4 research outputs found

    Invertible Program Restructurings for Continuing Modular Maintenance

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    When one chooses a main axis of structural decompostion for a software, such as function- or data-oriented decompositions, the other axes become secondary, which can be harmful when one of these secondary axes becomes of main importance. This is called the tyranny of the dominant decomposition. In the context of modular extension, this problem is known as the Expression Problem and has found many solutions, but few solutions have been proposed in a larger context of modular maintenance. We solve the tyranny of the dominant decomposition in maintenance with invertible program transformations. We illustrate this on the typical Expression Problem example. We also report our experiments with Java and Haskell programs and discuss the open problems with our approach.Comment: 6 pages, Early Research Achievements Track; 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2012), Szeged : Hungary (2012

    An Automatic Reversible Transformation from Composite to Visitor in Java

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    National audienceWe build reversible transformations between Composite and Visitor design patterns in Java programs. Such transformations represent an automatic reversible switching between different program architectures with a guarantee of semantic preservation. In this paper, we detail the algorithms of the transformations implemented by composing elementary refactoring operations. The transformations were automated with the refactoring tool of a popular IDE: Intellij Idea

    Refactoring Composite to Visitor and Inverse Transformation in Java

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    We describe how to use refactoring tools to transform a Java program conforming to the Composite design pattern into a program conforming to the Visitor design pattern with the same external behavior. We also describe the inverse transformation. We use the refactoring tool provided by IntelliJ IDEA

    Vues et transformations de programmes pour la modularité des évolutions

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    La maintenance consomme une grande partie du coût de développement des logiciels ce qui rend l optimisation de ce coût parmi les enjeux importants dans le monde du génie logiciel. Dans cette thèse nous visons à optimiser ce coût par rendre ces maintenances modulaires. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous définissons des transformations des architectures des programmes qui permettent de transformer le programme à maintenir vers une architecture qui facilite la tâche de maintenance voulue. Nous nous concentrons plus sur la transformation entre les architectures à propriétés de modularité duales tels que les patrons de conception Composite et Visiteur. Dans ce contexte, nous définissons une transformation automatique et réversible basée sur le refactoring entre un programme structuré selon le Composite et sa structureVisiteur correspondante. Cette transformation est validée par la génération d une précondition qui garantit statiquement sa réussite. Elle est aussi adaptée afin qu elle prenne en compte la transformation de quatre variations du patron Composite et est validée sur le programme JHotDraw qui comporte ces quatre variations. Nous définissons aussi une transformation réversible au sein du patron Singleton afin de pouvoir bénéficier de l optimisation par l introduction de ce patron et la souplesse par sa suppression selon les exigences de l utilisateur du logiciel.Maintenance consumes a large part of the cost of software development which makes the optimization of that cost among the important issues in the world of software engineering. In this thesis we aim to optimize this cost by making these maintenances modular. To achieve this goal, we define transformations of program architectures that allow to transform a program to maintain into an architecture that facilitates the maintenance tasks required. We focus on transformation between architectures having dual modularity properties such as Composite and Visitor designpatterns. In this context, we define an automatic and reversible transformation based on refactoring between a program structured according to the Composite structure and its corresponding Visitor structure. This transformation is validated by generating a precondition which guarantees statically its success. It is also adapted to take into account the transformation of four variations of Composite pattern and it is then applied to JHotDraw program in which these four variations occur. We define also a reversible transformation in the Singleton pattern to benefit from optimization by introducing this pattern and flexibility by its suppression according to the requirements of the software user.NANTES-ENS Mines (441092314) / SudocSudocFranceF