17 research outputs found

    Características de la interconexión entre ATM e IP utilizando IP clásico

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    Este artículo ilustra las principales características del modelo IP Clásico, diseñado por el IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) para realizar la interconexión entre ATM e IP. En general, se ilustran las diferencias entre ATM e IP y se muestra la forma como IP Clásico resuelve el problema de direccionamiento utilizando ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) y los mensajes de control ATM intercambiados para realizar la adaptación entre estos dos protocolos

    IP and ATM - a position paper

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    This paper gives a technical overview of different networking technologies, such as the Internet, ATM. It describes different approaches of how to run IP on top of an ATM network, and assesses their potential to be used as an integrated services network

    IP and ATM - current evolution for integrated services

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    Current and future applications make use of different technologies as voice, data, and video. Consequently network technologies need to support them. For many years, the ATM based Broadband-ISDN has generally been regarded as the ultimate networking technology, which can integrate voice, data, and video services. With the recent tremendous growth of the Internet and the reluctant deployment of public ATM networks, the future development of ATM seems to be less clear than it used to be. In the past IP provided (and was though to provide) only best effort services, thus, despite its world wide diffution, was not considered as a network solution for multimedia application. Currently many of the IETF working groups work on areas related to integrated services, and IP is also proposing itself as networking technology for supporting voice, data, and video services. This paper give a technical overview on the competing integrated services network solutions, such as IP, ATM and the different available and emerging technologies on how to run IP over ATM, and tries to identify their potential and shortcomings

    A Survey on Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4)

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    Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) is an internetwork protocol that is active at the internet layer according to the TCP/IP model, it was developed in 1981 within a project managed by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In the following years, the use of IPv4 grew to dominate data networks around the world, becoming the backbone of the modern Internet. In this survey, we highlight the operation of the protocol, explain its header structure, and show how it provides the following functions: Quality of service control, host addressing, data packet fragmentation and reassembly, connection multiplexing, and source routing. Furthermore, we handle both address-related and fragmentation-related implementation problems, focusing on the IPv4 address space exhaustion and explaining the short and long terms proposed solutions. Finally, this survey highlights several auxiliary protocols that provide solutions to IPV, namely address resolution, error reporting, multicast management, and security

    Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay

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    Providing quality of service to internet applications using multiprotocol label switching

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    The growth of the Internet and the range of applications it now supports has created a need for improved traffic engineering techniques. One protocol which shows promise in this regard is Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS). MPLS inherits a mix of attributes from earlier protocols such as IP and ATM, and potentially combines the simplicity of IP and the Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities of ATM. MPLS is now a mature standard widely deployed in the Internet. This thesis concerns the development of new mechanisms that can further extend the MPLS capabilities for traffic engineering. Web service remains a key application in today's Internet. The traffic demands at popular Web-sites and the requirements of redundancy and reliability can only be met by using multiple Web servers. A new solution to Web server load balancing based on MPLS is presented in this thesis. This solution features a novel Web switching architecture featuring switching at layer two. An extended solution for providing differentiated Web services is also proposed . It has been implemented in a soft MPLS router using the Linux operating system. The performance of soft routers is significantly affected by the packet processing time. An MPLS-based framework to increase the average packet size and consequently reduce the traffic frame-rate is described in the thesis. This has been implemented in a Linux-based soft router and its performance evaluated experimentally. As transmission rates continue to rise, such aggregation techniques will be needed if packet processing time is not to become a bottleneck. The switching technology at the core of tomorrow's Internet, featuring GMPLS and optical switching using , perhaps, optical burst switching technology, will not work efficiently with short packets. A new class of scheduling algorithms is also described, intended for deployment in MPLS networks. Their operation is based on an analogy with the workings of the human heart. This class of algorithms achieves the optimal fairness for packet based schedulers and has low hardware complexity. It can be combined with the packet aggregation mechanism above to provide an effective interface between the edges of tomorrow's Internet and its high-speed core

    Avaliação das propostas de integração IP sobre ATM

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) é uma das tecnologias de rede de alta velocidade mais adotada nos dias atuais, sendo que um dos principais diferenciais desta tecnologia é o provimento de Qualidade de Serviço. Atualmente, a tecnologia ATM deve conviver com o protocolo IP, devido principalmente ao grande volume de aplicações. Existem algumas alternativas em termos de integração do IP com ATM, por exemplo IPOA (Internet Protocol Over ATM), LANE (Lan Emulation), MPOA (MultProtocol Over ATM) e MPLS (MultProtocol Label Switch). Este trabalho apresenta estas propostas de integração IP sobre ATM, fazendo também uma análise comparativa. Outra contribuição deste trabalho é a definição de linhas guias para a seleção de uma destas opções de integração de IP sobre ATM durante o projeto de uma rede

    A high speed fault-tolerant multimedia network and connectionless gateway for ATM networks.

