15 research outputs found

    Media Naturalness and the Ability to Predict Generosity in a Give-Some – Get-Some Interaction

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    Evolutionary psychologists believe the human mind evolved to solve adaptive problems present in our ancestral environment. Our hominid ancestors survived in face-to-face groups by assessing the cooperative intentions of other group members. Media naturalness theory postulates face-to-face is the most ‘natural’ communication medium. This paper reports results from a laboratory experiment examining the ability of student subjects to predict the generosity of a counter-party under two media conditions: Face-to-Face (FtF), the more natural condition; and Video-to-Video (VtV), the less natural, technology-mediated condition. After a five-minute interaction, subjects took part in a give-some – get-some exchange and then predicted the generosity of their counterparty. Consistent with media naturalness theory, FtF subjects predicted generosity at a frequency greater than chance. Surprisingly, generosity predictions for the VtV condition were not significantly different from chance. Generosity prediction relates to important organizational behaviors such as cooperativeness, trust, and teamwork. Implications and future research opportunities are discussed.

    Нейробиология и интернет-магазины

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    Воздействие на скрытые чувства и эмоции покупателей позволяет представителям интернет-торговли продавать больше. Данные об эмоциях, переживаниях и непроизвольных реакциях потенциальных покупателей можно собрать и внедрить в работу, применяя инструменты нейромаркетинга. В статье приведены основные концепции нейромаркетинга, позволяющие увеличить продажи через веб-ресурсы

    Brand promotion tools for a book publisher

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    Книжные издательства являются важным звеном в культурной жизни общества. Они не просто печатают книги, они формируют интересы и познания общества. В этой статье рассматриваются основные инструменты продвижения бренда книжных издательств, преимущественно на электронных площадках и в социальных сетях. Выделяются факторы, влияющие на эффективность продвижения бренда. Представлены рекомендации, с помощью которых можно повысить лояльность потребителей, запомниться читателям и укрепить позиции бренда книжного издательства


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    The purpose of this research in progress is to investigate the potential impact of Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) scores, temporal discounting, and risk preferences on crypto-assets adoption and non-adoption. This article, therefore, proposes a novel theoretical framework and hypotheses which can potentially improve the understanding of the financial behavior of crypto-assets adopters and non-adopters. Integrating the existing body of knowledge from Dual Process Theory, Theory of Discounted Utility and Prospect Theory enables us to use cognitive reflection scores, discount rates, and risk preferences as constituents of crypto-assets adopters and non-adopters. The intention of this research proposal is to test the soundness of our theoretical framework and hypothesеs and to enhance our theoretical framework and hypotheses, as well as overall paper, based on the conference feedback and our initial findings in the near future


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    This literature review systematically analyses recent studies on the effective design of e-commerce presences in order to provide a state-of-the-art overview on this important topic. To do so, our review focuses on the level of webshop elements (i.e., the building blocks to design webshops), which we cluster in eight categories (e.g., color usage, music usage, rich media usage), derived from previous website quality frameworks (e.g., SITEQUAL, WebQual) and prior reviews. The basis of our comprehensive literature review are 91 articles grouped into the webshop element categories and additionally analyzed along three key study criteria, namely the applied research methods, theories, and key dependent variables. Based on the findings from this bibliographic analysis, we formulate an agenda for future research avenues to guide researchers in further exploring the field of e-commerce presences and to support practitioners in their decision-making on the implementation of webshop elements

    Kommunikációs csatornák és az innovációs magatartás hatása a bizalomra, valamint a vevőkapcsolati teljesítményre a személyes értékesítésben

