110,748 research outputs found

    Influence of segmentation on deep iris recognition performance

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    Despite the rise of deep learning in numerous areas of computer vision and image processing, iris recognition has not benefited considerably from these trends so far. Most of the existing research on deep iris recognition is focused on new models for generating discriminative and robust iris representations and relies on methodologies akin to traditional iris recognition pipelines. Hence, the proposed models do not approach iris recognition in an end-to-end manner, but rather use standard heuristic iris segmentation (and unwrapping) techniques to produce normalized inputs for the deep learning models. However, because deep learning is able to model very complex data distributions and nonlinear data changes, an obvious question arises. How important is the use of traditional segmentation methods in a deep learning setting? To answer this question, we present in this paper an empirical analysis of the impact of iris segmentation on the performance of deep learning models using a simple two stage pipeline consisting of a segmentation and a recognition step. We evaluate how the accuracy of segmentation influences recognition performance but also examine if segmentation is needed at all. We use the CASIA Thousand and SBVPI datasets for the experiments and report several interesting findings.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, submitted to IWBF 201

    Postmortem iris recognition and its application in human identification

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    Iris recognition is a validated and non-invasive human identification technology currently implemented for the purposes of surveillance and security (i.e. border control, schools, military). Similar to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), irises are a highly individualizing component of the human body. Based on a lack of genetic penetrance, irises are unique between an individual’s left and right iris and between identical twins, proving to be more individualizing than DNA. At this time, little to no research has been conducted on the use of postmortem iris scanning as a biometric measurement of identification. The purpose of this pilot study is to explore the use of iris recognition as a tool for postmortem identification. Objectives of the study include determining whether current iris recognition technology can locate and detect iris codes in postmortem globes, and if iris scans collected at different postmortem time intervals can be identified as the same iris initially enrolled. Data from 43 decedents involving 148 subsequent iris scans demonstrated a subsequent match rate of approximately 80%, supporting the theory that iris recognition technology is capable of detecting and identifying an individual’s iris code in a postmortem setting. A chi-square test of independence showed no significant difference between match outcomes and the globe scanned (left vs. right), and gender had no bearing on the match outcome. There was a significant relationship between iris color and match outcome, with blue/gray eyes yielding a lower match rate (59%) compared to brown (82%) or green/hazel eyes (88%), however, the sample size of blue/gray eyes in this study was not large enough to draw a meaningful conclusion. An isolated case involving an antemortem initial scan collected from an individual on life support yielded an accurate identification (match) with a subsequent scan captured at approximately 10 hours postmortem. Falsely rejected subsequent iris scans or "no match" results occurred in about 20% of scans; they were observed at each PMI range and varied from 19-30%. The false reject rate is too high to reliably establish non-identity when used alone and ideally would be significantly lower prior to implementation in a forensic setting; however, a "no match" could be confirmed using another method. Importantly, the data showed a false match rate or false accept rate (FAR) of zero, a result consistent with previous iris recognition studies in living individuals. The preliminary results of this pilot study demonstrate a plausible role for iris recognition in postmortem human identification. Implementation of a universal iris recognition database would benefit the medicolegal death investigation and forensic pathology communities, and has potential applications to other situations such as missing persons and human trafficking cases

    Iris Recognition: The Consequences of Image Compression

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    Iris recognition for human identification is one of the most accurate biometrics, and its employment is expanding globally. The use of portable iris systems, particularly in law enforcement applications, is growing. In many of these applications, the portable device may be required to transmit an iris image or template over a narrow-bandwidth communication channel. Typically, a full resolution image (e.g., VGA) is desired to ensure sufficient pixels across the iris to be confident of accurate recognition results. To minimize the time to transmit a large amount of data over a narrow-bandwidth communication channel, image compression can be used to reduce the file size of the iris image. In other applications, such as the Registered Traveler program, an entire iris image is stored on a smart card, but only 4 kB is allowed for the iris image. For this type of application, image compression is also the solution. This paper investigates the effects of image compression on recognition system performance using a commercial version of the Daugman iris2pi algorithm along with JPEG-2000 compression, and links these to image quality. Using the ICE 2005 iris database, we find that even in the face of significant compression, recognition performance is minimally affected

    Iris Recognition Using Scattering Transform and Textural Features

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    Iris recognition has drawn a lot of attention since the mid-twentieth century. Among all biometric features, iris is known to possess a rich set of features. Different features have been used to perform iris recognition in the past. In this paper, two powerful sets of features are introduced to be used for iris recognition: scattering transform-based features and textural features. PCA is also applied on the extracted features to reduce the dimensionality of the feature vector while preserving most of the information of its initial value. Minimum distance classifier is used to perform template matching for each new test sample. The proposed scheme is tested on a well-known iris database, and showed promising results with the best accuracy rate of 99.2%
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