3 research outputs found

    PortaX Secure Automation System Using IoT: A Survey

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    In recent times, everything around us is automated. People are looking to make things easier and easier day by day, by reducing the work they do, but not reduce the efficiency of work. The most important thing in this technically forward world, is, what we mentioned above i.e. Automation and Security. Travel needs a lot of automation in this day and age, especially Airports. The idea of a bag can check-in by itself, and tell us where it is and deprive us of the worry of continuously checking or thinking if the luggage is okay, is just a dream for most people

    Adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in airports -- A systematic literature review

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    Airports have been constantly evolving and adopting digital technologies to improve operational efficiency, enhance passenger experience, generate ancillary revenues and boost capacity from existing infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic has also challenged airports and aviation stakeholders alike to adapt and manage new operational challenges such as facilitating a contactless travel experience and ensuring business continuity. Digitalisation using Industry 4.0 technologies offers opportunities for airports to address short-term challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic while also preparing for future long-term challenges that ensue the crisis. Through a systematic literature review of 102 relevant articles, we discuss the current state of adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies in airports, the associated challenges as well as future research directions. The results of this review suggest that the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies is slowly gaining traction within the airport environment, and shall continue to remain relevant in the digital transformation journeys in developing future airports

    Aeroportos inteligentes : como a inovação está alterando a experiência do turista ao viajar

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Excelência em Turismo, 2021.Os Aeroportos inteligentes representam a mais recente evolução dos terminais contendo uma maior sinergia com tecnologias e métodos de conectividade. Alguns dos benefícios da inserção de tais inovações são a agilidade e eficácia nos processos garantindo o aumento da autonomia dos passageiros, possibilitando assim uma maior qualidade na viagem. O objetivo central deste trabalho é estudar os efeitos das inovações nos aeroportos, em especial na experiência do turista, visando identificar o impacto na satisfação do mesmo. Propõe-se, assim, diferenciar as inovações ocorridas no modal que caracterizam os aeroportos inteligentes, analisar a partir de outros estudos o comportamento da demanda após o surgimento dos mesmos e, por fim, verificar em pesquisa bibliográfica a satisfação do consumidor perante as inovações nos aeroportos. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão de literatura sistemática - SLR - analisando pesquisas e relatórios realizados em vários países no período de nove anos de forma a se obter uma visão do cenário global. Sob essa ótica, foi identificado que a expectativa criada sobre a tecnologia impacta diretamente na satisfação do passageiro, assim como a familiarização com a tecnologia por parte do passageiro e uma boa instrução sobre o funcionamento da mesma por parte dos aeroportos resultam em um nível elevado de satisfação e consequentemente aumentam a qualidade da viagem.Smart Airports represents the latest evolution of terminals, with greater synergy with technologies and connectivity methods. Some of the benefits of the insertion of such innovations are the agility and efficiency in the processes, guaranteeing the increase of the autonomy of the passengers, thus enabling a better quality in the trip. The main objective of this work is to study the effects of innovations at airports, especially on the tourist experience, aiming to identify the impact on their satisfaction. Therefore, It is proposed to differentiate the innovations in the modal that characterize smart airports, to analyze from other studies the behavior of demand after their emergence, and finally, to verify in bibliographic research the consumer satisfaction in the face of innovations in airports. The methodology used was the systematic literature review - SLR - analyzing surveys and reports carried out in several countries in the period of nine years in order to obtain a view of the global scenario. From this perspective, it was identified that the expectation created about the technology directly impacts on passenger satisfaction as well as the familiarization with the technology on the part of the passenger and good instruction on how it works by the airports result in a high level of satisfaction and consequently increase the quality of the trip