5 research outputs found

    Invariant boundary distributions for finite graphs

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    Let Γ\Gamma be the fundamental group of a finite connected graph G\mathcal G. Let M\mathfrak M be an abelian group. A {\it distribution} on the boundary ∂Δ\partial\Delta of the universal covering tree Δ\Delta is an M\mathfrak M-valued measure defined on clopen sets. If M\mathfrak M has no χ(G)\chi(\mathcal G)-torsion then the group of Γ\Gamma-invariant distributions on ∂Δ\partial\Delta is isomorphic to H1(G,M)H_1(\mathcal G,\mathfrak M)

    K-theory of locally finite graph C∗C^*-algebras

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    We calculate the K-theory of the Cuntz-Krieger algebra OE{\cal O}_E associated with an infinite, locally finite graph, via the Bass-Hashimoto operator. The formulae we get express the Grothendieck group and the Whitehead group in purely graph theoretic terms. We consider the category of finite (black-and-white, bi-directed) subgraphs with certain graph homomorphisms and construct a continuous functor to abelian groups. In this category K0K_0 is an inductive limit of KK-groups of finite graphs, which were calculated in \cite{MM}. In the case of an infinite graph with the finite Betti number we obtain the formula for the Grothendieck group K0(OE)=Zβ(E)+γ(E), K_0({\cal O}_E)= {\mathbb Z}^{\beta(E)+\gamma(E)},\, where β(E)\beta(E) is the first Betti number and γ(E)\gamma(E) is the valency number of the graph EE. We note, that in the infinite case the torsion part of K0K_0, which is present in the case of a finite graph, vanishes. The Whitehead group depends only on the first Betti number: K1(OE)=Zβ(E)K_1({\cal O}_E)= {\mathbb Z}^{\beta(E)}. These allow us to provide a counterexample to the fact, which holds for finite graphs, that K1(OE)K_1({\cal O}_E) is the torsion free part of K0(OE)K_0({\cal O}_E).Comment: Final version, in press at the Journal of Geometry and Physics (2013

    Invariant boundary distributions for finite graphs

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