1,339 research outputs found

    How Loyal are You? Continuance Intention and Word of Mouth in Free/Libre Open Source Software

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    Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has begun to attract increasing numbers of non-technical end-users. Drawing upon information systems (IS) post-adoption research and other relevant research including IS success, consumer behavior, and FLOSS, the current proposed study will open a necessary but unexplored new research agenda: non-technical end-users’ continued FLOSS usage behaviors and examine the phenomenon by proposing a model. The study will further examine the proposed model by comparing two distinct user populations (i.e., regular loyal users vs. dedicated loyal users), and identify the factors that are more prominent in the dedicated loyal user population. The research will also conduct a case study on an exemplary community-led marketing campaign (i.e., Spreadfirefox.com) to examine how the practice of word of mouth is made more effective through its dedicated loyal users’ active contributions. In addition to its theoretical contribution to FLOSS research, the research will generate a range of practical implications for FLOSS communities as to how they can achieve a much stronger loyal user base and benefit from their contributions

    Dynamics of Innovation in an “Open Source” Collaboration Environment: Lurking, Laboring and Launching FLOSS Projects on SourceForge

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    A systems analysis perspective is adopted to examine the critical properties of the Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) mode of innovation, as reflected on the SourceForge platform (SF.net). This approach re-scales March’s (1991) framework and applies it to characterize the “innovation system” of a “distributed organization” of interacting agents in a virtual collaboration environment. The innovation system of the virtual collaboration environment is an emergent property of two “coupled” processes: one involves interactions among agents searching for information to use in designing novel software products, and the other involves the mobilization of individual capabilities for application in the software development projects. Micro-dynamics of this system are studied empirically by constructing transition probability matrices representing movements of 222,835 SF.net users among 7 different activity states. Estimated probabilities are found to form first-order Markov chains describing ergodic processes. This makes it possible to computate the equilibrium distribution of agents among the states, thereby suppressing transient effects and revealing persisting patterns of project-joining and project-launching.innovation systems, collaborative development environments, industrial districts, exploration and exploitation dynamics, open source software, FLOSS, SourceForge, project-joining, project-founding, Markov chain analysis.

    Software Supply Chain Development and Application

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    Motivation: Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) has become a critical componentin numerous devices and applications. Despite its importance, it is not clear why FLOSS ecosystem works so well or if it may cease to function. Majority of existing research is focusedon studying a specific software project or a portion of an ecosystem, but FLOSS has not been investigated in its entirety. Such view is necessary because of the deep and complex technical and social dependencies that go beyond the core of an individual ecosystem and tight inter-dependencies among ecosystems within FLOSS.Aim: We, therefore, aim to discover underlying relations within and across FLOSS projects and developers in open source community, mitigate potential risks induced by the lack of such knowledge and enable systematic analysis over entire open source community through the lens of supply chain (SC).Method: We utilize concepts from an area of supply chains to model risks of FLOSS ecosystem. FLOSS, due to the distributed decision making of software developers, technical dependencies, and copying of the code, has similarities to traditional supply chain. Unlike in traditional supply chain, where data is proprietary and distributed among players, we aim to measure open-source software supply chain (OSSC) by operationalizing supply chain concept in software domain using traces reconstructed from version control data.Results: We create a very large and frequently updated collection of version control data in the entire FLOSS ecosystems named World of Code (WoC), that can completely cross-reference authors, projects, commits, blobs, dependencies, and history of the FLOSS ecosystems, and provide capabilities to efficiently correct, augment, query, and analyze that data. Various researches and applications (e.g., software technology adoption investigation) have been successfully implemented by leveraging the combination of WoC and OSSC.Implications: With a SC perspective in FLOSS development and the increased visibility and transparency in OSSC, our work provides potential opportunities for researchers to conduct wider and deeper studies on OSS over entire FLOSS community, for developers to build more robust software and for students to learn technologies more efficiently and improve programming skills

    Floss firms, users and communities: a viable match?

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    The participation of firms in Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) communities is growing and is increasingly debated amongst scholars. As [41] explained, FLOSS needs profit and we do not know successfull floss products without firms in their ecosystem, either being via the financial support of foundations (Eclipse, Linux) or the commercial offering of products or services based on specific FLOSS products (SQL, RedHat). Various points of view have been proposed, but most of the time, scholars studied either the implication of firms within a community or the integration of floss into their market strategy, but not both. In this article, we plead for a more structured and global analysis, based on industrial economics tools, and thus starting from the basic conditions of the computer market and of the buyers' competence in software development (the 'dominant user's skill). This conceptual framework helps to distinguish the different roles (understood as 'social roles') firms may play in the FLOSS ecosystem and, specifically the variation in their involvement.'Free'/'libre' or 'open source' software, Industrial economics, dominant user's skill, firms' roles

    Roles and politeness behavior in community-based free/libre open source software development

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    Community-based Free/Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS) development relies on contributions from both core and peripheral members. Prior research on core-periphery has focused on software coding related behaviors. We study how core-periphery roles are related to social-relational behavior in terms of politeness behavior. Data from two FLOSS projects suggest that both core and peripheral members use more positive politeness strategies than negative strategies. Further, core and peripheral members use different strategies to protect positive face in positive politeness, which we term respect and intimacy, respectively. Our results contribute to FLOSS research and politeness theory. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Governance and organizational sponsorship as success factors in free/libre and open source software development: An empirical investigation using structural equation modeling

