27 research outputs found

    Inverse Optimization: Closed-form Solutions, Geometry and Goodness of fit

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    In classical inverse linear optimization, one assumes a given solution is a candidate to be optimal. Real data is imperfect and noisy, so there is no guarantee this assumption is satisfied. Inspired by regression, this paper presents a unified framework for cost function estimation in linear optimization comprising a general inverse optimization model and a corresponding goodness-of-fit metric. Although our inverse optimization model is nonconvex, we derive a closed-form solution and present the geometric intuition. Our goodness-of-fit metric, ρ\rho, the coefficient of complementarity, has similar properties to R2R^2 from regression and is quasiconvex in the input data, leading to an intuitive geometric interpretation. While ρ\rho is computable in polynomial-time, we derive a lower bound that possesses the same properties, is tight for several important model variations, and is even easier to compute. We demonstrate the application of our framework for model estimation and evaluation in production planning and cancer therapy

    Algorithms for Inverse Optimization Problems

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    We study inverse optimization problems, wherein the goal is to map given solutions to an underlying optimization problem to a cost vector for which the given solutions are the (unique) optimal solutions. Inverse optimization problems find diverse applications and have been widely studied. A prominent problem in this field is the inverse shortest path (ISP) problem [D. Burton and Ph.L. Toint, 1992; W. Ben-Ameur and E. Gourdin, 2004; A. Bley, 2007], which finds applications in shortest-path routing protocols used in telecommunications. Here we seek a cost vector that is positive, integral, induces a set of given paths as the unique shortest paths, and has minimum l_infty norm. Despite being extensively studied, very few algorithmic results are known for inverse optimization problems involving integrality constraints on the desired cost vector whose norm has to be minimized. Motivated by ISP, we initiate a systematic study of such integral inverse optimization problems from the perspective of designing polynomial time approximation algorithms. For ISP, our main result is an additive 1-approximation algorithm for multicommodity ISP with node-disjoint commodities, which we show is tight assuming P!=NP. We then consider the integral-cost inverse versions of various other fundamental combinatorial optimization problems, including min-cost flow, max/min-cost bipartite matching, and max/min-cost basis in a matroid, and obtain tight or nearly-tight approximation guarantees for these. Our guarantees for the first two problems are based on results for a broad generalization, namely integral inverse polyhedral optimization, for which we also give approximation guarantees. Our techniques also give similar results for variants, including l_p-norm minimization of the integral cost vector, and distance-minimization from an initial cost vector

    Data-Driven Estimation in Equilibrium Using Inverse Optimization

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    Equilibrium modeling is common in a variety of fields such as game theory and transportation science. The inputs for these models, however, are often difficult to estimate, while their outputs, i.e., the equilibria they are meant to describe, are often directly observable. By combining ideas from inverse optimization with the theory of variational inequalities, we develop an efficient, data-driven technique for estimating the parameters of these models from observed equilibria. We use this technique to estimate the utility functions of players in a game from their observed actions and to estimate the congestion function on a road network from traffic count data. A distinguishing feature of our approach is that it supports both parametric and \emph{nonparametric} estimation by leveraging ideas from statistical learning (kernel methods and regularization operators). In computational experiments involving Nash and Wardrop equilibria in a nonparametric setting, we find that a) we effectively estimate the unknown demand or congestion function, respectively, and b) our proposed regularization technique substantially improves the out-of-sample performance of our estimators.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures Additional theorems for generalization guarantees and statistical analysis adde

    Inverse Optimization of Convex Risk Functions

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    The theory of convex risk functions has now been well established as the basis for identifying the families of risk functions that should be used in risk averse optimization problems. Despite its theoretical appeal, the implementation of a convex risk function remains difficult, as there is little guidance regarding how a convex risk function should be chosen so that it also well represents one's own risk preferences. In this paper, we address this issue through the lens of inverse optimization. Specifically, given solution data from some (forward) risk-averse optimization problems we develop an inverse optimization framework that generates a risk function that renders the solutions optimal for the forward problems. The framework incorporates the well-known properties of convex risk functions, namely, monotonicity, convexity, translation invariance, and law invariance, as the general information about candidate risk functions, and also the feedbacks from individuals, which include an initial estimate of the risk function and pairwise comparisons among random losses, as the more specific information. Our framework is particularly novel in that unlike classical inverse optimization, no parametric assumption is made about the risk function, i.e. it is non-parametric. We show how the resulting inverse optimization problems can be reformulated as convex programs and are polynomially solvable if the corresponding forward problems are polynomially solvable. We illustrate the imputed risk functions in a portfolio selection problem and demonstrate their practical value using real-life data

    Inverse Optimization with Noisy Data

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    Inverse optimization refers to the inference of unknown parameters of an optimization problem based on knowledge of its optimal solutions. This paper considers inverse optimization in the setting where measurements of the optimal solutions of a convex optimization problem are corrupted by noise. We first provide a formulation for inverse optimization and prove it to be NP-hard. In contrast to existing methods, we show that the parameter estimates produced by our formulation are statistically consistent. Our approach involves combining a new duality-based reformulation for bilevel programs with a regularization scheme that smooths discontinuities in the formulation. Using epi-convergence theory, we show the regularization parameter can be adjusted to approximate the original inverse optimization problem to arbitrary accuracy, which we use to prove our consistency results. Next, we propose two solution algorithms based on our duality-based formulation. The first is an enumeration algorithm that is applicable to settings where the dimensionality of the parameter space is modest, and the second is a semiparametric approach that combines nonparametric statistics with a modified version of our formulation. These numerical algorithms are shown to maintain the statistical consistency of the underlying formulation. Lastly, using both synthetic and real data, we demonstrate that our approach performs competitively when compared with existing heuristics

    Data-driven Inverse Optimization with Imperfect Information

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    In data-driven inverse optimization an observer aims to learn the preferences of an agent who solves a parametric optimization problem depending on an exogenous signal. Thus, the observer seeks the agent's objective function that best explains a historical sequence of signals and corresponding optimal actions. We focus here on situations where the observer has imperfect information, that is, where the agent's true objective function is not contained in the search space of candidate objectives, where the agent suffers from bounded rationality or implementation errors, or where the observed signal-response pairs are corrupted by measurement noise. We formalize this inverse optimization problem as a distributionally robust program minimizing the worst-case risk that the {\em predicted} decision ({\em i.e.}, the decision implied by a particular candidate objective) differs from the agent's {\em actual} response to a random signal. We show that our framework offers rigorous out-of-sample guarantees for different loss functions used to measure prediction errors and that the emerging inverse optimization problems can be exactly reformulated as (or safely approximated by) tractable convex programs when a new suboptimality loss function is used. We show through extensive numerical tests that the proposed distributionally robust approach to inverse optimization attains often better out-of-sample performance than the state-of-the-art approaches