1,883 research outputs found

    On-barn pig weight estimation based on body measurements by structure-from-motion (SfM)

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    Information on the body shape of pigs is a key indicator to monitor their performance and health and to control or predict their market weight. Manual measurements are among the most common ways to obtain an indication of animal growth. However, this approach is laborious and difficult, and it may be stressful for both the pigs and the stockman. The present paper proposes the implementation of a Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry approach as a new tool for on-barn animal reconstruction applications. This is possible also to new software tools allowing automatic estimation of camera parameters during the reconstruction process even without a preliminary calibration phase. An analysis on pig body 3D SfM characterization is here proposed, carried out under different conditions in terms of number of camera poses and animal movements. The work takes advantage of the total reconstructed surface as reference index to quantify the quality of the achieved 3D reconstruction, showing how as much as 80% of the total animal area can be characterized

    Concise and Effective Network for 3D Human Modeling from Orthogonal Silhouettes

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    In this paper, we revisit the problem of 3D human modeling from two orthogonal silhouettes of individuals (i.e., front and side views). Different from our prior work {\cite{wang2003virtual}}, a supervised learning approach based on \textit{convolutional neural network} (CNN) is investigated to solve the problem by establishing a mapping function that can effectively extract features from two silhouettes and fuse them into coefficients in the shape space of human bodies. A new CNN structure is proposed in our work to exact not only the discriminative features of front and side views and also their mixed features for the mapping function. 3D human models with high accuracy are synthesized from coefficients generated by the mapping function. Existing CNN approaches for 3D human modeling usually learn a large number of parameters (from {8.5M} to {355.4M}) from two binary images. Differently, we investigate a new network architecture and conduct the samples on silhouettes as input. As a consequence, more accurate models can be generated by our network with only {2.4M} coefficients. The training of our network is conducted on samples obtained by augmenting a publicly accessible dataset. Learning transfer by using datasets with a smaller number of scanned models is applied to our network to enable the function of generating results with gender-oriented (or geographical) patterns

    EMAT/Synthetic Aperture Approach to Thick-Weld Inspection

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    Rapid advances in automated welding and increased demands for reliable weld-quality inspection tools have created a need for new ultrasonic inspection systems. In particular, new systems capable of operation at elevated temperatures and rapid scan rates are in demand in fully and semi-automated welding applications to complement radiographic and conventional ultrasonic inspection techniques. In such applications, radiography is fundamentally limited because of its inability to detect and dimension most sharp flaws, and possible health hazards. On the other hand, conventional ultrasonic techniques are limited because they tend to be difficult to automate, require fluid couplants, and are often operator-dependent

    Design For Movement: Block Pattern Design For Stretch Performancewear

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    This thesis is in 2 volumesPattern drafting techniques for woven block patterns have been well established. Applying existing techniques with modifications to generate patterns for modern stretch fabrics can be successful but it is often at a cost. In the development of a stretch pattern, an acceptable fit cannot be guaranteed merely by using a rationalised simple pattern profile shape. Producing a pattern, without darts, to closely adhere to the contours of the body without restricting movement, is a contradiction in design terms. In woven fabric, darts and ease are used to manipulate the fabric around the form and allow movement. However, in stretch knit fabric the development of a block pattern involves the synthesis of information from a variety of disciplines and requires a more specialist approach. This study has endeavoured to show that a new interpretation of pattern design principles is needed to create an improved stretch block pattern for stretch knit performancewear. This work has been refined based on a new method of classifying stretch fabric parameters and personal observation of the effect of stretch distortion characteristics and the changes that occur in the twodimensional pattern profile, when stretched to conform to the threedimensional body. The results of this study will provide a more SCientific and practical approach to assessing stretch fabric parameters as an integral part of block pattern design for stretch performancewear. The fabric stretch potential has been maximised to contour the body for optimum fit, providing comfort and mobility without the need for redistribution of the fabric when activity ceases. A method of creating a stretch block pattern from direct measurements to replicate the body shape and proportions was devised which can be reduplicated. This study addresses primarily the designer/pattern cutter who has a passion for good fit, which enhances comfort and mobility, who does not necessarily have a scientific background. However this study is relevant to the textile technologist concerned with proposing a standard to compare stretch fabrics for garment production. It should also appeal to the computer programmer concerned with the link between 3D body scanning and interpreting the body profile accurately in the 2D pattern draft

    Penile Girth Enhancement using Amniotic Membrane in a Rabbit Model: A stereological study

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    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Penile Girth Enhancement (PGE) using Amniotic Membrane (AM) as a graft in a rabbit model. Additionally, stereological studies were used to obtain quantitative histological data regarding the structure of the penis. Methods: In this study, 20 adult male rabbits of similar age and weight were allocated to two sham and surgery+AM groups. Both groups underwent surgery by longitudinal Ishape midline incision of the tunica albuginea on the dorsal surface of the penis. The surgery +AM group underwent PGE by AM graft. The penile length and mid circumference were measured using a Vernier caliper before and two months after the surgery. Stereological studies were used to obtain quantitative histological data regarding the structure of the penis. Results: The mean total volume and diameter of the penis increased in the surgery +AM group (p<0.03 and p<0.04, respectively). The stereological evaluation showed a significant increase in the mean volumes of the tunica albuginea and corpora cavernosa in the surgery +AM group compared to the sham group (p<0.01, p< 0.03). Additionally, the mean volume density of the collagen bundles, muscle fibers, and cavernous sinuses and the total number of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells increased in the surgery +AM group compared to the sham group (p<0.01, p<0.01, p<0.03, p<0.01, and p<0.05, respectively). No infections, bleedings, or other complications were seen. Conclusions: AM is a method that has appeared promising for material use in penile enhancement. Thus, it may be used for PGE in the future. Keywords: Amniotic Membrane; Histopathology; Animal; Penile Girth Enhancement

