11 research outputs found


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    Smart Transportation Systems (STS) are crucial to alleviating urban traffic congestion. This paper examines how gridlock managers might use IoT-related remote sensor networks to improve transportation productivity and flexibility. The study's initial inquiry examines traffic congestion's negative consequences on cities, including increased travel time, fuel consumption, and pollution. It emphasizes the need for creative solutions to reduce traffic and improve urban life. The solution's IoT-enabled wireless sensor networks simplify real-time data collection and analysis. A dense sensor network at important traffic sites can collect significant data on traffic flow, vehicle density, and road conditions. This data enables smart traffic management methods and better transportation systems. Sensor hubs, information transmission standards, and information analysis methodologies are examined in the exploratory article. It discusses network-sending challenges such as power productivity, flexibility, and information security and proposes solutions. The essay also considers synergies with autonomous cars, smart traffic signal systems, and IoT-connected wireless sensor networks in transportation infrastructure. These pairings boost gridlock executives' viability and STS's future. An IoT-associated remote sensor network was dispatched to a metropolitan region in the exploration piece to test the proposed configuration. The research examines the data, how traffic management tactics were applied, and how traffic flow, trip time, and environmental sustainability improved. This research shows that IoT-connected wireless sensor networks may transform smart transportation system traffic congestion management. Advanced analytics and real-time data may help cities reduce congestion, increase mobility, and develop sustainable cities

    New cross-domain QoE guarantee method based on isomorphism flow

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    This paper investigates the issue of Quality of Experience(QoE)for multimedia services over heterogeneous networks. Anew concept of “Isomor-phism Flow”(iFlow) was introduced for analyzing multimedia traffics, which is inspired by the abstract algebrabased on experimental research. By using iF-low, the multimedia traffics with similar QoErequirements for differentusersare aggregated. AQoE evaluation method was also proposed for the aggregated traffics. Then a new cross-domain QoE guarantee method based on the iFlow QoEis proposed in this paper to adjust the network resource fromthe perspec-tive of user perception.The proposed scheme is validated through simulations. Simulationresults show that the proposed scheme achieves an enhancement in QoE performanceandoutperforms the existing schemes

    Análisis de Tráfico de Red de dispositivos IoT

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    [ES] En la actualidad multitud de dispositivos se conectan entre sí para intercambiar información. La importancia de dicha interconexión y la gran variedad de servicios ofrecidos a través de la red de redes (Internet) ha alcanzado lo más profundo de los hogares de las personas. Hoy en día es común encontrar televisores con acceso a Internet o termostatos que se pueden controlar desde miles de kilómetros de distancia. A este fenómeno de conectar a Internet dispositivos de uso cotidiano que antes no disponían de dicho acceso a la red, se le conoce como Internet de las cosas. Al margen de este fenómeno y todas las ventajas que trae consigo, este tipo de dispositivos pueden presentar problemas de seguridad que los hace objetivo de ataques. Además, y dada la diversidad de fabricantes, la homogeneidad en cuanto a los métodos de conexión utilizados es inexistente. Este trabajo utiliza el tráfico generado por el comportamiento de estos dispositivos en las redes domésticas de los usuarios capturado mediante un entorno de pruebas desarrollado, y aplica diferentes técnicas de análisis como la inspección profunda de paquetes o el análisis basado en flujos con el fin de estudiar y profundizar en el uso de dichas técnicas, así como explorar formas avanzadas de enriquecimiento y visualización de los datos

    Development of a Random Time-Frequency Access Protocol for M2M Communication

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    This thesis focuses on the design and development of the random time-frequency access protocol in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication systems and covers different aspects of the data collision problem in these systems. The randomisation algorithm, used to access channels in the frequency domain, represents the key factor that affects data collisions. This thesis presents a new randomisation algorithm for the channel selection process for M2M technologies. The new algorithm is based on a uniform randomisation distribution and is called the Uniform Randomisation Channel Selection Technique (URCST). This new channel selection algorithm improves system performance and provides a low probability of collision with minimum complexity, power consumption, and hardware resources. Also, URCST is a general randomisation technique which can be utilised by different M2M technologies. The analysis presented in this research confirms that using URCST improves system performance for different M2M technologies, such as Weightless-N and Sigfox, with a massive number of devices. The thesis also provides a rigorous and flexible mathematical model for the random time-frequency access protocol which can precisely describe the performance of different M2M technologies. This model covers various scenarios with multiple groups of devices that employ different transmission characteristics like the number of connected devices, the number of message copies, the number of channels, the payload size, and transmission time. In addition, new and robust simulation testbeds have been built and developed in this research to evaluate the performance of different M2M technologies that utilise the random time-frequency access protocol. These testbeds cover the channel histogram, the probability of collisions, and the mathematical model. The testbeds were designed to support the multiple message copies approach with various groups of devices that are connected to the same base station and employ different transmission characteristics. Utilising the newly developed channel selection algorithm, mathematical model, and testbeds, the research offers a detailed and thorough analysis of the performance of Weightless-N and Sigfox in terms of the message lost ratio (MLR) and power consumption. The analysis shows some useful insights into the performance of M2M systems. For instance, while using multiple message copies improves the system performance, it might degrade the reliability of the system as the number of devices increases beyond a specific limit. Therefore, increasing the number of message copies can be disadvantageous to M2M communication performance