4 research outputs found

    Inductive learning of answer set programs

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    The goal of Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) is to find a hypothesis that explains a set of examples in the context of some pre-existing background knowledge. Until recently, most research on ILP targeted learning definite logic programs. This thesis constitutes the first comprehensive work on learning answer set programs, introducing new learning frameworks, theoretical results on the complexity and generality of these frameworks, algorithms for learning ASP programs, and an extensive evaluation of these algorithms. Although there is previous work on learning ASP programs, existing learning frameworks are either brave -- where examples should be explained by at least one answer set -- or cautious where examples should be explained by all answer sets. There are cases where brave induction is too weak and cautious induction is too strong. Our proposed frameworks combine brave and cautious learning and can learn ASP programs containing choice rules and constraints. Many applications of ASP use weak constraints to express a preference ordering over the answer sets of a program. Learning weak constraints corresponds to preference learning, which we achieve by introducing ordering examples. We then explore the generality of our frameworks, investigating what it means for a framework to be general enough to distinguish one hypothesis from another. We show that our frameworks are more general than both brave and cautious induction. We also present a new family of algorithms, called ILASP (Inductive Learning of Answer Set Programs), which we prove to be sound and complete. This work concerns learning from both non-noisy and noisy examples. In the latter case, ILASP returns a hypothesis that maximises the coverage of examples while minimising the length of the hypothesis. In our evaluation, we show that ILASP scales to tasks with large numbers of examples finding accurate hypotheses even in the presence of high proportions of noisy examples.Open Acces

    Learning non-monotonic Logic Programs to Reason about Actions and Change

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    [Resumen] El objetivo de esta tesis es el dise帽o de m茅todos de aprendizaje autom谩tico capaces de encontrar un modelo de un sistema din谩mico que determina c贸mo las propiedades del sistema con afectadas por la ejecuci贸n de acciones, Esto permite obtener de manera autom谩tica el conocimiento espec铆fico del dominio necesario para las tareas de planficaci贸n o diagn贸stico as铆 como predecir el comportamiento futuro del sistema. La aproximaci贸n seguida difiere de las aproximaciones previas en dos aspectos. Primero, el uso de formalismos no mon贸tonos para el razonamiento sobre acciones y el cambio con respecto a los cl谩sicos operadores tipo STRIPS o aquellos basados en formalismos especializados en tareas muy concretas, y por otro lado el uso de m茅todos de aprendizaje de programas l贸gicos (Inductive Logic Programming). La combinaci贸n de estos dos campos permite obtener un marco declarativo para el aprendizaje, donde la especificaci贸n de las acciones y sus efectos es muy intuitiva y natural y que permite aprender teor铆as m谩s expresivas que en anteriores aproximaciones

    Inverse Entailment in Nonmonotonic Logic Programs

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