8,326 research outputs found

    Ein Pakt mit dem Teufel : Leni Riefenstahl, Triumph of the Will, and the Nature of Guilt

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    Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will is rightly considered a massive technical achievement in the world of cinema and propaganda. However, this achievement was undertaken at the behest of the immoral, murderous regime of Nazi Germany, a regime that Riefenstahl was more than willing to work with and glorify in order to further her career. This thesis will argue that Riefenstahl’s onscreen deification of Hitler, visual representation of völkisch ideology, and use of the music of Richard Wagner make her later claims of ignorance as to the film’s ultimate meaning impossible to correlate with established facts

    Psychoanalysis, Nazism and "Jewish science"

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    In this paper the author offers a partial examination of the troubled history of psychoanalysis in Germany during the Nazi period. Of particular interest is the impact on psychoanalysis of its 'Jewish origins'--something denigrated by the Nazis but reclaimed by more recent Jewish and other scholars. The author traces the rapid decline of the pre-Nazi psychoanalytic institutions under the sway of a policy of appeasement and collaboration, paying particular attention to the continuation of some forms of psychoanalytic practice within the 'Göring Institute'. He suggests that a feature of this history was the anti-Semitism evidenced by some non-Jewish psychoanalysts, which revealed an antagonism towards their own positioning as followers of the 'Jewish science'

    An Intimate Revolution: Fascism, Sexuality and Kommune I in 1960s West Germany

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    Subversive voices within the German New Left developed a discourse which linked the rise of fascism in Germany with repressed sexuality. In response, a group of Berlin students founded a commune in 1967, attempting to liberate sexuality and revolutionise relationships. Kommune I’s provocative antiauthoritarianism led to infamy and derision from mainstream Germany, and the commune ended in political failure. While the historiography has refused to see the commune as a serious political project, this thesis argues that Kommune I warrants a more considered examination as a moral and political response to the Nazi past. Drawing on intellectual, social, and cultural history, it explores the power and limitations of this discourse in post-war Germany society

    An Intimate Revolution: Fascism, Sexuality and Kommune I in 1960s West Germany

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    Subversive voices within the German New Left developed a discourse which linked the rise of fascism in Germany with repressed sexuality. In response, a group of Berlin students founded a commune in 1967, attempting to liberate sexuality and revolutionise relationships. Kommune I’s provocative antiauthoritarianism led to infamy and derision from mainstream Germany, and the commune ended in political failure. While the historiography has refused to see the commune as a serious political project, this thesis argues that Kommune I warrants a more considered examination as a moral and political response to the Nazi past. Drawing on intellectual, social, and cultural history, it explores the power and limitations of this discourse in post-war Germany society

    Winifred Wagner: Breaking Tradition at Bayreuth

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    Winifred (nĂ©e Williams) Wagner (1897-1980) is notorious in history for her relationship with Adolf Hitler. Winifred married Siegfried, Richard Wagner\u27s son, in 1915 and took over the Bayreuth Festival after his death in 1930. In 1923, Winifred met Adolf Hitler and formed a quick friendship with the charismatic man. This personal relationship drives much of Winifred’s story and when it has been told, her contributions as the head of the Bayreuth Festival are rarely discussed. Often musical historians give credit for the artistic changes she made at Bayreuth to Heinz Tietjen and Emil Preetorius, ignoring Winifred’s contributions. This thesis examines the reforms that were made at the Bayreuth Festival during Winifred’s directorship and how her friendship with Hitler allowed her to modernize, by examining how tradition was formed at Bayreuth through the previous directorships of Cosima and Siegfried Wagner

    Weltmusik and the globalization of new music

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    The chapter investigates the impact of globalisation on new music on the basis of the concept of _Weltmusik_, introduced in Germany in the 1970s. Particular attention is paid to the nfluence of Marshall McLuhan on Karlheinz Stockhausen. The essay is framed by a discussion of some of Deleuze and Guattari’s ideas, such as ‘rhizome’ and 'territorialization’, which might help to conceptualize the globalized nature of new music and bridge the gap between historical and geographical approaches in musicological and ethnomusicological

    Bruno Bobak War Artist (1923-2012)

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    The structural developments of regional television in Britain and Germany

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    This paper compares the structural developments of regional television in Britain and Germany from the early days of broadcasting to the present from an institutional and organisational perspective. Drawing on a series of interviews with policy-makers and other key personalities, it is argued that the combination of political administrative borders and regional television boundaries, as exists in the German LĂ€nder, provides a fruitful basis for a strong regional television service. During the post-war period divergences between LĂ€nder borders and Consortium of Public-Law Broadcasting Institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany (ARD) broadcasting boundaries, palpably manifest in south-west Germany, have been harmonised, leading to thorough conformity. However, in centralised England questions of regionalism have strangely played such an important role in the evolution of television, and there are evident disjunctures between regional boundaries and television regions. This applies to the regional structure of Independent Television (ITV) as well as to the regional initiatives of the BBC, which, since the mid-1980s, increasingly takes over ITV's regional duties, fulfilling primarily political demands

    'The' Market for Higher Education: Does It Really Exist?

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    Higher education, like any other commodity or service, has been viewed in a variety of economic frameworks. Little of this work, however, appears to have made any effort to define carefully the boundaries of the relevant market for higher education, which is the subject of this particular inquiry. Market definition is an essential preliminary step before any academic or policy investigation can properly be made into the forces that determine the behavior of the buyers and sellers of higher education, those who provide inputs into the education process, or those who fund or otherwise subsidize it. The authors spell out the key economic dimensions of a market, and illustrate their relevance for research that seeks to analyze the players and policies in the many distinct domestic and international markets that exist for the inputs and outputs of the higher education sector.competition, efficiencies, market boundaries, markets, higher education, public policy
