34 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]The Support Role Information Center and Its Effects on End User Computing Success

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    Help! I Need Somebody: New Directions in IT Support

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    Akzeptanz von Informationssystemen durch Schweinemäster: Eine Kausalanalyse

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    Im Zuge der Anstrengungen, die Verunsicherung der Verbraucher zu beheben, wird auf vielfältige Weise versucht, die Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln zu verbessern. Dabei ist auch der Informationsaustausch zwischen Akteuren in den Wertschöpfungsketten der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft in den Fokus gesetzgeberischer wie auch privater Initiativen gerückt. Neben technologischen Hindernissen, vor allem der fehlenden Kompatibilität von Informationssystemen, lassen sich auch Verhaltensaspekte als Hemmnisse des Informationsaustauschs und der Informationsverarbeitung identifizieren. Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es vor diesem Hintergrund, am Beispiel des Tiergesundheitsmanagements in der Schweinefleischwirtschaft Antworten auf die Frage zu geben, welche Einflussgrößen auf die Akzeptanz von computerbasierten Informationssystemen wirken. In einer auf der Grundlage der “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology” konzipierten empirischen Studie zeigte sich, dass die Verhaltensintention der Akteure signifikant von ihrer Leistungserwartung beeinflusst wird. Das Nutzungsverhalten der Landwirte in Bezug auf Informationssysteme hängt unmittelbar von der Verhaltensintention und erleichternden Rahmenbedingungen ab. Mittelbare Einflüsse auf das Nutzungsverhalten gehen von Alter, Geschlecht, Erfahrung und Motivation der Probanden aus. Die Ergebnisse haben interessante Implikationen für die am Informationsaustausch interessierten Wertschöpfungspartner wie auch Systemanbieter. Politics and business have worked to alleviate consumer insecurity concerning food safety through manifold efforts aimed at improving the quality of food products. In this context the exchange of information between supply chain partners has increasingly gained the attention of lawmakers and private initiatives. Besides technological difficulties, such as a lack of compatibility among interfaces of informational systems, behavioral aspects are identified as hindrances to the exchange and processing of information. Against this background, the goal of this study is to gain initial insight into the determinants of hog farmers’ acceptance of computer- based information systems. An empirical study based on the “Unified Theory of acceptance and Use of Technology” showed that actors’ intention to use is significantly influenced by their performance expectancy. Farmers’ use behavior with regard to information systems is determined by their behavioral intention and facilitating conditions. Age, gender, experience and motivtion have indirect effects on farmers’ use behavior. The results have interesting implications for supply chain partners interested in fostering information exchange and IT system providers.Akzeptanz, Schweinemast, Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Tiergesundheitsmanagement, Partial Least Squares-Methode, Acceptance, Pig Fattening, Animal Health Management, Partial Least Squares Method, Farm Management,

    Re-Conceptualising IS Function\u27s Support Performance: A Preliminary Model

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    While IS function has gained widespread attention for over two decades, there is little consensus among information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners on how best to evaluate IS function’s support performance. This paper reports on preliminary findings of a larger research effort proceeds from a central interest in the importance of evaluating IS function’s support in organisations. This study is the first that attempts to re-conceptualise and conceive evaluate IS function’s support as a multi-dimensional formative construct. We argue that a holistic measure for evaluating evaluate IS function’s support should consist of dimensions that together assess the variety of the support functions and the quality of the support services provided to end-users. Thus, the proposed model consists of two halves, ‘Variety’ and ‘Quality’ within which resides seven dimensions. The Variety half includes five dimensions: Training; Documentation; Data-related Support, Software-related Support; and Hardware-related Support. The Quality half includes two dimensions: IS Support Staff and Support Services Performance. The proposed model is derived using a directed content analysis of 83 studies; from top IS outlets, employing the characteristics of the analytic theory and consistent with formative construct development procedures

    The Impact of Organizational Coordination and Climate on Marketing Executives\u27 Satisfaction with Information Systems Services

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    Information system (IS) managers rely on a number of devices to improve performance and the perception of performance on the part of the user. These techniques can be a variety of tools and organizational structures put in place by various levels of management. Horizontal coordination activities are such a device, one that is intended to improve the communication between users and IS developers. Past research has found an impact of coordination on IS success. However, the climate, general attitudes about the IS function in an organization in which the developers and users operate, can serve as an important moderator. Analysis of a sample of marketing executives indicates that the climate is an important moderator and may impact the ability of structural features to improve perceived performance. Managers must consider the climate as an important feature

    IT fit on auditors’ performance in Yemen

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    The alignment between the importance and utilisation of IT (IT fit), and the impact of IT fit on organisational performance has been an issue of concern for many researchers. Therefore, this study examined the effect of organisational, social, individual, and environmental factors on IT fit and on auditors’ performance as well as the influence of IT fit on auditors’ performance. It also examined the mediating effect of IT fit on the relationship between these independent variables and auditors’ performance. Data from 274 auditors were analyzed using the PLS-SEM. The results indicate that auditors perceived their utilisation of IT utilisation to be less than the importance of IT, hence providing important insights into the importance and the utilisation of technologies in the context of audit work in Yemen. The findings suggest that information systems audit in Yemen is still at the minimum level. Further analyses on the effect of the independent variables, namely IT knowledge, facilitating resources, IT trust, competitive pressure, management support, client’s complexity of the IT system, internalisation and cognitive style, on IT fit show them to be positive and significant. Interestingly, IT fit is found to be a mediator between these eight variables and auditors’ performance. This study also finds that management support, IT knowledge, IT trust, internalisation, IT training, client’s complexity of the IT System, cognitive style and IT fit have positive and significant effects on auditors’ performance. The three most important variables are IT knowledge, facilitating resources, and management support. The findings suggest the important role of IT fit in increasing the effect of these variables on auditors’ performance. Therefore, audit firms and professional bodies need to focus on the issue of IT fit to increase the performance of their auditors

    E-learning in English classroom: Investigating factors impacting on ESL (English as Second Language) college students\u27 acceptance and use of the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle)

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    Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) is an open source Learning Management System (LMS) receiving more and more popularity in higher education. Many academic departments in colleges and universities employ Moodle to economically improve course management. English as Second Language (ESL) programs in universities have also adopted Moodle. However, successfully implementing Moodle in ESL courses requires ESL students to accept the system. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model was used as a framework to investigate the factors influencing ESL college students\u27 acceptance and use of Moodle in their English classes. Additionally, this study aimed at representing ESL college students\u27 perspectives on what factors impacted their acceptance or rejection of Moodle. Thirteen ESL college students participated in this study, and four focus group discussions were conducted. Participants expressed five major factors that influenced the adoption of Moodle in ESL grammar and reading classes. These factors were performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and former practice. The participants attribute Moodle for improving their study efficiency and learning skill, providing them with multiple learning resources and giving them emotional motivation. This performance expectancy was the most important reason for them in adopting Moodle. They cited Moodle\u27s ease of use, or effort expectancy, as the second significant reason for adoption. Additionally, social influence and facilitating condition were considered supplemental factors influencing their acceptance of Moodle. Besides these four constructs in the UTAUT model, some participants proposed that former practice, or their experience with Moodle or other learning management systems, enabled them to adopt Moodle more quickly. The findings provide beneficial suggestions for educational administrators and course management developers who have interest in using Moodle to teach English courses to ESL students