677 research outputs found

    Iris Biometric Watermarking for Authentication Using Multiband Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular-Value Decomposition

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    The most advanced technology, watermarking enables intruders to access the database. Various techniques have been developed for information security. Watermarks and histories are linked to many biometric techniques such as fingerprints, palm positions, gait, iris and speech are recommended. Digital watermarking is the utmost successful approaches among the methods available. In this paper the multiband wavelet transforms and singular value decomposition are discussed to establish a watermarking strategy rather than biometric information. The use of biometrics instead of conservative watermarks can enhance information protection. The biometric technology being used is iris. The iris template can be viewed as a watermark, while an iris mode of communication may be used to help information security with the addition of a watermark to the image of the iris. The research involves verifying authentication against different attacks such as no attacks, Jpeg Compression, Gaussian, Median Filtering and Blurring. The Algorithm increases durability and resilience when exposed to geometric and frequency attacks. Finally, the proposed framework can be applied not only to the assessment of iris biometrics, but also to other areas where privacy is critical

    Comparison of DCT, SVD and BFOA based multimodal biometric watermarking systems

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    AbstractDigital image watermarking is a major domain for hiding the biometric information, in which the watermark data are made to be concealed inside a host image imposing imperceptible change in the picture. Due to the advance in digital image watermarking, the majority of research aims to make a reliable improvement in robustness to prevent the attack. The reversible invisible watermarking scheme is used for fingerprint and iris multimodal biometric system. A novel approach is used for fusing different biometric modalities. Individual unique modalities of fingerprint and iris biometric are extracted and fused using different fusion techniques. The performance of different fusion techniques is evaluated and the Discrete Wavelet Transform fusion method is identified as the best. Then the best fused biometric template is watermarked into a cover image. The various watermarking techniques such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) are implemented to the fused biometric feature image. Performance of watermarking systems is compared using different metrics. It is found that the watermarked images are found robust over different attacks and they are able to reverse the biometric template for Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA) watermarking technique

    Image Watermaking With Biometric Data For Copyright Protection

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    In this paper, we deal with the proof of ownership or legitimate usage of a digital content, such as an image, in order to tackle the illegitimate copy. The proposed scheme based on the combination of the watermark-ing and cancelable biometrics does not require a trusted third party, all the exchanges are between the provider and the customer. The use of cancelable biometrics permits to provide a privacy compliant proof of identity. We illustrate the robustness of this method against intentional and unintentional attacks of the watermarked content

    Design a system for an approved video copyright over cloud based on biometric iris and random walk generator using watermark technique

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    Copyright is a tool for preventing anyone forged to copy an electronic work from another person and claim that electronic work is referred to him. Since the identity of the person is always determined by his name and biometrics, there is a concern to handle this information, to preserve the copyright. In this paper, a new idea for copyright technology is used to prove video copyright, by using blind watermarking technique, the ownership information is hidden inside video frames using linear congruential generator (LCG) for adapted the locations of vector features extracted from the name and biometric image of the owner instead of hidden the watermark in the Pseudo Noise sequences or any other feature extraction technique. When providing the watermarked vector, a statistical operation is used to increase randomization state for the amplifier factors of LCG function. LCG provides random positions where the owner's information is stored inside the video. The proposed method is not difficult to execute and can present an adaptable imperceptibility and robustness performance. The output results show the robustness of this approach based on the average PSNR of frames for the embedded in 50 frames is around 47.5 dB while the watermark remains undetectable. MSSIM values with range (0.83 to 0.99)

    Security of Biometric Data Using Compressed Watermarking Technique

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    This paper has focus on biometric data security over open communication channel of biometric system. Here biometric data is encoded using cs theory and wavelet based embedding technique. The biometric data is convert into encoded sparse measurements which is generating using SVD, random seed and uniform quantization process. Then these encoded sparse measurements are embedding into the host color biometric data using wavelet based watermarking technique. This proposed technique has explored dimension reduction and computational security provided by compressive sensing. This proposed technique has also helps to compressed and to send secret data over noisy communication channel of biometric system against various attacks. The proposed technique provides more security compare to existed technique in literature due to CS theory. The novelty of proposed technique is that, watermark iris image information is compressed and encoded using CS theory and uniform quantization.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i5.664

    A Survey on Biometrics based Digital Image Watermarking Techniques and Applications

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    The improvements in Internet technologies and growing demands on online multimedia businesses have made digital copyrighting as a major challenge for businesses that are associated with online content distribution via diverse business models including pay-per-view subscription trading etc Copyright protection and the evidence for rightful ownership are major issues associated with the distribution of any digital images Digital watermarking is a probable solution for digital content owners that offer security to the digital content In recent years digital watermarking plays a vital role in providing the apposite solution and numerous researches have been carried out In this paper an extensive review of the prevailing literature related to the Bio- watermarking is presented together with classification by utilizing an assortment of techniques In addition a terse introduction about the Digital Watermarking is presented to get acquainted with the vital information on the subject of Digital Watermarkin