99 research outputs found

    Testing of Formed Gear Wheels at Quasi-Static and Elevated Strain Rates

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    Geared components can be manufactured from sheet metals by sheet-bulk metal forming. One relevant load case in service are overload events, which might induce elevated strain rates. To determine the characteristic hardening and fracture behavior, specimens manufactured from the deep-drawing steel DC04 were tested with strain rates ranging from 0.0001 to 5 sāˆ’1. The gear wheels manufactured by sheet-bulk metal forming are tested at crosshead velocities of 0.08 mm/s and 175 mm/s. The tests are analyzed by measuring deformed geometry and hardness. While the tensile tests results show obvious strain-rate dependency, the hardness measurements show no strain-rate depended effect. The analyses are complemented by finite-element-simulations, which assess the homogeneity of deformation and point out the mechanisms of failure. Both coupled and uncoupled ductile damage models are able to predict the critical areas for crack initiation. The coupled damage model has slight advantages regarding deformed shape prediction

    Microstructural characterization and simulation of damage for geared sheet components

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    The evolution of damage in geared components manufactured from steel sheets was investigated, to analyse the influence of damage caused by the sheet-bulk-metal forming. Due to the inhomogeneous and multi-axial deformation in the investigated parts, different aspects such as the location-dependent shape and size of voids are analysed by means of various microscopic methods. In particular, a method to characterize the state of damage evolution, i. e. void nucleation, growth and coalescence using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is applied. The investigations reveal a strong dependence of the void area fraction, shape of voids and thus damage evolution on the loading mode. The microstructural analysis is complemented with FEM simulations using material models which consider the characteristics of the void evolution. Ā© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    EUSPEN : proceedings of the 3rd international conference, May 26-30, 2002, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

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    Numerical analysis of fatigue crack growth in welded joints with multiple defects

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    In the case of welded steel structures (such as pressure equipment), welded joints are often critical location for stress concentrations, due to different mechanical properties and chemical composition compared to the parent material, and due to changes in geometry. In addition, the presence of imperfections (defects) in welded joints can contribute to the increase in local stress, resulting in crack initiation. Recently, standards that are related to acceptable dimensions of various types of defects in welded joints started taking fatigue loading into account as well. For the purpose of this research, a 3D numerical model was made, of a welded joint with different types of defects (linear misalignment and a crack in the weld metal), based on the previous work, which involved static loading of the same specimen. In this case, fatigue was taken into account, and the simulation was performed using ABAQUS software, as well as Morfeo, an add-on used for determining the fatigue behaviour of structures via XFEM (extended finite element method). The welded joint was made using steel P460NL1 as the parent material, and EPP2NiMo2 wire was used for the weld metal. An additional model was made, whose defects included a crack and an overhang. Fatigue crack growth analysis was performed for this model as well, and the results for stress intensity factors and stress/strain distribution were compared in order to obtain information about how different defects can affect the integrity of a welded joint

    Using the fracture mechanics parameters in assessment of integrity of rotary equipment

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    In this paper is presented the principle of application of fracture mechanics parameters in determining the integrity of rotary equipment. The behavior of rotary equipment depends on presence of cracks and basically determines the integrity and life of such equipment. The locations of stress concentration (i.e. radius changes) represent a particular problem in rotary equipment, and they are the most suitable places for the occurrence of microcracks i.e. cracks due to fatigue load. This problem is most common in the shaft of relatively large dimensions, for example, turbine shafts in hydropower plants made of high-strength carbon steel with relatively low fracture toughness, and relatively low resistance to crack formation and growth. Having in mind that rotary equipment represents the great risk in the exploitation, whose occasional failures often had severe consequences, it is necessary detail study of their integrity. For this purpose, it is necessary application of parameters of linear-elastic fracture mechanics, such as stress intensity factor, which range defines the rate of crack growth (Parisian law), and its critical value (fracture toughness) determines the critical crack length. The procedures for determining the critical crack length will be described using the fracture mechanics parameters

    The influence of oxide deposits on the remaining life and integrity of pressure vessels equipment

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    In this paper is presented the principle of application of fracture mechanics parameters in determining the integrity of rotary equipment. The behavior of rotary equipment depends on presence of cracks and basically determines the integrity and life of such equipment. The locations of stress concentration (i.e. radius changes) represent a particular problem in rotary equipment, and they are the most suitable places for the occurrence of microcracks i.e. cracks due to fatigue load. This problem is most common in the shaft of relatively large dimensions, for example, turbine shafts in hydropower plants made of high-strength carbon steel with relatively low fracture toughness, and relatively low resistance to crack formation and growth. Having in mind that rotary equipment represents the great risk in the exploitation, whose occasional failures often had severe consequences, it is necessary detail study of their integrity. For this purpose, it is necessary application of parameters of linear-elastic fracture mechanics, such as stress intensity factor, which range defines the rate of crack growth (Parisian law), and its critical value (fracture toughness) determines the critical crack length. The procedures for determining the critical crack length will be described using the fracture mechanics parameters

    4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung : Umformtechnische Herstellung von komplexen Funktionsbauteilen mit Nebenformelementen aus Feinblechen

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    4. Workshop Blechmassivumformung Das Buch enthƤlt die Verƶffentlichungen zu den VortrƤgen im Rahmen des Workshops. Diese hatten die neuesten Ergebnisse aus dem DFG-gefƶrderten Transregio 73 zum Inhalt. Die Themen umfassten hierbei sowohl Umformprozesse als auch Aspekte des VerschleiƟes, der SchƤdigung, Messtechnik sowie der Simulation. Schlaglichter zu den BeitrƤgen aus der Wirtschaft, welche die Nutzung der Erkenntnisse in verschiedenen kommerziellen Feldern darstellten, runden den Inhalt ab.4th Workshop Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming The book includes the papers accompanying the presentations during the workshop. These were focused on the newest results of the Transregio 73, funded by the DFG. The topics covered aspects of forming processes as well as wear, damage, metrology and simulation. Flashlights to the presentations given by the participants from industry which highlighted the use of the findings in different commercial fields are included as well
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