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    Recent advances in information technologies and subsequent explosive growth of computer software use in practically all aspects of everyday life provide tremendous opportunities and benefits for improving people\u27s lives. However, significant proportion of software projects represents cancelled, abandoned or otherwise failed projects. This situation exists not only in commercial software products or government information systems, but also in an increasingly popular and important domain of free/libre and open source software (FLOSS). The problem of failures in software development projects requires identification and understanding of the factors of success and their interrelationships. Practice and previous research suggest that governance of software development projects plays crucial role in their success. Increasing adoption and sponsorship of FLOSS by commercial firms and government organizations present additional challenges; such sponsorship may also interact with governance in FLOSS projects and play a role in determining their success. This dissertation focused on analyzing the role and significance of governance and organizational sponsorship in the success of FLOSS development. This study used both conceptual analysis and empirical methods. The conceptual analysis phase, a preliminary study based on the review of existing literature, produced a partial model of success in FLOSS development. This model was verified in an empirical phase, which statistically analyzed data from multiple FLOSS repositories and other public sources. The statistical analysis was based on structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. Results of this study did not confirm hypothesized effects of the main two factors (governance and organizational sponsorship) on FLOSS success, but confirmed a positive effect of project maturity on the success. The likely reason of the lack of support for the main factors is unavailability of sufficient and correct data for proper operationalization. This and other uncovered issues are planned to be addressed in the future research on the topic, for which this dissertation formed a solid conceptual and data analysis framework

    Decision-making Processes in Community-based Free/Libre Open Source Software-development Teams with Internal Governance: An Extension to Decision-making Theory

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    Community-based free/libre open source software (FLOSS) teams with internal governance constitute an extreme example of distributed teams, prominent in software development. At the core of distributed team success lies team decision making and execution. However, in FLOSS teams, one might expect the lack of formal organizational structures to guide practices and reliance on asynchronous communication to make decision making problematic. Despite these challenges, many effective FLOSS teams exist. We lack research on how organizations make IS development decisions in general and on FLOSS decision-making models in particular. The decision-making literature on FLOSS teams has focused on the distribution of decision-making power. Therefore, it remains unclear which decision-making theories fit the FLOSS context best or whether we require novel decision-making models. We adopted a process-based perspective to analyze decision making in five community-based FLOSS teams. We identified five different decision-making processes, which indicates that FLOSS teams use multiple processes when making decisions. Decision-making behaviors remained stable across projects even though they required different types of knowledge. We help fill the literature gap about which FLOSS decision mechanisms one can explain using classical decision-making theories. Practically, community and company leaders can use knowledge of these decision processes to develop infrastructure that fits FLOSS decision-making processes

    The Process of Introducing FLOSS in the Public Administration: The Case of Venezuela

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    This study analyzes the mandatory FLOSS policies of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the initiatives associated with the adoption process. An expanded version of Gallivan\u27s (2001) framework of contingent authority innovation describes the way new policies extended through the public structure of the country. Findings indicate that Venezuela’s FLOSS migration process fuses the agendas of social inclusion, sovereignty, and freedom that the government is pursuing with the availability of a “Free Libre” technology. The present project specifically contributes to the literature that examines information and communication technology policies and their impact on developing countries. In addition, the theoretical expansion of Gallivan\u27s framework can apply to other governmental technological adoptions where ideology and politics play critical roles

    Lessons Learned from Applying Social Network Analysis on an Industrial Free/Libre/Open Source Software Ecosystem

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    Many software projects are no longer done in-house by a single organization. Instead, we are in a new age where software is developed by a networked community of individuals and organizations, which base their relations to each other on mutual interest. Paradoxically, recent research suggests that software development can actually be jointly-developed by rival firms. For instance, it is known that the mobile-device makers Apple and Samsung kept collaborating in open source projects while running expensive patent wars in the court. Taking a case study approach, we explore how rival firms collaborate in the open source arena by employing a multi-method approach that combines qualitative analysis of archival data (QA) with mining software repositories (MSR) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). While exploring collaborative processes within the OpenStack ecosystem, our research contributes to Software Engineering research by exploring the role of groups, sub-communities and business models within a high-networked open source ecosystem. Surprising results point out that competition for the same revenue model (i.e., operating conflicting business models) does not necessary affect collaboration within the ecosystem. Moreover, while detecting the different sub-communities of the OpenStack community, we found out that the expected social tendency of developers to work with developers from same firm (i.e., homophily) did not hold within the OpenStack ecosystem. Furthermore, while addressing a novel, complex and unexplored open source case, this research also contributes to the management literature in coopetition strategy and high-tech entrepreneurship with a rich description on how heterogeneous actors within a high-networked ecosystem (involving individuals, startups, established firms and public organizations) joint-develop a complex infrastructure for big-data in the open source arena.Comment: As accepted by the Journal of Internet Services and Applications (JISA