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    by Patrick Lam Sze Fan.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 163-[170]).Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 2 --- Fault-tolerant CUM LAUDE NET --- p.7Chapter 2.1 --- Overview of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.7Chapter 2.2 --- Network architecture of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.8Chapter 2.3 --- Design of Router-node --- p.10Chapter 2.3.1 --- Architecture of the Router-node --- p.10Chapter 2.3.2 --- Buffers Arrangement of the Router-node --- p.12Chapter 2.3.3 --- Buffer transmission policies --- p.13Chapter 2.4 --- Protocols of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.14Chapter 2.5 --- Frame Format of CUM LAUDE NET --- p.15Chapter 2.6 --- Fault-tolerant (FT) and Auto-healing (AH) algorithms --- p.16Chapter 2.6.1 --- Overview of the algorithms --- p.16Chapter 2.6.2 --- Network Failure Scenarios --- p.18Chapter 2.6.3 --- Design and Implementation of the Fault Tolerant Algorithm --- p.19Chapter 2.6.4 --- Design and Implementation of the Auto Healing Algorithm --- p.26Chapter 2.6.5 --- Network Management Signals and Restoration Times --- p.27Chapter 2.6.6 --- Comparison of fault-tolerance features of other networks with the CUM LAUDE NET --- p.31Chapter 2.7 --- Chapter Summary --- p.31Chapter 3 --- Overview of the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) --- p.33Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.33Chapter 3.2 --- ATM Network Interfaces --- p.34Chapter 3.3 --- ATM Virtual Connections --- p.35Chapter 3.4 --- ATM Cell Format --- p.36Chapter 3.5 --- ATM Address Formats --- p.36Chapter 3.6 --- ATM Protocol Reference Model --- p.38Chapter 3.6.1 --- The ATM Layer --- p.39Chapter 3.6.2 --- The ATM Adaptation Layer --- p.39Chapter 3.7 --- ATM Signalling --- p.44Chapter 3.7.1 --- ATM Signalling Messages and Call Setup Procedures --- p.45Chapter 3.8 --- Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) --- p.47Chapter 4 --- Issues of Connectionless Gateway --- p.49Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.49Chapter 4.2 --- The Issues --- p.50Chapter 4.3 --- ATM Internetworking --- p.51Chapter 4.3.1 --- LAN Emulation --- p.52Chapter 4.3.2 --- IP over ATM --- p.53Chapter 4.3.3 --- Comparing IP over ATM and LAN Emulation --- p.59Chapter 4.4 --- Connection Management --- p.61Chapter 4.4.1 --- The Indirect Approach --- p.62Chapter 4.4.2 --- The Direct Approach --- p.63Chapter 4.4.3 --- Comparing the two approaches --- p.64Chapter 4.5 --- Protocol Conversion --- p.65Chapter 4.5.1 --- Selection of Protocol Converter --- p.68Chapter 4.6 --- Packet Forwarding Modes --- p.68Chapter 4.7 --- Bandwidth Assignment --- p.70Chapter 4.7.1 --- Bandwidth Reservation --- p.71Chapter 4.7.2 --- Fast Bandwidth Reservation --- p.72Chapter 4.7.3 --- Bandwidth Advertising --- p.72Chapter 4.7.4 --- Bandwidth Advertising with Cell Drop Detection --- p.73Chapter 4.7.5 --- Bandwidth Allocation on Source Demand --- p.73Chapter 4.7.6 --- The Common Problems --- p.74Chapter 5 --- Design and Implementation of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.77Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.77Chapter 5.1.1 --- Functions Definition of Connectionless Gateway --- p.79Chapter 5.2 --- Hardware Architecture of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.79Chapter 5.2.1 --- Imposed Limitations --- p.82Chapter 5.3 --- Software Architecture of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.83Chapter 5.3.1 --- TCP/IP Internals --- p.84Chapter 5.3.2 --- ATM on Linux --- p.85Chapter 5.4 --- Network Architecture --- p.88Chapter 5.4.1 --- IP Addresses Assignment --- p.90Chapter 5.5 --- Internal Structure of Connectionless Gateway --- p.90Chapter 5.5.1 --- Protocol Stacks of the Gateway --- p.90Chapter 5.5.2 --- Gateway Operation by Example --- p.93Chapter 5.5.3 --- Routing Table Maintenance --- p.97Chapter 5.6 --- Additional Features --- p.105Chapter 5.6.1 --- Priority Output Queues System --- p.105Chapter 5.6.2 --- Gateway Performance Monitor --- p.112Chapter 5.7 --- Setup an Operational ATM LAN --- p.117Chapter 5.7.1 --- SVC Connections --- p.117Chapter 5.7.2 --- PVC Connections --- p.119Chapter 5.8 --- Application of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.120Chapter 6 --- Performance Measurement of the Connectionless Gateway --- p.121Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.121Chapter 6.2 --- Experimental Setup --- p.121Chapter 6.3 --- Measurement Tools of the Experiments --- p.123Chapter 6.4 --- Descriptions of the Experiments --- p.124Chapter 6.4.1 --- Log Files --- p.125Chapter 6.5 --- UDP Control Rate Test --- p.126Chapter 6.5.1 --- Results and analysis of the UDP Control Rate Test --- p.127Chapter 6.6 --- UDP Maximum Rate Test --- p.138Chapter 6.6.1 --- Results and analysis of the UDP Maximum Rate Test --- p.138Chapter 6.7 --- TCP Maximum Rate Test --- p.140Chapter 6.7.1 --- Results and analysis of the TCP Maximum Rate Test --- p.140Chapter 6.8 --- Request/Response Test --- p.144Chapter 6.8.1 --- Results and analysis of the Request/Response Test --- p.144Chapter 6.9 --- Priority Queue System Verification Test --- p.149Chapter 6.9.1 --- Results and analysis of the Priority Queue System Verifi- cation Test --- p.150Chapter 6.10 --- Other Observations --- p.153Chapter 6.11 --- Solutions to Improve the Performance --- p.154Chapter 6.12 --- Future Development --- p.157Chapter 7 --- Conclusion --- p.158Bibliography --- p.163A List of Publications --- p.17