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    A cikk azt vizsgálja, hogy az értékesítők által használt offline és online kommunikációs csatornák, valamint az innovációs magatartása milyen hatással van a bizalomra, valamint a vevőmegtartásra. Az elemzéshez PLS-SEM modellt használtak a szerzők, amely megfelelő feltáró modellalkotásnál, valamint robusztus kisebb elemszámnál is. Eredményeik rámutatnak arra, hogy az offline és az online kommunikáció egyaránt pozitív hatással van a bizalomra, vagyis a minőségi kapcsolattartás – függetlenül annak módjától – a bizalomépítés alapját jelenti. Emellett az innovációs magatartás is pozitív hatást gyakorol a bizalomra, valamint a vevőmegtartásra, ami kiemeli az értékesítő innovációs magatartásának jelentőségét

    Kommunikációs csatornák és az innovációs magatartás hatása a bizalomra, valamint a vevőkapcsolati teljesítményre a személyes értékesítésben / The effect of communication channels and innovation behaviour on trust and customer retention in personal selling

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    A cikk azt vizsgálja, hogy az értékesítők által használt offline és online kommunikációs csatornák, valamint az innovációs magatartása milyen hatással van a bizalomra, valamint a vevőmegtartásra. Az elemzéshez PLS-SEM modellt használtak a szerzők, amely megfelelő feltáró modellalkotásnál, valamint robusztus kisebb elemszámnál is. Eredményeik rámutatnak arra, hogy az offline és az online kommunikáció egyaránt pozitív hatással van a bizalomra, vagyis a minőségi kapcsolattartás – függetlenül annak módjától – a bizalomépítés alapját jelenti. Emellett az innovációs magatartás is pozitív hatást gyakorol a bizalomra, valamint a vevőmegtartásra, ami kiemeli az értékesítő innovációs magatartásának jelentőségét. -------- The paper analyses how offline and online communication channels used by salespeople and innovation behaviour affects trust and customer retention. For the analysis PLS-SEM model was applied, which is appropriate for exploratory model construction, and robust even if the sample size is not so high. Results highlight that both offline and online communication affect trust positively, so quality relationship-building – regardless the type of relationship-building – can form the basis of trust. Besides, innovation behaviour affects trust and customer retention positively, which highlights the importance of innovation behaviour

    Antecedents of online purchase intention and behaviour: uncovering unobserved heterogeneity

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    The paper aims at exploring the antecedents of customers’ online purchase intention and behaviour, and at uncovering sources of heterogeneity. A sample of customers was surveyed to measure perceived risk and benefits, trust, online purchase intention and behaviour. The study confirmed the causal chain of perceived risks-trust-perceived benefits-online purchase intention-actual purchase. A Finite Mixture Partial Least Squares (FIMIX-PLS) was performed to uncover sources of heterogeneity. It found that the level of security of the payment methods is relevant to understand the relationship between purchase intention and behaviour, while the level of previous experience with the online medium clarifies the relationship between perceived risk and trust. The study contributes to understanding the antecedents of online purchase intention and their relationship with actual purchase behaviour. Additionally, it offers evidence of heterogeneity in the proposed causal relations, particularly, concerning the level of trust in the payment methods and the level of Internet experience

    A case of conceptualisation: using a grounded theory approach to further explore how professionals define engineering judgement for use in engineering education

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    Students are expected to have developed their engineering judgement throughout the course of their studies as part of their accreditation requirements (as stipulated by the Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology for example), and yet conceptually it is often ill-defined and therefore difficult to teach. This work was carried out in an attempt to better conceptualise engineering judgement for use in higher education. As such, semi-structured interviews were conducted with established members of academic staff who additionally had extensive industrial experience – who were asked to define engineering judgement and which aspects students ought to develop in their studies. A pragmatic grounded theory approach was used, based on the assumption that a theoretical idea/framework could be developed, enabling us to refer to previous literature and the emerging categories from our data set to help clarify engineering judgement. Several terms help define engineering judgement, including accumulated experience, fundamental theoretical knowledge, and imagination/intuition. Essential criteria for developing judgement includes students’ ability to identify and reduce complex problems, and embrace failure. A theoretical framework has been proposed accommodating a more enhanced definition and conceptualisation of engineering judgement which can be applied and adapted for use within engineering education for students’ ultimate benefit