa Swift, with whom they worked on the topic of this paper over the years, as well as Ricardo Gonçalves and Matthias Knorr for valuable comments on an earlier draft of this paper. The authors would also like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments and suggestions, which greatly helped us improve this paper. The authors were partially supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through projects FORGET (PTDC/CCI-INF/32219/2017) and RIVER (PTDC/CCI-COM/30952/2017), and strategic project NOVA LINCS (UIDB/04516/2020). Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press.Over the last couple of decades, there has been a considerable effort devoted to the problem of updating logic programs under the stable model semantics (a.k.a. answer-set programs) or, in other words, the problem of characterising the result of bringing up-to-date a logic program when the world it describes changes. Whereas the state-of-the-art approaches are guided by the same basic intuitions and aspirations as belief updates in the context of classical logic, they build upon fundamentally different principles and methods, which have prevented a unifying framework that could embrace both belief and rule updates. In this paper, we will overview some of the main approaches and results related to answer-set programming updates, while pointing out some of the main challenges that research in this topic has faced.publishersversionpublishe

    Image Recovery Using Partitioned-Separable Paraboloidal Surrogate Coordinate Ascent Algorithms

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    Iterative coordinate ascent algorithms have been shown to be useful for image recovery, but are poorly suited to parallel computing due to their sequential nature. This paper presents a new fast converging parallelizable algorithm for image recovery that can be applied to a very broad class of objective functions. This method is based on paraboloidal surrogate functions and a concavity technique. The paraboloidal surrogates simplify the optimization problem. The idea of the concavity technique is to partition pixels into subsets that can be updated in parallel to reduce the computation time. For fast convergence, pixels within each subset are updated sequentially using a coordinate ascent algorithm. The proposed algorithm is guaranteed to monotonically increase the objective function and intrinsically accommodates nonnegativity constraints. A global convergence proof is summarized. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm requires less elapsed time for convergence than iterative coordinate ascent algorithms. With four parallel processors, the proposed algorithm yields a speedup factor of 3.77 relative to single processor coordinate ascent algorithms for a three-dimensional (3-D) confocal image restoration problem.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86024/1/Fessler72.pd

    Reason Maintenance - State of the Art

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    This paper describes state of the art in reason maintenance with a focus on its future usage in the KiWi project. To give a bigger picture of the field, it also mentions closely related issues such as non-monotonic logic and paraconsistency. The paper is organized as follows: first, two motivating scenarios referring to semantic wikis are presented which are then used to introduce the different reason maintenance techniques

    Nonmonotonic Integrity Constraints

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    Abstract. Semantics of multidimensional dynamic logic programming is traditionally based on the causal rejection principle: if there is a conflict between rules then the rule from a less preferred program is rejected. However, sometimes it is useful to solve a conflict between the heads of rules by blocking the body of a rule. Moreover, semantics based on the causal rejection principle, is not able to recognize conflicts, which are not manifested as conflicts between the heads of rules. Nonmonotonic integrity constraints are discussed in this paper. They provide alternative solutions of conflicts (as compared with solutions based on causal rejection principle). Conceptual apparatus introduced in this paper enables also to distinguish more preferred interpretations and, consequently, it is relevant for logic programming with preferences. Nonmonotonic integrity constraints and other notions introduced in the paper (falsified assumptions, more preferred assumptions) contribute to bridging the gap between research in fields as belief revision or preference handling on the one hand and multidimensional dynamic logic programming on the other hand

    Extracting fictional truth from unreliable sources

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    A fictional text is commonly viewed as constituting an invitation to play a certain game of make-believe, with the individual sentences written by the author providing the propositions we are to imagine and/or accept as true within the fiction. However, we can’t always take the text at face value. What narratologists call ‘unreliable narrators’ may present a confused or misleading picture of the fictional world. Meanwhile there has been a debate in philosophy about so-called ‘imaginative resistance’ in which we are inclined to resist imagining (or even accepting as true in the fiction) what’s explicitly stated in the text. But if we can’t take the text’s word for it, how do we determine what’s true in a fiction? We propose an account of fiction interpretation in a dynamic setting (a version of DRT with a mechanism for opening, updating, and closing temporary ‘workspaces’) and combine this framework with belief revision logic. With these tools in hand we turn to modelling imaginative resistance and unreliable narrators

    Default reasoning using maximum entropy and variable strength defaults

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    PhDThe thesis presents a computational model for reasoning with partial information which uses default rules or information about what normally happens. The idea is to provide a means of filling the gaps in an incomplete world view with the most plausible assumptions while allowing for the retraction of conclusions should they subsequently turn out to be incorrect. The model can be used both to reason from a given knowledge base of default rules, and to aid in the construction of such knowledge bases by allowing their designer to compare the consequences of his design with his own default assumptions. The conclusions supported by the proposed model are justified by the use of a probabilistic semantics for default rules in conjunction with the application of a rational means of inference from incomplete knowledge the principle of maximum entropy (ME). The thesis develops both the theory and algorithms for the ME approach and argues that it should be considered as a general theory of default reasoning. The argument supporting the thesis has two main threads. Firstly, the ME approach is tested on the benchmark examples required of nonmonotonic behaviour, and it is found to handle them appropriately. Moreover, these patterns of commonsense reasoning emerge as consequences of the chosen semantics rather than being design features. It is argued that this makes the ME approach more objective, and its conclusions more justifiable, than other default systems. Secondly, the ME approach is compared with two existing systems: the lexicographic approach (LEX) and system Z+. It is shown that the former can be equated with ME under suitable conditions making it strictly less expressive, while the latter is too crude to perform the subtle resolution of default conflict which the ME approach allows. Finally, a program called DRS is described which implements all systems discussed in the thesis and provides a tool for testing their behaviours.Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC

    What room for viewpoints?

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