    Особливості фізичного стану жінок першого періоду зрілого віку

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    The aim: to establish the features of the physical condition of women of the first period of adulthood.Material and methods. Participants. This study involved 60 women of the first period of adulthood. The women were divided into 2 groups. The average age of women in the control group was 29.87 years (n = 30), experimental - 30.57 years (n = 30). All of them were engaged in aqua fitness in Dnipro on the basis of the fitness center Sport life. All study participants gave written consent to participate in the study. Organization of the study. The research was conducted on the basis of the Sport life fitness center. Medical and biological testing was performed under the supervision of a fitness center doctor.Results. In each group, 56.67% of women with normal body weight and an average risk of comorbidities were identified. The number of women with grade I-II obesity was 26.7-33.3%. The number of women with normosthenic body type 66.68-83.33%. with asthenic - 10-20% and 6.67-13.32% - with hypertensive. 83.33-90% of women in terms of proportional breast size correspond to the level of participants in beauty contests; 40-43.33% require an individual increase in the total volume of the girth of the shoulder; 49.6-53.33% of women need a comprehensive  increase in muscle tissue with a decrease in adipose tissue. The percentage of excess fat in women ranges from 2.06 ± 0.69% to 1.87 ± 0.64%. Correspondence of indicators of vital capacity of lungs to proper was found in 3,33% of women of experimental group and in 13,33% of control.Conclusions. The use of a differentiated approach to aqua fitness with women of the first period of adulthood will not only improve the above indicators, but also the level of somatic (physical) health of women, indicators of the functionality of the cardio-respiratory system and resistance to hypoxia.Цель:  установить особенности физического состояния женщин первого периода зрелого возраста.Материал и методы. Участники. В данном исследовании принимали участие 60 женщин первого периода зрелого возраста. Женщин было розподиллено на 2 группы. Средний возраст женщин контрольной группы составил 29,87 лет (n = 30), экспериментальной - 30,57 лет (n = 30). Все они занимались аквафитнесом в г.. Днепр на базе фитнес центра Sport life. Все участники исследования дали письменное согласие на участие в исследованиях. Организация исследования. Исследования проводились на базе фитнес центра Sport life. Медико-биологическое тестирование проводилось под наблюдением врача фитнес центра.Результаты. В каждой группе выявлено по 56,67% женщин с нормальной массой тела и средним риском сопутствующих заболеваний. Количество женщин с ожирением I-II степени составила 26.7-33,3%. Количество женщин с нормостеническим типом телосложения 66,68-83,33%. с астеническим - 10-20% и 6,67-13,32% - с гиперстенический. 83,33-90% женщин по показателям пропорциональности обхватних размеров груди соответствуют уровню участников конкурсов красоты; 40-43,33% нуждаются в индивидуальном увеличение общего объема обхватних размеров плеча 49,6-53,33% женщин требуется комплексное наращивание мышечной ткани с уменьшением количества жировой ткани. Процент избыточного жира у женщин колеблется в пределах 2,06 ± 0,69% - 1,87 ± 0,64%. Соответствие показателей жизненной емкости легких надлежащей обнаруженов 3,33% женщин экспериментальной группы и в 13,33% контрольной.Выводы. Использование дифференцированного подхода к занятиям аквафитнесом с женщинами первого периода зрелого возраста будет способствовать не только улучшению приведенных выше показателей, но и уровня соматического (физического) здоровья женщин, показателейфункциональных возможностей кардио-респираторной системы и устойчивости организма к гипоксии.Мета дослідження – встановити особливості фізичного стану жінок першого періоду зрілого віку.Матеріал і методи.  Учасники. У даному дослідженні брали участь 60 жінок першого періоду зрілого віку. Жінок було розподіллено на 2 групи. Середній вік жінок контрольної групи склав 29,87 років (n=30), експериментальної – 30,57 років (n=30). Всі вони займалися аквафітнесом у м. Дніпро на базі фітнес центру Sport life. Всі учасники дослідження дали письмову згоду на участь в дослідженнях. Організація дослідження. Дослідження проводились на базі фітнес центру Sport life. Медико-біологічне тестування проводилось під наглядом лікаря фітнес центру.Результати. В кожній групі виявлено по 56,67% жінок з нормальною масою тіла та середнім ризиком супутніх захворювань. Кількість жінок з ожирінням І-ІІ ступеня склала 26.7-33,3%.  Кількість жінок з нормостенічним типом статури 66,68-83,33%. з астенічним – 10-20% та  6,67-13,32% – з гіперстенічним.  83,33-90% жінок за показниками пропорційності обхватних розмірів грудей відповідають рівню учасниць конкурсів краси; 40-43,33% потребують індивідуального збільшення загального об’єму обхватних розмірів плеча; 49,6-53,33% жінок потрібне комплексне нарощування м’язової тканини зі зменшенням кількості жирової тканини. Відсоток надлишкового жиру у жінок коливається в межах 2,06±0,69% – 1,87±0,64%. Відповідність показників життєвої ємності легень належній виявлено у 3,33% жінок експериментальної групи та у 13,33% контрольної.Висновки. Використання диференційованого підходу до занять аквафітнесом з жінками першого періоду зрілого віку сприятиме не тільки покращенню наведених вище показників, а й рівня соматичного (фізичного) здоровв’я жінок, показників функціональних можливостей кардіо-респіраторної системи та стійкості організму до гіпоксії