4 research outputs found

    Intrinsically Motivated Learning of Visual Motion Perception and Smooth Pursuit

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    We extend the framework of efficient coding, which has been used to model the development of sensory processing in isolation, to model the development of the perception/action cycle. Our extension combines sparse coding and reinforcement learning so that sensory processing and behavior co-develop to optimize a shared intrinsic motivational signal: the fidelity of the neural encoding of the sensory input under resource constraints. Applying this framework to a model system consisting of an active eye behaving in a time varying environment, we find that this generic principle leads to the simultaneous development of both smooth pursuit behavior and model neurons whose properties are similar to those of primary visual cortical neurons selective for different directions of visual motion. We suggest that this general principle may form the basis for a unified and integrated explanation of many perception/action loops.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Robot End Effector Tracking Using Predictive Multisensory Integration

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    We propose a biologically inspired model that enables a humanoid robot to learn how to track its end effector by integrating visual and proprioceptive cues as it interacts with the environment. A key novel feature of this model is the incorporation of sensorimotor prediction, where the robot predicts the sensory consequences of its current body motion as measured by proprioceptive feedback. The robot develops the ability to perform smooth pursuit-like eye movements to track its hand, both in the presence and absence of visual input, and to track exteroceptive visual motions. Our framework makes a number of advances over past work. First, our model does not require a fiducial marker to indicate the robot hand explicitly. Second, it does not require the forward kinematics of the robot arm to be known. Third, it does not depend upon pre-defined visual feature descriptors. These are learned during interaction with the environment. We demonstrate that the use of prediction in multisensory integration enables the agent to incorporate the information from proprioceptive and visual cues better. The proposed model has properties that are qualitatively similar to the characteristics of human eye-hand coordination