5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Car Rental Reservation/Management System with Tracking Capability Performance

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    This research presents a framework for development of new car reservation/management with GPS tracking capability for car rental businesses. The research will look into different aspects; such as to provide directly to the administrators when they request their motor vehicles’ locations. In order to come out with the intended system, this research suggests integration of GPS technology and mobile device into the overall proposed system architecture. This research also points out that the proposed system is not intended to replace, but rather to compliment the current car management and the GPS technologies available in the market. When they all work together, they will offer a more comprehensive and rigorous car web-based reservation/management system with GPS tracking capability to car rental businesses

    Introduction to Informology

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    The phenomenon of information plays an ever-more pivotal role in the 21st century information age. This editorial note defines informology as a field of science that deals with the phenomenon of information. The information as an important matter should be studied to identify its characteristics and values in the digital millennium. Informology, like other fields of science, needs to be studied and matured over the time. The Informology journal particularly attracts innovative research articles on information-related phenomena from emerging domain experts and early career researchers but also seeks to publish scholarly work by authors who combine research with academic teaching or other professional employment

    Repositori Institusi Universitas Diponegoro: Sebuah Analisis Webometrics

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    Pemeringkatan Webometrik di Indonesia menjadi salah satu indikator pupolaritas repositori institusi perguruan tinggi. Universitas Diponegoro melalui repositori institusinya yang dapat diakses pada tautan http://eprints.undip.ac.id/ berupaya mengejar ranking terbaik dari ratusan bahkan ribuan repositori yang ada di dunia. Penelitian menyajikan data kuantitatif hasil perhitungan Webometrik Repositori Institusi Universitas Diponegoro pada tahun 2016. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui 4 kriteria perhitungan yaitu size, filerich, visibility, dan scholar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  bahwasanya pada kriteria size halaman Repositori Universitas Diponegoro adalah 291.000 recall (temuan),  kemudian untuk kriteria filerich terdapat 16.500 recall (temuan), lalu untuk kriteria scholar 907 recall (temuan), sedangkan untuk kriteria visibility berdasarkan grafik yang dimunculkan oleh halaman Magestic SEO nampak belum cukup banyak backlink yang muncul pada tiap harinya

    Attentes versus réalité

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    Les chercheurs qui analysent le Web s’appuient sur des données qui sont souvent collectées à l’aide des moteurs de recherche. Dans une précédente contribution (Bar-Ilan, 2005), l’auteur a proposé une liste d’objectifs pour le moteur de recherche idéal en expliquant le besoin de fonctionnalités spécifiques pour ce type d’activité. Ici, il revisite cette liste et examine si les principaux moteurs de recherche actuels peuvent répondre, au moins partiellement, aux exigences de l’outil de recherche idéal. Les principaux outils de recherche sont commerciaux et destinés à l’utilisateur « moyen » et non au chercheur scientifique qui analyse le Web, ils ne peuvent donc pas satisfaire toutes les demandes.Web research is based on data from the Web. Often data is collected using search engines. In a previous paper (Bar-Ilan, 2005) we proposed a “wish list” for the ideal search engine and explained the need for specific features. In this paper we revisit this list and examine whether the currently existing major search engines can at least partially fulfil the requirements of the ultimate search tool. The major search tools are commercial and are oriented towards the “average” user and not towards the Web researcher, and therefore are unable to meet all the requests

    The legal status of the Sulha in the criminal law of the State of Israel.

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    The research investigated the legal status of the Sulha in the criminal law of the State of Israel. This research is a qualitative-interpretative-exploratory single case study. Its main goal was to create scientific and professional knowledge with practical ramifications for the judicial world, as well as to develop a new theory and model of the Israeli criminal process that would allow for the incorporation of Sulha within the Israeli criminal process. The qualitative data collection methods and sources used were structured interviews, a Delphi survey, documents, the researcher's professional experience and a personal diary. The 16 interviewees were professional, credible, trustworthy and expert people in their field. Seven (7) experts in the field made up the Delphi panel. The research met all of its goals and objectives of the study questions: What is the legal status of Sulha in Israeli criminal law? How can the Sulha be incorporated in Israeli criminal law, and what contribution would Sulha make in this respect? What action is required for Sulha to be incorporated in Israeli criminal law? The findings showed that criminal statutory laws, Israeli courts, and parole committees do not recognize the Sulha as an alternative conflict settlement venue in criminal cases. The findings showed that Israeli courts and parole committees have two principal approaches to the question of the legal status of the institution of Sulha in Israeli criminal law. One approach refuses to grant the institution of Sulha any binding legal status in Israeli criminal law, while according to the other approach Sulha can serve as a consideration in a person’s favor, but not as a decisive consideration, and certainly not one that binds the courts or parole committees. The findings showed that it would be possible to enhance the Israeli criminal law by incorporating the Sulha within the criminal law. Incorporation of the Sulha in the Israeli criminal law would enhance and improve the Israeli criminal law by achieving speedy justice, by reducing the caseload of the courts, by increasing public confidence in the criminal process and the judicial activity, by reducing the frequency of erroneous judgments, by achieving restorative justice, by promoting reconciliation and by facilitating the achievement of peace between the parties affected by the criminal act. Further, the Sulha could contribute greatly to reconciliation and to the installment of peace in Israeli society and achieves restorative justice. A bill (law draft) has been prepared for the incorporation of the Sulha in the criminal law in Israel. The researcher is convinced that the Knesset (lsraeli Parlament) will approve it as soon as possible.N/