12 research outputs found

    Feature Selection Methods for Writer Identification: A Comparative Study

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    Feature selection is an important area in the machine learning, specifically in pattern recognition. However, it has not received so many focuses in Writer Identification domain. Therefore, this paper is meant for exploring the usage of feature selection in this domain. Various filter and wrapper feature selection methods are selected and their performances are analyzed using image dataset from IAM Handwriting Database. It is also analyzed the number of features selected and the accuracy of these methods, and then evaluated and compared each method on the basis of these measurements. The evaluation identifies the most interesting method to be further explored and adapted in the future works to fully compatible with Writer Identification domain

    Invariant behavioural based discrimination for individual representation

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    Writer identification based on cursive words is one of the extensive behavioural biometric that has involved many researchers to work in. Recently, its main idea is in forensic investigation and biometric analysis as such the handwriting style can be used as individual behavioural adaptation for authenticating an author. In this study, a novel approach of presenting cursive features of authors is presented. The invariants-based discriminability of the features is proposed by discretizing the moment features of each writer using biometric invariant discretization cutting point (BIDCP). BIDCP is introduced for features perseverance to obtain better individual representations and discriminations. Our experiments have revealed that by using the proposed method, the authorship identification based on cursive words is significantly increased with an average identification rate of 99.80%

    Comparison of global and local features for author's identification by using geometrical and zoning methods

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    Identification analysis for author's handwriting image in forensic investigation is still an important research area in this current big data era. Images feature extraction can lead to an issue of high dimensionality of data. The process of feature extraction is the most crucial process in author's identification. It is important to choose the best method to represent the image. This study compared two feature extraction methods, namely Higher-Order United Moment Invariant (HUMI) and the Edge-based Directional (ED) method that construct the Global and Local Features respectively. The additional process of discretization was implemented before the training and testing phase to represent the generalized features for the classifier models. This process induced a better performance accuracy for both methods where the discretized Local Features achieved 99.95% accuracy rate that slightly outperforms the discretized Global Features with only 99.91%

    Novel geometric features for off-line writer identification

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    Writer identification is an important field in forensic document examination. Typically, a writer identification system consists of two main steps: feature extraction and matching and the performance depends significantly on the feature extraction step. In this paper, we propose a set of novel geometrical features that are able to characterize different writers. These features include direction, curvature, and tortuosity. We also propose an improvement of the edge-based directional and chain code-based features. The proposed methods are applicable to Arabic and English handwriting. We have also studied several methods for computing the distance between feature vectors when comparing two writers. Evaluation of the methods is performed using both the IAM handwriting database and the QUWI database for each individual feature reaching Top1 identification rates of 82 and 87 % in those two datasets, respectively. The accuracies achieved by Kernel Discriminant Analysis (KDA) are significantly higher than those observed before feature-level writer identification was implemented. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved versions of both chain-code features and edge-based directional features.Qatar National Research Fund through the National Priority Research Program (NPRP) No. 09-864-1-128Scopu

    Predictive based hybrid ranker to yield significant features in writer identification

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    The contribution of writer identification (WI) towards personal identification in biometrics traits is known because it is easily accessible, cheaper, more reliable and acceptable as compared to other methods such as personal identification based DNA, iris and fingerprint. However, the production of high dimensional datasets has resulted into too many irrelevant or redundant features. These unnecessary features increase the size of the search space and decrease the identification performance. The main problem is to identify the most significant features and select the best subset of features that can precisely predict the authors. Therefore, this study proposed the hybridization of GRA Features Ranking and Feature Subset Selection (GRAFeSS) to develop the best subsets of highest ranking features and developed discretization model with the hybrid method (Dis-GRAFeSS) to improve classification accuracy. Experimental results showed that the methods improved the performance accuracy in identifying the authorship of features based ranking invariant discretization by substantially reducing redundant features

    Predictive Based Hybrid Ranker To Yield Significant Features In Writer Identification

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    The contribution of writer identification (WI) towards personal identification in biometrics traits is known because it is easily accessible, cheaper, more reliable and acceptable as compared to other methods such as personal identification based DNA, iris and fingerprint. However, the production of high dimensional datasets has resulted into too many irrelevant or redundant features. These unnecessary features increase the size of the search space and decrease the identification performance. The main problem is to identify the most significant features and select the best subset of features that can precisely predict the authors. Therefore, this study proposed the hybridization of GRA Features Ranking and Feature Subset Selection (GRAFeSS) to develop the best subsets of highest ranking features and developed discretization model with the hybrid method (Dis-GRAFeSS) to improve classification accuracy. Experimental results showed that the methods improved the performance accuracy in identifying the authorship of features based ranking invariant discretization by substantially reducing redundant features

    Writer Identification for chinese handwriting

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    Abstract Chinese handwriting identification has become a hot research in pattern recognition and image processing. In this paper, we present overview of relevant papers from the previous related studies until to the recent publications regarding to the Chinese Handwriting Identification. The strength, weaknesses, accurateness and comparison of well known approaches are reviewed, summarized and documented. This paper provides broad spectrum of pattern recognition technology in assisting writer identification tasks, which are at the forefront of forensic and biometrics based on identification application

    New human action recognition scheme with geometrical feature representation and invariant discretization for video surveillance

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    Human action recognition is an active research area in computer vision because of its immense application in the field of video surveillance, video retrieval, security systems, video indexing and human computer interaction. Action recognition is classified as the time varying feature data generated by human under different viewpoint that aims to build mapping between dynamic image information and semantic understanding. Although a great deal of progress has been made in recognition of human actions during last two decades, few proposed approaches in literature are reported. This leads to a need for much research works to be conducted in addressing on going challenges leading to developing more efficient approaches to solve human action recognition. Feature extraction is the main tasks in action recognition that represents the core of any action recognition procedure. The process of feature extraction involves transforming the input data that describe the shape of a segmented silhouette of a moving person into the set of represented features of action poses. In video surveillance, global moment invariant based on Geometrical Moment Invariant (GMI) is widely used in human action recognition. However, there are many drawbacks of GMI such that it lack of granular interpretation of the invariants relative to the shape. Consequently, the representation of features has not been standardized. Hence, this study proposes a new scheme of human action recognition (HAR) with geometrical moment invariants for feature extraction and supervised invariant discretization in identifying actions uniqueness in video sequencing. The proposed scheme is tested using IXMAS dataset in video sequence that has non rigid nature of human poses that resulting from drastic illumination changes, changing in pose and erratic motion patterns. The invarianceness of the proposed scheme is validated based on the intra-class and inter-class analysis. The result of the proposed scheme yields better performance in action recognition compared to the conventional scheme with an average of more than 99% accuracy while preserving the shape of the human actions in video images