155 research outputs found

    Težavnost prehoda v prvo karierno obdobje

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    Common values and educational actions of teachers in the public elementary schools

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    V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo problematiko udejanjanja vrednot in norm v javni osnovni šoli. Učitelji in učiteljice so pri načrtovanju in izvajanju pouka formalno zavezani in zavezane ravnanjem, ki se opirajo na vzgojno vodilo skupnih vrednot, ki so vpisane v načela in norme človekovih pravic. K temu učiteljice in učitelje zavezujejo Ustava Republike Slovenije (1991) in šolska zakonodaja. V empiričnem delu naloge smo opravili raziskavo in s polstrukturiranim intervjujem ugotavljali, ali v raziskavo vključene učiteljice poznajo in pri pouku udejanjajo vrednote, ki so vpisane v vzgojni načrt šole in jim morajo skladno z zakonom v določenem obdobju posvečati posebno pozornost. Ugotovili smo, da večina intervjuvanih učiteljic ne pozna oz. slabo pozna vrednote, ki so vpisane v vzgojni načrt šole, ob tem pa menijo, da vrednote iz vzgojnega načrta udejanjajo pri pouku. Ugotavljali smo tudi, če in kako bi učiteljice pri svojem delu ravnale v situacijah, v katerih so učenci in učenke diskriminirani in diskriminirane glede na njihove osebne okoliščine ali osebne okoliščine njihovih staršev oz. skrbnikov (glede na versko prepričanje, etnično poreklo, zdravstveno stanje oz. govorno motnjo, spolno usmerjenost in socialno-ekonomski status). V raziskavo vključenim učiteljicam smo predstavili hipotetične situacije, ki zadevajo diskriminatorna ravnanja, in jih vprašali, kako bi v opisani situaciji strokovno vzgojno ravnale. Učiteljice so večinoma odgovarjale na vprašanja strokovno ustrezno, četudi občasno pomanjkljivo, iz nekaterih odgovorov pa je razvidno, da bi v določenih situacijah ravnale strokovno neustrezno in v nasprotju s formalnim okvirom oz. zakonskimi zahtevami, ki nalagajo pedagoškim delavkam in delavcem nediskiminatorna ravnanja in odsotnost indoktrinacije pri pouku.In this Master’s thesis we discuss the problem of value realization and norms in the public elementary school system. When planning and executing lessons, teachers should always respect the basic human rights and norms. Teachers are bound to respecting these rights by the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia (1991) and the educational legislation. In the empirical part of the thesis we carried out a research with a half-structured interview and found out whether the teachers who were included in the research know the values that are written in the educational school plan and to which they need to pay special attention to – in accordance with the law– in certain periods and realize them in class. We found out that the majority of the interviewed teachers do not know or lack the knowledge of values that are written in the educational school planhowever they do believe that they carry them out in class. We also researched if and how the teachers would react in situations if a student would be discriminated on hand of their personal circumstances or the personal circumstances of their parents or caretakers (religion, ethnicity, medical condition or speech impediment, sexual orientation and social-economical status). We set the interviewed teachers to hypothetical situations which include discriminatory actions and asked them which professional educational actions they would take. The teachers answered the questions mostly professionally accuratehowever, at times insufficiently. The answers have also shown that in some cases the teachers would act unsuitable to their professional status and in violation of the formal frame or legislation, which binds educational workers to non-discriminatory treatment and absence of indoctrination in class

    Otrok s cerebralno paralizo

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    Analysis of housing policy in the Republic of Croatia before and after 1991

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    The thesis deals with the analysis of housing policy in the Republic of Croatia before and after 1991. The thesis defines the fundamental concepts, objectives and direction of housing policy. It describes the development of housing policy before the Homeland War in Croatia. In the period after the war sales processes of social housings, rent subsidies and cost of living, stimulation of building social dwellings, socially supported government housing construction programme, tax policy of housing supply are analysed. The statistic data is used to describe the households status, standard of living and characteristics of the household size. The thesis also describes the potential changes that will be brought in the field of the housing policy in the future, when Croatia joining to the European Union. Special emphasis in this thesis is on analysis of potential solutions about the housing problems of young people. It shows what options young people have when serching an apartment for themselves in the area of Zagreb; how they can apply for social dwellings, what are the legal and financial terms when renting or buying an apartment. This analysis includes data on the rent levels and the apartment prices in the area of Zagreb, information on individual and residential mortgage loans and their comparison, as well as the informations of conditions in the leasing rental of Croatian banks. The thesis is based on the analysis which found out that the housing market in Croatia is weak, partially as a result of the war. Young people are especially vulnerable group of the population and to enter in the\ud housing market is for them almost impossible act.\ud \u

    Art for all

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    Cilj urejanja okolja po načelih oblikovanja za vse je zagotoviti, da lahko vsak posameznik ne glede na oviro sodeluje v informacijski družbi. Združuje načela, kako naj bi izdelke, storitve in sisteme uporabljalo čim več ljudi, ne da bi jih bilo treba posebej prilagajati. Zakaj ne bi pojma oblikovanje za vse prenesli na prav vsa področja, recimo tudi na področje umetnosti? V pričujočem članku razmišljamo, kako bi lahko prilagodili likovno umetnino, predvsem dvodimenzionalno, slepemu ali slabovidnemu obiskovalcu galerije ali muzeja, in navajamo, kaj je že narejenega na tem področju. Opisujemo tudi učbenik za pouk likovne umetnosti, prilagojen slepim in slabovidnim učencem.The aim of spatial planning on the principles of "design for all" is to ensure that every individual, regardless of obstacle, can participate in the information society. It combines the principles of how as many people as possible could use products, services and systems without adjusting them. Why should we not transfer the concept of "design for all" also to other areas, such as the field of art? In this article we consider how a work of art, especially a two-dimensional one, could be adapted for blind or visually impaired visitors of a gallery or to a museum, and list what has already been done in this area. We also describe a textbook for teaching fine arts, adapted for blind and partially sighted students

    Analiza zaposlovanja v javnem sektorju

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    Dejavniki in poti upokojevanja v Sloveniji

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