3 research outputs found

    Investigation of degradation mechanisms in low-voltage p-channel power MOSFETs under High Temperature Gate Bias stress

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    In this work we investigate the degradation mechanisms occurring in a p-channel trench-gate power MOSFET under High Temperature Gate Bias (HTGB) stress. The impact of negative bias temperature stress is analysed by evaluating relevant figures of merit for the considered device: threshold voltage, transconductance and on-resistance. Temperatures and gate voltages as large as 175 \ub0C and 1224 V, respectively, are adopted to accelerate the degradation in the device. Moreover, in order to investigate the origin of degradation mechanisms we analyse the interface states generation and the charge trapping processes, the impact of a switching gate voltage during the stress phase and the recovery phase after HTGB stress

    Response of Commercial P-Channel Power VDMOS Transistors to Ionizing Irradiation and Bias Temperature Stress

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    n this paper, the e®ects of successively applied static/pulsed negative bias temperature (NBT)stress and irradiation on commercial p-channel power vertical double-di®used metal-oxidesemiconductor (VDMOS) transistors are investigated. To further illustrate the impacts of thesestresses on the power devices, the relative contributions of gate oxide charge (Not) and interfacetraps (Nit) to threshold voltage shifts are shown and studied. It was shown that when irradi-ation without gate voltage is used, the duration of the pre-irradiation static NBT stress has aslightly larger e®ect on the radiation response of power VDMOS transistors. Regarding the factthat the investigated components are more likely to function in the dynamic mode than thestatic mode in practice, additional analysis was focused on the results obtained during thepulsed NBT stress after irradiation. For the components subjected to the pulsed NBT stressafter the irradiation, the e®ects ofNotneutralization andNitpassivation (usually related toannealing) are more enhanced than the components subjected to the static NBT stress, becauseonly a high temperature is applied during the pulse-o® state. It was observed that in devicespreviously irradiated with gate voltage applied, the decrease of threshold voltage shift is sig-ni ̄cantly greater during the pulsed NBT stress than during the static NBT stres